

Submitted by. BoneK

Rabbot ears:
Go to the processing room. Get stuck in the trap door at the far right of the
room (do this by clicking enter on the door)You will be in the metal room. Go
down the conveyor belt and jump on the pipes you see there then jump up on the
platform and get the ears.

Catch Crusher:
Crusher should be standing on a car and beside the car is a crane climb up the
yellow thingy and there's the crane. Click the levers and turn the magnet off.
Than come down and climb up to the crane again and turn the magnet on. Then click
on Crusher to handcuff him (go to the scientist to get hand cuffs).

Speeding Spike:
Lead him to the wet spot. Where to find Ratman: Go to the park and go inside the
bathroom and go inside the sewer and use the circle thingys to drain the water and
undrain them with the circle thingys and stay on the left of the sewer and enter
the door. 

Time tangled Island:
1.da vinci's notebook is at the time where statue of liberty is built.
2.the small model of the statue is on the top of mount everest.
3.Edmund's goggle are in the aztec time.
4.the phonograph is on the top of the treasury in the acient greece or delphi.
5.ther is two people u hav to talk to. beacuz u hav to talk to a chinese to hav
  the amulet and u hav to talk to a person who live in the Mali empire to get
  the decleration.
6.on the chimney of a house, the sun stone piece is on top.
7.on lewis and clark's time, u will c a tree ther without leaves climb on it to
  the very top even if u will not c a thing ther, that it looks like a choped
  down tree on top, stand on top of it and u will hav the stone bowl.
8.the peace medal is in leonardo da vinci's time.
9.in every place or time, ther is some thing lost and u will find a thing ther.

Bettey Jettey:
When ur flying around above the skyscraper she will shoot green orb type things
at you avoid them because you can only take 5 hits and when you get hit you fall
back some you get closer by avoiding the orbs she'll slow down when she shoot a
you remeber only 5 hits.

Catch Betty Jetty on poptropica:
First you've got to defeat all the other villains then answer the payphone and
the retired superhero will make you fly then go to the top of the skyscraper and
you will see betty jetty she will fly up fly after her and chase her watch out for
those things she throws down you should soon catch up with her and she will fall
then ned will come and knock her out asnd hey presto you've caught betty jetty.
Also try and meet me i am called nice bubbles and have brown hair with a pink
flower in it i am wearing a blue and orange superhero costume i am nearly always
on poptropica so you don't need to worry about what time to see me thanks for

Copy Cat:
You need to move fast. to get all of her! this is where all the copy cats are one
is in top of the lamp in the upper left and then there one down, and then keep
going right find the two copy cats then go and click the up arrow then go to
elevator then catch all the other copy cats in the top floor.

Submitted by: Evan

To turn of the flying rabbot ears, go to the freezer and cut the wires with the
wire cutter in the security system.

Submitted by: abbey

The pig is in the under groundplace where there are spiders .take them to the robot

Neat sunglasess:
In time twisted island go to the top of the pendulum lab geat the glasess near
the arrow done.

Hints for Shark Tooth Island:
Submitted by: Emily

On shark tooth you need coconut milk to get it go to the man near the coconut shop,
the old bone is inside the temple to unlock the code go up the coconut tree and jump
you will see a paper pick it up then go inside then get to secert door and click on
the letters o p e n then go inside and just wonder around there is also the key
ingeteint then get out then get the grass shirt then go to the medicine man on top
of the coconut tree to get push the block up to the vine then go up and talk to him
but u have to wear the grass shirt then go to the bay and swim to the fishing man
and u see a cannon click on it then shoot anywhere then swim across then go the man
and talk to him then lead him and the boy back then u r done!

Submitted by: reece

sharktooth island to beat shark tooth cheat if you have created more than 1 charictar,
and with 1 you have beaten shark tooth with 1, and you forget how to beat it with your
other charictar, go to your other charictar and look at the password to open the then
quit, and thengo to the one you did not finish and type the password.

Submitted by: Tapeonator

This is a taco cheat to beat every island. First you have to make over 1,000 people.
Second they all have to have jet packs. Once you get it you beat every island and
have full battle stars.

How to catch the cat:
First go to the old house and you will find an empty bowl inside. take it too the
waitress at the carrot king caffe and she will fill it up with milk and take it to the
house and set it down. come back later and the cat is in the tub upstairs(you wont see
it). Turn on the water and green goop will start coming out, click the cat and run out
of the house. Take it too the woman who lost it.

Time twisted Island:
Phonograph: The phonograph is on top of the treasure building in the first age.

Peace Medal: it is on the bottom of Lenardo ( hint try visiting every age until
you get to lenardo workshop this way sign) place. i cant really discribe it.
After you get to the top platform, jump to the right platfor and it will be

Gold Vase: Get explosive's barrel under Great wall of china under guy who plays
memory. then go to vikings and go to the cave. blow the rocks up. Then get inside
and go right as fast and doge water. your torch will go down.
Hint: dont go down once you get in. get right and then jump to above rock platform.

Notebook: go to statue of liberty and get on top of the statue. then jump as high
as you can heading left and if you get to the highest platform then you have to
go down. a notepbook will be there.

Piece of sun: its on the top of Edison's workshop.

Amulet: talk to the man on the platform in china and he'll let you play a game.
If you win he'll give you the amulet.

Climbing goggles: find the old man warrior at the Aztec empire and he'll give a
mask to you. put it on, then go to the Aztec wearing the goggles.
He'll give them to you.

Beat Director:
So after you get through the teleporter and defeat the Hair-Bots, Director D will
move around in his big thing over the teleporter. When he just barely starts moving,
check your inventory, then click on a different page. When you close your inventory,
the page giving you a medal will be up.

Super power island:
-Go to the subway and speeding spike will be on the train.
-Make him keep on running after you until he slips on the puddle then you can get him.
-At city park there will be a villain.
-When he sends rocks at you jump on the head of the statue and jump overhim.
-The rocks will hit him.
-Next the ground will fly up, move the rock by the bathrooms to the statueand the ground.
 will throw it up and hit him.
-Then get him.
-Next go into the bathroom and go into the sewer.
-When your in the sewer there will be a handle.
-Click it. The water will go down.
-Go to the right and click the handle there.
-The water will go up.
-Then when it goes upchuck the handle in the middle and i will go up again and if you go
 to the left there will be a door and a handle. Go into the door. Another villain will be
 there. Watch out for the ratsjump on the first pipe.
-Then jump on the building. Jump on the pipe thats like on the building,and jump on the
 one at your top left,then the one on you right. You should see a handle, click it then
 bees will come after you so hurry and get the guy.
-Next go to the telephone booth and click the phone. You will get the fly ability.
-Go to the condemned building down town and fly up it. The last villain will be there.
-Fly after her.
-Dodge her attacks and hit her when you can.
-She will fall and you can get her (after the totally unexpected cut seen).
-Get a hot dog from city park.
-Give it to noodle ned and you get the medal.

Beat crusher go to the junkyard:
Submitted by: cheatsbook
-jump on the tires then oil cans to get to him.
-next jump on the yellow tower which is a magnet crane.
-then drag the green/red switch to the red side.
-it will drop a refrigerator but he doesnt die.
-watch out for oil cans cause hes throwing them at you but its easy.
-go to the magnet tower again and drag the switch to green.
-it will lift the hood of the car he is standing on and he gets hurt.
-hurry and run to him and click on him and you will cuff him up.
-to get the cuffs go to the island at the left and talk to the lady scientist.

24 Carrot Island:
go to the farm go on the roof and click go down and find the bowl get out of the farm and
go to the diner ask the woman to fill the bowl with milk then go back to the farm and set
the bowl down then go upstairs and turn any knob and the cat will hop out then chase the
cat down stairs and let it lap of the milk then it will follow you go to the surplus then
give the woman her cat back then go to the factory and go in the toxic water and you will
use the crowbar the woman gave you to and you will go into a tunnel you will see a gigantic
rat up on the ceiling there will be a crawl space for you to wait as the rat crawls past.

How to find the missing spys:
Submitted by: jesse

When you go to the spy glass shop ask the owner for an eye exsam. When he points at it
do it opisate then he will give you an invisable suit so in the docks you can get past
the bad ninjas!

Turn invisible:
Submitted by: mollie

Go to the eye shop and ask the person for a eye test when your having one do the oposit
then go up stairs talk to her again and hey presto you have one.

Sstep on the bin outside the then go up the stair thinggys to the door click on the door
and go in. Then clik on the guy after he's given you the camoflarge suit go out towards
the docks. Stop at the guy in the bin and click on him then ask do you have anyhting for
listen to what he says then put on the camo suit and make it up to the doo r go up to the
door gto iin and get passed all the dogs rescue the guy and go signed super agent sophie.

Submitted by: little raptor

Change skin color:go 2 early poptropica then go 2 poptropica towers talk 2 the balloon
person then click on a balloon (your choice).

Submitted by: kyle 56

When u r at the main menu you go to return player. For the user type "poppertop" and
for the password type "jokernut" when u enter the game u will finish every thing have
every thing and be able to do every thing.

spy island:
Submitted by: colleena

you go to the spy glass shop and you ask for a eye exam then when he points to e you
click the other e than dr.spy glass will say you want to go up stairs then you go out
side and you go to the door and you talk to him and he will give you a suite.

B.A.D.'s bosses fingerprint:
Submitted by: Alex C

Pass the test for the chef, then talk to the boss then go up the vent in the
kitchen, and jump on the lights to get past the boss.

Poptropica, spy island, dr.spyglass:
Submitted by: Annie-Marie

Talk to dr.spyglass and get an eye exam. when the chart comes up and he asks you to
identify the different letter "e"'s, choose the one that is facing the oppisite direction
to the one he asked you to identify. if this doesn't make any sense now, it will when
you play :)

Submitted by: : kirsten100

When you want to do 1 specific thing by clicking and clicking over and over you do
that thing and while your pressing the left mouse key you also at the same time press
the right mouse key.

Submitted by: HG113

how to beat director D. all u have to do is after u beat the robots you get on top
of his space ship thing and he will ram his space ship thing on top of the ceiling.
Do this 3 or 4 times and he will blow up. then u get the medal for spy island.

Submitted by: Middy_Lives

2 catch Copy Cat on superpower island, u need to get the ones one the bottom, then get
the ones on the top floor.

Submitted by: vita

When you get on the rooftops use youre bowtie and grapple on to a platform on the
top right.

24 carrot:
Submitted by: Ella

1:go to the farm house and grab the empty Bowl.
2:then take it to the dinner and get it filled up.
3:take it bake to the farm huse and then turn on the bath make the cat go down stairs.
4:After its drunk it take it to the lady in the repare shop she will give you something.
5:go to the factory and click on the door you will open it.
6:at the first part turn everything on grap on to the hook and swing this way > and go
  throw the hatch.
7:then go to each room and trick the people in to looking the other way.
8:if you get capchured cut the wires in the ice room then go to the printer room and
  fall throw the hatch youll find the bunny ears in there.
9:Then come out and go in the worker only zone Then dr.Bunny will tell you to put the
  password in (fuzzybunny)and then use the conrols to make him crash into rocks. Then
  follow the other guy back and go to the mair.

How to find the missing spys:
Submitted by: Nervous bug

first go to spyglass eyewear and click the e that points in the opposite direction. once
you get the suit upstairs go to the docks and keep jumping on ledges until you get to the
roof with the ninjas. get past them, then dodge the dogs inside along with the door guard
then go to the big safe and jump on it then go inside and untie the spy. then go to balding
ave., then toupee terrance and jump on the house that electricutes you. it's easy once u get
the hang of it. thenonce ur on the roof use ur laser pen to burn through the bars and untie
the spy. then go to the bad bistro and pass the test for a chef then talk to the big b.a.d.
boss and get his cup then go into the kitchen and up the vent on the roof then jump on the
lamps then get outside. go over to the building where the spy says u need more then srong
legs to make the jump use ur bowtie and go to the rooftop. dodge the guard and make it to
the antennae and use ur bowtie to get to the other antennae and enter. go to the cherry bomb
tree activate it push it to the pansies ans it will rise up to the next platform. keep doing
this until you get it to the spys cage put the bomb uder the lock and let it explode. After
you get the spy put on the vision goggles then to the bad control center in toupee terrace
and get past the lasers until you get to the door then scan the fingerprint and enter and
dodge the lasers again. once u get 2 the system type in "laser" press enter "hair" press
enter "removal" press enter. you will teleport with director D then when those mini bots
come out to attack you go to those platforms with the ball then let it electricute u. there
are 2 platforms at bottom and 2 at the top. once you defeat the minibots D will attack u
when he comes down get under the vehicle then jump on his roof and dont move until it
crashes. Repeat this process until it breaks and then you beat the game of spy island.

Funny glasses:
In the bathroom of poptropica go down the sewer and drain the water down and look
around at the bottom and you shoud find the glasses.

if you go to early poptropica and go down the well. you will meet a guy. find the
glowstick and go to the pit. go to the bottom and go left. you'll end up in a dark
room. explore the place and yo'll find a golden egg. find the giant in the sky and
give it to him.

Submitted by: JAIBY2000

The cheat i"m going to show you now is how to find the carrots in 24 carrot. first
you go to get the drone ears then you release everybody and one gives you the
password which is fuzzy bunny and just go and put the password in. then fly the ship
and blow it up.then the carrots are back growing in the guys house.

Shark tooth island:
First you have to get the paper thingy and it will tranlate the symbols on the door
in side the temple. The password is nope and after you press it you have to press
the nose thing.

How to catch the cat & get a crowbar:
Submitted by: sleepy-fish

On 24 carrot go to the cruddy house and go in by using the chimney get the bowl on
the floor go to the diner anback and ask for some milk and then you will get some.
Then go to the house go up to the top room and put the bowl on the floor by clicking
it then turn on the bath/shower case the cat to the bowl and then it will run down
to it and you follow it down and then it will follow you then go into the tool shop
and give the cat back and then the lady with rewared you with a crowbar...

-Piece of sun: its on the top of Edison's workshop.
-amulet: talk to the man on the platform in china and he'll let you play a game.
 if you win he'll give you the amulet.
-Climbing goggles: find the old man warrior at the Aztec empire and he'll give a
 mask to you. put it on, then go to the Aztec wearing the goggles.
 he'll give them to you.

24 carrot island:
First go to the house where the farm is then go in the chimney and when ur inside
take the bowl on the floor and go back to the diner ask the waitress to fill up the
bowl with milk and then go back to the house and then go upstairs in the bathroom
and turn any knob in the shower then go and chase the cat downstairs it will drink
the milk then go back to Charlie supplies co. then give the cat to charlie then she
will give you a crowbar and go back to the factory then go by the water and u will
see a big green pipe open it with the crowbar and that's how u get inside the

Super Power island Walk
-Go to the Comic Shop and ask Ned Noodlehead is he sells anything besides comics
-He'll give you a somewhat helpful book
-Go to the costume shop and get yourself a costume (if you want)
-Then ask the guy on the left for an ID card
-Go over the police red tape (swim) and get stuff you need from the scientist
 and the policeman
-To defeat Copy Cat, just destroy all her clones AND her my jumping on them all
 before the smoke bomb makes you start to cough.
-Then click on her
-To defeat the guy on the train, just make sure he doesn't make contact with you
 buy jumping up every time he tries to crash into you.
-Then click on him
-To defeat the guy in the Junkyard, just climb up onto the crane thing and click
 on the switch. Then pull the lever down. He'll get squished for a few seconds,
 then he'll start throwing stuff at you and knock you off the crane. Get back on the
 crane, then pull the lever in the other direction, and he'll get crushed
-Then click on him
-To defeat the guy in the park with mind powers, jump up and click him so he gets
 annoyed, then push a rock close by him and stand next to it. If you place it right,
 he'll try to lift the ground underneath you up, including the rock, which should
 then hit him and knock him over
-Then click on him
-To defeat the Rat guy (in the toilets, men's for male players and lady's for female
 players), go down the sewer and play with the water controls until you can get up
 to the exit. Exit, then get to another control thing by avoiding evil rats.
 (They'll knock you over if you touch them). Once you've clicked on the control wheel,
 a swarm of bees will chase you so jump up onto the pipes quickly and click on the
 guy before the bees knock you over
-Now you've defeated 5 villains. Go to the telephone: it's ringing. Click on it, and
 you'll be able to fly. Now you can defeat Betty Jetty. Just follow her in the sky
 and avoid ALL the green things she flings at you until she falls down. Then Ned
 Noodlehead will step in and accidently save the day by bumping into her
-Click on her
-Ned is now the town hero. If you want the medal that is rightfully yours, just get
 a hotdog from the stand and go to the Comic Shop. Trade it with "Hot Dog Boy" (Ned)
 to get your medal.

Submitted by: miles

To get the fingerprint pass the chef test to get the hat then click on the guy in
the t-shirt that says B.A.D.

How do you beat Spy Island:
First you go to the spy wear shop and ask to take the eye exam. Click on the letter
OPPOSITE DIRECTION of the one he points to. Then he will tell to to go upstairs and
tell you about his latest invention the camouflage suit that makes you camouflaged
when you are not moving. The go to the door on the roof at the docks. At the bottom
the spy will be trapped. Climb up and fall into the room he is trapped in. He will
give you some information and a laser pen. Now go to the top of the building at the
area before the lasers. Watch out for the shocks of the light. At the top use the
laser pen and melt the bars. Be careful of the dogs they will bite you.
At the bottom the spy will be tied up. Then You will get the grappling bow tie from
him. use it to swing to the next building at the building go to the green house. Go
all the way to the right and there will be a cheery bomb tree. Push the bomb onto
the flower it will bounce then push it off the ledge and it will bounce higher. Then
jump onto the place where the bomb is and push it to the cage and wait for it to
explode. She will give you laser glasses. Put them on and go to the toupee. At the
control center you will get trapped in a cage. Dr. D will let you out. Enter the
password laser the push enter. then enter the password hair and push enter. Then
enter the pass word removal. Then mini bots will attack you in the portal run to
the yellow balls on all the corners of the room and have the robots blow up. The
when you have destroyed all the balls get as close to the celling as you can.
HE will run into it and be destroyed. You will win and island medalion and will
beat spy island.

Shark Tooth Island:
First what you do is go into the Shark Museum and look at the part of the journal
that is there. Remeber what is in that journal. It will come in handy later. Then
what you do is go to the ancient ruins and push the big boulder close to the trunk
of the tree. Then you get on top of the boulder and jump onto the vine. BEWARE of
the falling coconuts then get on top of the tallest platform. Don't go up! then
forcefully jump off that platform onto the top of the scary ancient ruin. There
you will find the translation key. Grab it and go inside the scary ancient ruin.
There maneuver your way to the temple entrance. Type in open using the translation
key and you are in. There make your way to the Temple treasure room where it will
tell you what the ingredients are to make the potion to calm the great booga shark.

Hint: you get the old bone inside the temple as well as the key ingredient to the
potion. The last ingredient you need to get is carbonated coconut milk which you
get in the Coconut cafe. Then bring all of those ingredients to the Medican man

Hint: which is on top of the Big coconut tree - and he will make the potion for
you and put it in a coconut for you. Bring this to the big cannon in Booga Bay
and shoot it out of the cannon so the shark will eat it.
Then the shark will eat it.

The golden egg:
You need to go to early poptropica. Go three housees away and next to the pigpen. Go
one more step there should be like a wishing well.Go down when you get there is a
glowstick on the right side.Then go back up.You then go maIN STREET. Go arcoss to
poptropica towers. Then see a sower hole then you go down.YOU NOW GO TO ARCOSS then
down arcoss down acoss down acoss to a pole thing then you got the egg. For short cuts
down acoss down acoss. then go right but wacth for the spider. then go all the way up.
Go TO poptropica towers. Then keep jumping on top of the roofs. then go up to gaint and
give him the egg.then u can go acoss fou times.then will find a water buket. then keep
gowning acoss. then u find jet pack. then go back.then go to main street. then fly up
too its says poptropica the get the flag. Then go undergound sowers.keep on gowing down,
you will see the pig then atfter go up. Then go to early poptropica GO TO PIG PEN AND
GIVE HIM THE PIG. then go give the guy the water buket. then go to flag guy give him
the flag the go across there will be a boat you will geta the medal.

Secret Outfits:
Submitted by: Koby123

There are two secret outfits. in order to get them, find the lego agents and lego racer
building, win the lego racer challenge to get a racer suit, and win the lego agents
challenge to get a lego agent suit.

The 2nd Spy in Spy Island Quest:
Leave the warehouse and go back to Main Street. Then go all the way to the right and
go to Balding Avenue. If you continue to the right you will see a guy wearing green
camouflage. Talk to him and he’ll give you a message that says, There’s a top B.A.D.
agent in Bistro. To access the B.A.D. control center you’ll need his “FINGERPRINT”.
Keep going right until you get to a place called B.A.D. Bistro. Take off your suit
and go in (The chameleon suit isn’t allowed inside.). Go all the way to the right to
the kitchen and talk to the chef. Ask to apply for the job and he will tell you that
you need to pass a test. It’s simply a game of Simon Says. If you win the game then
he’ll give you a chef’s hat and if you win, you become a chef, if you lost, try again.
Then you go to the table with people at it and click on the guy with the mustache.
He’ll ask you to fill up his glass. You’ll get the glass with his fingerprint on it.
Go back into the kitchen and jump on the fridge then jump on the shelf and there will
be an opening above you. Go through it and jump from lamp to lamp till you get to the
wall. Then fall to the ground and get out of the room. Go right and you’ll see another
guy in camouflage. Talk to him and he’ll give you an item -”Secret Letter” - that you
must decode. It looks like a bunch of random words. That’s because… it is! All you need
to do is read the first letter of every line and it reads “DON’T TRUST DIRECTOR D”. Now
continue right and go to Toupee Terrace. Then you have to carefully get to the top of
the house without getting zapped. It may seem hard at first but once you get the hang
of it, it’s pretty easy. When you get to the top you’ll find a window with bars in
front of it. Get in front of the window and it will show a close up of the window. Your
mouse is now the laser pen. Click on the bars to cut them to pieces. Then you’ll be able
to get in. Go inside, and you’ll be in the attic. Now go left and you will see another
secret agent tied up there. Free him and he will give you an item - ”Grappling Bowtie”.
This will help you reach high heights. He’ll also give you another satellite clue.

The 3nd Spy in Spy Island Quest:
Get out and go back to Balding Avenue. Now go as high as you can using the grappling
bowtie. (To use the grappling bowtie just click on the bowtie on the bottom left and
click which way you want to go.) Go up to the rooftops. Use your grappling bowtie to
try to grab another platform. Be careful, there’s a B.A.D. guard there. Now use your
grappling bowtie to try to grab another platform or antenna at the top left. Talk to
the guy there. Now aim your bowtie to the far right and try to grab another antenna.
When you swing over there and are directly above the building click again (at the top
of the screen) so that they let go of the rope. Otherwise they will swing back. Then
enter the tube thing. You are now in a greenhouse. It is recommended that you take off
your Bowtie, because wearing it will make this part more difficult. Go to the far right
and you will see a cherry bomb tree. Click on the cherry bomb and move the cherry bomb
left. Now push it to the flower thing on the ground and it will bounce it to a higher
floor. Get on that floor and push it to the left till it falls on the lower platform.
Push it onto the other bouncy flower thing and it will go to a higher platform. Go to
that platform, (Watch out for the flytraps. It will throw you off!) and finally it to
the cage with the spy agent girl trapped in inside. Now push the cherry bomb in front
of the cage and wait until it blows up. When it does, the cage door breaks and the girl
is free. The spy will give you a pair of Ultra-Vision Goggles and the last satellite

Submitted by: robbie renz

You need to get threw the shocking lights you need to get the laser pen and you see
like a small cage melt it by the laser pen and you will see a spy

How 2 become a superhero:
Submitted by: Allie

-First u have 2 go to the Mask and cape store.
-Then u have 2 click on the owner.
-Wait for him 2 stop talking 2 u.
-Then swim 2 the island 2 the left side of the island your on.
-Click on all 3 peeps.
-2 of them will give u something.
-Then u have 2 go back 2 the other island.
-Then your set 2 go.

Submitted by: Wild Rock

Hair color:
Go to 24 Carrot Island and into the diner. Go to the slushie maker and click on it. Mix
and match the colors and there you go.

Tip: Skydive (game)
As the other player takes out paratuchute, take out yours seconds after he/she does. If
you cut it close near the tree, you won't die

Time Tangled Island
To get Divinchi's levers for the peace medal, go up and down with the levers. Check. Go down
to go forward, you won't get extremle close so you'll have to jump.

Click the T-shirt on the right hand corner and choose another character. You can mix and
match clothing. If you can't click it, it means you have to earn it from an island or something.

Time tangled island:
Submitted by: Taylah
How to get the notebook:
1.Get out your time machine thingy.
2.Click on the second one on the left.
3.Once you get there, start walking right untl you get to the man click on him & he will say
 "Theres something up on the ledge of that building".
4.Than climb to the top of the thing and get a run up.
5.Start running and when you get to the edge jump as high as you can and when you get on the
ledge collect the note book.
6.Go to the fourth on the right in your time machine go up to his workshop by going on those
things and give the notebook to him.
That is where you will also find the peace medal.

How to find the Golden egg:
Submitted by: Jezabel

First you go into the first sewer when you arrive, then turn left and you will find another
sewer. Go in there and you will see a boy and he will tell you where to find the glowstick.
Then get out of that sewer and go a bit further and you will find another sewer then the
glowstick will automaticlly be in your hand, then you just have to find the golden egg.

How to get a fake jetpack:
Submitted by: Andrew

Go to superpower island and go over to the jail. If you've beaten the island this will work.
Fly up to the man on the meteor. Use the costumizer. Click on the thing on his back. Now fly
around with your (fake) jetpack.

How To Get To The Golden Egg:
Submitted by: zachary

First go to early poptropica.Then go in to the sewers.Then go deep down in the cave.If you
see a spider go left and you will find an exit.Then go left again and you will find another exit.
Then go to a rope and jump on it.When you see an egg that is golden...
run up and get it and...you got it!

Viking suit:
Submitted by: Jimmy

go to time tangled island use your time divise and click on the second last time on the right
(1831 AD) then go next to a cave dont go in, Then get your glider ready and jump onthe right
side of the cave with your glider.

Third Spy:
Submitted by: uihy90o

Go to the balding avenue and go to your items and put on the grappling bowtie.[if you got a
grappling bowtie.]then go up to the top of the building that you will need more than strong
legs to make the jump. then go to the top.then you make the grappling bowtie go up until it
reaches the tube. then you will see a bunch of giant venus flytraps.go to the cherry bomb
tree and move quick to get it to[keep your bowtie on to help you.] the top.avoid all the
other venus flytraps and put the bomb on the cage that your laser pen cant cut through. boom!
the spy is free. now you have a pair of ultra vision goggles and a clue about the b.a.d

Bety Jety:
After you are done capshering all the other crimanals. go to the phone and if it rings click
it. And wate a minunut and you get super powers .if you know where she is use your power to
fly and follow her but be caful she thowes a power to slow you down .and I AM NOT TELLING

How To Get The Cameleon Suit:
Submitted by: zachary

First go to spy island. Then go to the spy glass store and ask for an eye exam.Then when he
points to one of those things pick the oppisite direction on each one. Then you get a
cameleon suit!

Hints for getting out:
Submitted by: Sophia

After you be apply for a job and pass, you click on the guy and he gives you a cup.
He won't let you go unless you fill it's cup. To get out, you go in the kitchen and
jump on the air condioner and keep on jumping on the lights untill the last one.
Then you go out. Should work!

Super Power Island:
Submitted by: Brian

First go to the prison and ask the scientist and ask her do the prisoners have super powers
and you will get a pair of hand cufs.Then ask the warden do you have eny thing for me?He will
give you their profiles then go downtown and go in the bank.The first villan is there.Defeet
her.Then go back to down town and go in the sub staision.Go in the train and when he atacts
you jump intil he slips.Then go to the city park.Then click on him.The rock will hit him.The
ground will fling up put the rock next to the statue and let it hit him.Then cuf him.Then go
to the junkyard and there is a big magnet above it turn it off.A frige will fall on him then
go to it again.Watch out for the cans!Then turn it on.And you have defeted him.Then go to the
bathrooms(boys for boys ang girls for girls).Then twist knobs intil you see a door(enter it).
Then you will see ratman.Go to the topright of the room and turn the knob.Then bees will chase
you.Cuf him quick.Then go to the telephone and you will fly.Go to the sky scraper and fly to
Betty Jetty.Follow her and she will throw orbs at you and dodge them.You will get closer and
closer intil she falls.Then Ned Noddlehead will bump in to her and now he is town hero.Get a
hotdog from the park then go to the comic shop and trade for the medal.Now you have beat the

Secret suits 2:
Submitted by: koby123

The lego agent and lego racer suits are no longer available, but there are 2 new suits.
The tinkerbell suit which is in her tree house, no challenge to win for her, and the explorer
suit, get it by going in the cinnamon toast crunch building and collecting 5 peices of cinnamon
toast crunch.

Submitted by: bethany

To get into the door in spy island you must ask for an eye test and witch ever letter he points
at click on the oppist letter when you are done he will walk away go outside and climb up the
ladders and go through the door and click on the man that tested your eyes.

How to beat Early Poptropica & Regular Poptropica
Submitted by: Allyson

- First go down a hole there you will find a girl her skin is white.
- Next go down you will see a green spider and a hole you will need a glowstick one you have it
  go in the hole in the wall.
- now go in the hole use your glowstick in there is a egg make sure you follow the signs.
- once you find the egg the is a hole.

Thats all i can give you my session on the computer has ended sorry look for my name again sooon.

Submitted by: Zaid

When you get to the factory find a way to climb up.Then use your map to climb to a diffrent room.
Go to the printer room then free the person, then print out the clue.Go to the proffesing room then
free everybody, but bufor you do that dr.hare will get you cut the wiers in the freezzer.
Go back, (to the proffesing room) walk to the corner (>) and get the rabbet ears.Then go again
and there will be dr.hare.Go to the compturer and type the password (what you printed out) then
commend (sticking on the compturer) keep crashing dr.hare until he will float away.Free
the person standing next to you go up with him, and talk to the man next to the farm then you've done!

Easter Rabbit Ears:
Go to the processing room. Click "Enter" on the trap door at the far right of the room and get
stuck. You will be in the metal room. Go down the conveyor belt. Jump on the pipes, then jump
up on the platform and get the rabbit ears.

Submitted by: andrew

How to win spy island you go to the headquarters than yo go to deractor d and ask to be a spy
then he will give you the decoter then go to the peple in the flower beds the first one will
give you a messege and the second one will give you the x files then you go to the eye docter
and ask for a exam and if he ponts to E do it back wards and then you leve and go up the lader
outside then go in to the door and he will give yo a sute and then go to the docks and get past
the b,a,d agents then go in the door you will then have to get past all the dogs and the last
agent then goon a platform and you will jump on top of the safe and then he will give yo a pece
of infornation and a laser pen then go to bad bestro and get a job then yo go to the eletrical
windows and try to get to the top then yo go to the agent and he will give you anether pece of
a infor mation and a grafaling bowtie then go to the green house then you will see a chary bomb
tree and a red charry click onit and get on the bomb and it will come off the vine and try to
get it to the cage befor it eqplodes then you go to the bad bastro then go to the guy siting down
get the cup then go to the bad bace and you go thro the telaporter then defet the bad guys then
win the big robot starts flying make in crash into the wall 4 times then the medal comes up and
you win.

Submitted by: xp3000

If you want to get the medal for spy island you have to get the spys back then put the code
together if you cant code number one is laser code number two is hair and code number three is
removal but directer.d is the B.A.D leader beat his minibots by making them go into the energy
thing(there are four and four bots)then you make the director blow up by jumping to the celing
then dodging him then go to the headquarters and then you become the director with the medal.
P.S:you need the job as a chef...?

Submitted by: Purple Penguin

If you have a vest but you are afraid that if you put the grappling bowtie on you will lose the
vest when you try to destroy Director D. don't put on the grappling bowtie. There is a way you
can defeat him without the bowtie. You just jump around everywhere to defeat the bots with the
energy source. I managed to do this without losing my vest.

Submitted by: Nika

Go to Super Power Island. If you have defeated Jetty Betty but you dont have the Island Medallion
and Ned Noodlehead has it go to the City Park for a hotdog. Ask the hotdog man for a hotdog.
Then return to Ned Noodleheads Comic Shop and Trade the Hotdog for the Island Medallion.

How to defeat ratman:
Go to the bathrooom in superpower and enter through the door at the very left (I think you have
to wind some wheels to get in). when u r inside wind the very top wheel(you have to avoid the
rats). This will cause dirty water to fall on ratman. run and jump from pipe to pipe until you
get to ratman. Click him. You will only capture him if you have special handcuffs.

Submitted by: Grant Goode

(for earlypoptropica poptropica towers)to get the jetpack you need to have gave the giant his egg.
then go all the way to the airplane graveyard.next you go over the rocketship.then you will see
the jetpack then you get the jetpack.

How to get the sun stone:
Submitted by: ben

go to the wagon clike on the engian and it will move hop on it jump up the tree and it will
be on the roof :)

Early Poptropica:
Submitted by: kate marlow

For Early Poptropica, first find the glowstick, and then the golden egg. Give the egg to the giant,
and then go past him to get the bucket and the jetpack, which you can use to grab the flag, and to
escape the spider and safely catch the egg. Never try to find the golden egg in the dark room without
a glowstick. If you get lost in the dark, you won't be able to find a way out.
Make sure you do everything in the right order, or you will not succeed.

Submitted by: giorgia

Rock:It is in 7th age and ontop of the building on the chimdy you will find it.
Then go to the 3rd age and find the lady on top of the building!

How to get the third spy on Spy Island!!:
Submitted by: Anastasia Sacajawea Romanov

You must get to the rooftops with the BOWTIE, being careful to STAY ON THE WINDOW SILLS.
Once you get up there, go to the platform UNDER THE ONE WITH B.A.D. DUDE. Using the BOWTIE,
the left of where you should be standing). Climb to the top of the antenna (yes, you will
need the bowtie again). Go to the right of the part that is sticking up from where you are
 standing. If you don't, you will end up grappling to the thing. Anyway, grapple to the thin
antenna that is to the right of you, then jump. Go to the right until you get to the place
where you can enter.
Once you get inside, go to the cherry bomb tree on the FAR RIGHT. Push it to the flower on
the ground so it can bounce up two levels. Then, go to the right of the cherry bomb tree and
grapple yourself to the level right above you. Push it over so that it falls onto the second
level. Go don with it and push it over so that it bounces up on the flower. Go up to the top
level so that you end up to the left of the bomb and push it over to in front of the cage
that the lady is in. After it explodes, it will blow up the cage so she can walk out. if you
are unable to get it over in time, the tree will grow another bomb.

Cheats where to find charmeleon suit:
Submitted by: chedi

First go to the spy island then go to the spy glass eyewear
then talk to the man and say: i want to eye test then if you look at the board click the
choose box in opposite like this M-the mans pointing W-the opposite and he will say: director
D must sent you here. now go out side and find the ladder now go to the door and you will meet
him then talk to him then you will get the charmelen suit. easy right.

How to get a fake jetpack:
Submitted by: alex

if u have ur flying powers (super Island)then go to the metoer near the villans the guy on
the metoer,on the right top corner there is a customizer click on that then click on the guy
and click the jet pack and press accept* Then...
HAve Fun,play around with ur jetpack~

Submitted by: Wat Does It Matter?

In Early Poptropica to get the Early Poptropican Flag you have to get the Golden Egg and the
Pig .... When u get the Egg you must take it to the Gaint and he will let you throu go and
find the Jet Pack father on and go past The Shovel... then the Exit and you will get the flag
and then take it to the Early Poptropican's and you will get the Medal.

Crusher and sir rebral:
To defeat crusher, you have to climb the tower and turn the magnet on. That should drop a
fridge on him. Then, he will start throwing bins at u. Climb the tower again and turn the
magnet off. Then capture him. To defeat sir rebral, when he picks up a rock to throw atu,
jump towards him. Then, move the big, perfectly noticable boulder next to the bathroom
underneath where he is standing, well. You should get the point.

Submitted by: Trusty Seagull

There is a bonus tribe mask in the Spy Island and to get you need to go on the rooftop, go
all the way to the last building and use the bowtie to swing up and grab it.

Submitted by: Angela
Go to Spy island and get a job at the B.A.D Bistro. Once you get a job there, put on your
hat and click on the dude sitting down in his fancy clothes. Take his cup, you will be
stuck in there until you refill his drink. All you have to do is close poptropica and the
internet and then log back in. If you're lucky, you should be out.

How to get the Laser Pen & Satallite Clue on Spy Island:
Submitted by: Nick

You'll have to get the Chameleon Suit first to do this. Put on the Chameleon Suit & go to the
Docks. Go to the top of the buildings when you get there. You'll find a door. Sneak to it &
enter. There'll be 3 dogs inside. Sneak past them & you'll find the 1st spy inside a room.
Enter the room from above. Click on him & he'll give you the Satallite Clue & Laser Pen.

Shark tooth island:
Submitted by: jake

1-get the coconut milk from the guy at the coconut stand
2-jump on top of the ruins to get a peice of hammerheads journal
3- use the translation key for the door of the ruins (code:open)
4-get the medicen and give it to the medicne man
5-shoot the coconut you made at the "great booga" and save prof. hammerhead and the kid!

Submitted by: john

How 2 beat shark tooth island:when you got the ingredients 2 make the the sleepe cocoanut
go 2 the medicine man he will mix up the ingredients and make the sleepe cocoanut then go
2 the booga feder(the thing that you lunch cocoanuts with)and use it with the sleepe cocoanut
and booga will be fast asleep (the medicine man is in the tree in the acient ruins)and swim
all the way 2 the right and you will find a kid and his grandfatherand they will tell you 2
take them 2 a safe place go all the way 2 the left and you beat shark thooth island oh and
you get the island medallion

How to get the map of africa in Nabooti Island:
Submitted by: John

1 go to Nabooti Island
2 enter the Musem
3 go left down then right
4 it will show the todem with two sacred jems only
5 talk to the person near the todem

Nabooti Island:Kaya Forests:
Submitted by: Tiffany Wu

In order to get the green jewel,get a cactus fig from mountains of the moon.get a shovel
in giza.then,go to the forests.there you see a tortoise.feed the tortoise the fig. dig
where the tortoise sat.you'll find a ebony elephant. you then will see ghosts. go back
to nabooti.trade with a lady to get a fingo. go back to kaya forests.give the fingo to
1 of the ghosts.he will give you a green jewel.

Nabooti Island-Giza:
Submitted by: pheob

First, i hope you have the turban from the rare flower collecter in nabooti, cause that
how u have the ninja people leave u alone. then, u ask the dude that would be attackin u
stuff, and he gives u a phone number on the shovel. u dial that on the cellphone u should
hav on another town. u wait. u open the bag and get the moon stone, and climb on top of
the tomb until u c the hoop. that is where u go to the items and click use with the moon
stone. it goes in the hoop, and then the tomb opens. that is wen u go in and solve all
the little puzzles to get to the gem. By the way, how do u get passed the falling stones
when u step on them. please answer me wen u hav completed my steps.

Get the B.A.D bistro cup:
Submitted by: Joshua Khoudair

After you find all the spys in spy Iland go to the B.A.D Bistro. If you have spy gear off
take it off. Geep going across to the right until you find a dude in a chef hat. Ask him
for a job at the Bistro.Then complete the test & go to the Boss sitting at the table. He'll
ask you to fill his cdup.DONT! Go back to the kitchen & Jump up until you get to the lights.
Keep jumping across till you reach the last one jump down & live the Bistro.

Nabooti island: Giza:
Submitted by: wizardofox

You have to trade a gold nugget for a desert turban, and then you talk to the guy that normally
attacks you. He gives you a shovel, and there is a telephone number on it. You have to then go
to mountains of the moon and go up to the guy, beet him in mancala, then go in the cave. If
you get it right, you should find a cellphone. go back to giza, then dial the number. the guy
that won't let you pass him will go in his tent and the workers will run away. Search his
backpack and find a moon stone, you put it in the ring. the door will unlock, and you have to
finish the minigames untill you get to the part when you step on the stone and it falls down.
when you fall down, read the hyroglefics and memorize the order, then you back up by the rope.
you should step on the stones in the order of the hyroglefics from down to up. don't worry, you
can go through stones. then, you will make your way up into a room. turn the switches in the
order of the pictures on the wall. you will find the jewel in the open coffin.

Submitted by: Emily L.

On Nabooti Island when you go to Blue Nile Falls, find the girl and she will ask you if you
can get a chicken, a bag of chicken feed, & a fox across in a basket-but the catch is, is
that you can't leave the chicken with the bag or the fox with the chicken. What you do is
you put the chicken in the basket & drag it across to the left side & then go back over to
the right side & get the fox & drag it over to the left side & before you leave the left side
you put the chicken back in the basket and drag it to the right side & then put the chicken on
the right side & put the bag in the basket & drag it to the left side & finally put the chicken
in the basket and drag it to the left side. The girl will then tell you a secret.

How to get the White Jewel (item):
Submitted by: Daniel

You can get it if you have these items:

1. Map of Africa
2. Miner's Hard Hat

What to do:

1. Go to the plane (left of Main Street) and fly it. Fly to the Diamond Mines (bottom of the
   Map of Africa). You'll apear in Diamond Mines 1 on your map (not Map of Africa)
   Then, put on your Miner's Hard Hat.

3. Turn of the generator (run! You have time!). Get into Diamond Mines 2 (on the mountain).

4. Dodge the carts with EXPLOSIVES marked on them. Then, go into Diamond Mines 3.

5. Press the green button. Then, push the fuel tank with a picture of fire on it.
   Push it to the big rock.

6. Press the green button again. Then, the fuel tank & the rock will go BOOOM!

7. Do the same thing, but this time push the fuel tank to the end of Diamond Mines 3.
   There are a bunch of big rocks there. Blow them up!

8. Then go past. At the other side, ride the cart all the way. It's very dangerous at this part.

9. When you get to the other side (Diamond Mines 4), there are some jewels. Click on them.
   Use the magnifying glass & find the White Jewel. It has a mark on it. I'll tell you where it is:
It's at the left side.

The platforms:
When you fall, see those pictures? Jump on those blocks with the pictures that match with
it. When your done, climb the rope at he top.

Nabooti Island:
Submitted by: hunter

Message : first u go 2 the museam and talk to the girl by the nabooti statu say you will help
she will give you a map then go outside go to the airplane and hit fly.go to montains of the
moon and talk to the laddie go to the clif get the fruit then go to the top of the montain beat
the guy at the game he will let you in get the gem then go to the bottom of the cave get the cell
phone. then go fly again but go to blue nile get the flower from up top.fly to nabooti and tade
the flower for a desert turban.fly to giza get the shovle then fly to kaya forest use the cactus
fig move the turttlego were he was layin g dig with your shovle egt the elaphent trade it at nabooti
and get the flingo go back there and give the spirets the flingo they will give you agem then go on
top of the closest to the right then you will see get it trade it at nabooti for a camera fly to
safarri take 7 pics of animals he will give you a hat then fly to dimond mines turn the switch go
to the fence at the top hit enter were it was broke climb to were the carts are coming down then
enter turn it off by pressing the green button move the barrol 2 the 1 alone rock then hit the green
botton do the same thing again but move the barrol to the endthen go for the cart ride when you go
up duck when you see a sing jump then when you did that find the white gem with the simbol on it take
it.then fly to theblue nile help the girl bring the chicken 1st then the fox bring back the chicken
live the chicken bring the feed go back and get the chicken go to the rock with the fern on it click
the fern then enter the hole get the gem then go to giza dile 5556789 go to the bag get the pearl
put it on the top of the thing enter the door go to the block off click the bars make them flat then
cross go up arange the squares thengo threw the tunnle you opened then run to the block withe man
then jump to the 1 with the boat then 2 the bird then 2 the eye climb the rope then pull the
animalwith 1 hole then with2 then with 3 then with 4 get the gem fly 2 naboot!
i go in the museam go to the girl orginize them going down it is purrple green red white blue
then get hte meddal.

Nabooti Island cheats:
First, you go into the museaum at nabooti island. talk to the person standing near the
todem. once you get the map find the pilot standing near the plane.  go fly the plane
then, fly to the mountain moons place. watch out for the goats. avoid the 1st goat, then
jump onto the 2nd goat. the goat should boost you up onto a ledge that you can't jump on
yourself.then, go all the way up onto the 2nd ledge. then talk to the lady standing near a
rock. talk to her. then grab the fig. jump onto all of the small ledges of snow, but watch
out for the big rock. play manacala with the the guy. just play it until you get it.then,
jump down to the bottom. grab the cellphone. the jump on the little pillars inside the
cave. you should get the red jewl. now, go into kaya forest. there is a tree that has a
gold nugget nesteled in to it. grab it. go into niles falls.jump onto the top of the plane
and jump on the small ledges once you get to the top, you should get a a rare flower.
collect it. then , go to the other side. help the lady. what you do is: take the chicken
to the right side. then go grab the fox from the left side. you should have the chicken
and the fox on the right side. take the chicken back to the left side. take the feed and
put it to the left side. then go back and put the chicken to the right side. you should
hav them all in the right place. read the measage the lady tells you. on the right side
there is a big bush on a a stone ledge, click the bush and go into the cave. collect the
purple jewl. go back to nabooti island and go to a little market shop. buy a black turban
and a digital camera. go to the safari place and talk to big zeke. take pictures of the
animals. then when he gives you a mine helmet go to the diamond mines (at the bottom of
the map) go straight and turn the nob on a yellow box thingie.  jump on the big hill then
go onto the crane go straight u'll fall you should fall on a grssy ledge. then jump onto a
a oil can and jump through.  find the source of where the explosive carts come from. then
once you do, go through it.  u will see a box with a green button and 2 loose wires
hanging out. click the nob and it'll stop the thing that's putting the explosive carts
out. take the oil can and push it until it can't go no further. then, push the green
button. a yellow spark should travel  down the oil line. the rock should explode. then do
it again. turn the thing off, then push the oil can until it can't go no further. then
turn the thing on and watch the stone wall colapse. now push the mine cart. now the
pattern here is. duck jump, so forth. so, keep on doing that until you reach the end. jump
on to the wodden thing where all the jewls are. search for the jewl. it's on the right
side. once you find the white jewl climb up the rope. fly to giza. put your black turban
on.talk to the 1st guy, the guy who's mouths covered. he will give you a shovel. walk over
to the guy, vince.  use ur cellphone to call the number on the shovel. vince will try to
find his phone. while vince looks for his phone, click his backpack. u will receive a moon
stone. climb the sphinx, and put the moon stone in the sphinx ring. it'll open the door.
enter the door. go forward. u'll see a rectangle with lines on it. just fiddle with this
one until u get the all going straight.go throught the enterance. u'll see a carving with
what order to put the blocks in. fiddle with this to. a stone wall will open. this one is
tricky. you must jump on the tile that has the actual hyrogliphic on the stone near the
enterance/exit.it may take alot of trys. now here, as you see there is animal statues.
there are dots on them. there is 1 statue, that has 1 dot on it, then a statue that has 2
dots on it. this goes on until 4.so what you do is, pull the lever that makes the statue
that has 1 dot on it fall. you must realese  all of theese quickly because sand will pour
out of the big carvings mouths. then pull the lever that realeses the other statue that
has 2 dots on it. do that until u pull the last lever. a tomb will open when the levers
were pulled correctly. collect the blue jewel. now reverse the way you came. but, when you
get to the point where you jump the bridges, instead of going completely reversed, climb
down the rope. now, head left for the exit. now fly to kaya forest. take out the pink fig.
let the tortis eat it. go to the hole where the tortise was lieing on. dig there. you will
receive a ebony elephant. 2 ghosts will apear. talk to the one with the mask. now fly back
to nabooti. talk to the woaman who you haven't traded yet. give her the ebony elephant,
then she will give you the fingo. return back to kaya forest. give the fingo to the ghost
in the mask. he will give you the green jewel. now go back to nabooti island. go into the
museam, go to the todem. so here is the order the jewels go into.: purple-top, green-2nd
top,then red, then white, then blue....

Shark Tooth Island:
Submitted by: poppertop

 1.first you talk to the guy outside the coconut cafe
 2.he will give you a carbonated drink, keep it
 3.next go to the ancient ruin go to the right and you will see a big rock push it next to the
   big tree.
 4.jump on it and climb up the vine
 5.get off the vine after you climb up and jump up onto the next wooden platform
 6.go to the end of it and jump as far left as you can to get on to the roof of the big shark
   temple thing
 7.on the roof there is and paper, get it
 8.after you have go it go into the temple
 9.climb down and get all the way down to the water
10.next keep going as far left as you can avoid the bats. when you get all the way left there
is a stome wall now go up
11.once you go all the way up on the wall there is this face thing click on it
12.it will show it to you colse up now this is where you need the paper because it will show
   it to you and you need to press the buttons on the teeth to spell open (you need the paper on
   the roof of the temple to do this)
13.after you have pressed open click on its nose the door will open
14.go left
15.go all the way left and you will see a golden shark statuee
16.jump onto the statue and jump off onto the other side and go all the way left there is a
little "tunnel" type thing go all the way left and get the bone
17.no go back to the golden shark statue
18.be careful because there is a worm that can make you fall off get to the top of it before
   the worm and jump onto the moving platform
19.jump onto the other platforms that are on the left and keep going
20.stop when you get to a part where you can see sharp teethy things on the side
21.jump onto the moving platform when it comes to you
22.then get off on the other side
23.go left
24.now go all the way down
25.then go all the way to the left
26.you will see a pot filled with green stuff get it and then climb up the vine and go up
27.you will be at the very begging part of the island now go past the ancient ruins and go to
   booga bay
28.talk to the guy next to the grass skirt stand and get a grass skirt
29.go back to the ancient ruins and go up the big tree( move the rock and climb up the vine
   keep going up all thw way till you are all the way at the top next to the medicine man
30.talk to him 9 he will only talk to you if you were the grass skirt) he will make you a
   potion to make booga the shark fall asleep
31.go back to booga bay and swim to the little island
32.on the island there is a cannon click on that and shoot it ( it will shoot out the cocnut
   and booga will fall asleep
33.now go to the right side of the island and keep swimming to th right
34.talk to the old guy. he and this other boy will start following you when they do swimm
   back to booga bay
35. when you pass the lady crying you will get a medal

Cheats for Giza:
Submitted by: jeffrey gunter

Cheats for Giza once you have that hat go there talk too the first guy you see and he will
give you a shovel with the guy who is near the tent his cellphone number is on the shovel
call it he will go in the tent. Then click on the bag and jump on the top of the sphinx use
it then it will open the door and then go to this panel and make them all strait so you can
walk on them.go right then you will come to a place where you have to match them then a door
will open go throw it you will see two vases then try too get up it then you will probaly
fall then you will see a rope to go back up where you fell there are stuff on the wall only
jump on the stuff it showed on the wall and you will make it up.

Submitted by: lily

This is how to get a chameleon suit and a clue and laser pen on spy island.first you to
spyglass eye wear you see a guy talk and say:i would like an eye exam and try to do it and
then meet him upstairs go out and climb the ladder.open the door.and he'll give you a 
chameleon suit go to the docks and sneak past all the guards and climb a building and go 
left and jump.sneak past the guards and open the door there should be three dogs inside sneak
past them and the dogs and enter from the top see a guy click on himm and that's how you do

Nabooti: How To Get The Green Jewel:
Submitted by: Mahir Hasin

First go to mountain moon 1.Go to girl standing near to cacteses.Go all the way left.
Then jump high.Get the cactes fig.Then go to kaya forests.Use the fig near the turtle.
Then U will see a very small hole.Use the shovel.U will get something and two gousts will
pop out.Go back to nabooti.Go to the guys who trade.Click on the first one.She will give
you a gingo.Now go to kaya forests.Give the gingo to the man goust.He will give you the

How to finish 24 Carrot:
First you go to Charlie's Supplies place and find her cat.To find her cat go to the old
farm and you see the house.Go to the top until you see a chimney.Go into the chimney. You
see a bowl,get it.Go to the King Carrot place.Talk to the women and ask her if she can
fill up your bowl with milk.Go back to the house.Go to the washroom there ( its on
top),fill the bath tub with water.The cat will jump off.Go down  back to the living room
and just click the same place where you got the bowl .( I would do that before I go to te
washroom to be prepared.)Go back to charlie and tell her you found her cat. she will give
you that metally thing.go to the factory and go up from machine to machine until you get
to that baige wall.go down until your in the greenish goo.climb up to this machine
thingand click a little edge of it.you will open up the vent thing.go until u see this
wird thing. you find a transporter.go up on thelittle edgethen,bigedge.Now, wait a few
seconds.those things that close up and open up just remember this 1,2-1,2-1,2.....the 1st
2 ones are easy but the 3rd one is a little bit hard.try,try again.when your done this prt
the you will see a rat. wait until it goes far from you and go until you see an edge.jump
on it. and when the rat goes to the right,jump off. go until you see a place that leads
you up.go ther.when your there, go find this machine with 3 swiches.it has to all
light.for the 1st swich,put it in the middle (i think).for the second swich ,put it
down.for the 3rd swich ,put it middle too.then it wont be dark,it will be light.and this
machine will go from left to right.to go on that machine,go from box to box,tjen you go up
on the machine, it will take you to the vents.go mostly evverywhere on the vents until you
find cutters.got o the freezer room and  you find this box.click it and cut all the
wires.( it dosent have to be perfect)go back in the vents and go to the mail room.you find
crates and remember this technique. it always counts by 2's.go down and you find this girl
wearing a weird hat and looks dizzy.tell her the last thing. she says where?( do that to
all people who look like that)and the the hat will show click that circle button. she will
show you some thing that will print out.get it.it is a pasword for the password.it says
fuzzybunny.go to the processing room.you find 2 people that are dizzy and wearing a weird
hat too. say the last ting.they say where? and click the button on their hat. go down to
the far corner. below you is a trap door.enter.you will go a little bit down to the middle.
You se rabbot ears.wear it.go back up and go to dr.hare's place climb up from  machine
edge to machine edgeyou find this dizzyguy say the 3rd thing and he says where?and the hat
will show.click the circle button.click the computer. type fuzzybunny. for the command
type launch rabbot.(no periods for passwords orcommand.) then you can control the large
bunny.when you see a moon make the large bunny crash on it and do it alot of times until
it destroyes.the guy says you did it and letsget out of here. use your transporter to go
back to 24 carrot talk to the mayor and he gives you the medal.

Nabooti Island Purple Jewel:
Submitted by: serafina

1.you need to go to blue nile falls
2.you go to the right corner and you will see a girl with a fox,a chicken and a pack of
  chicken food.
3.then,you need to click the girl and you can ask her some questions,you need to ask her:
  How can I help?Then,she will say something to you and you can help her to bring the fox,
  the chicken and the pack of chicken food across.
4.first you need to bring the chicken across then, you need to bring the fox across then,
  you need to bring the chicken back then,you need to bring the pack of chicken food across
  and you need to bring the chicken across.Then she will tell you a secret!
5.you read the secret.
  6.go to the other side of the falls,click the grass and click [enter to go in]
7.after you go in,you jump to the other side and continue to jump until the last then
  you will see the purple jewel!

How to get the Desert Turban in Nabooti Island:
Submitted by: serafina

1.you need to go to the Blue Nile Falls
2.you jump to the up right corner to get the flower
3.go back to Nabooti and click the girl in the middle and she will ask you do you want to
  exchange the flower to a Desert Turban?
4.you click:Thats a deal!
5.you can get the Desert Turban!

Spy island bad bistro tips:
Submitted by: squeezy dolphin

Once in bad bistro become a chef by talking to the man in the kitchen then go talk to the
people at the table they will give you a glass with a finger print on it when youve got that
they wont let you pass without filling the glass so go back into the kitchen and jump on the
shelves you will see a air vent jump into it till you get to the lights hop along them till
you get to the end then fall off and go through the door.

Changing hair colour:
Submitted by: polly

When u go 2 24 carrot island there is a diner. go in it. there is a milk dispenser
(on the left) click on it and you can fill the cup up with watever colour u like
(u can mix colours e.g. black+blue=navy blue)

Get the cat in 24 carrot island:
Submitted by: serafina

 1.u go to the 24 carrot island
 2.go 2 the left
 3.jump in to the first houst chimney
 4.get the plate
 5.go back to the main island
 6.go in the carrot king dinner
 7.ask the lady to give u some milk
 8.go back to the left and go in that house
 9.put down the plate
10.go left
11.click the shower botton
12.bring the cat down
13.let the cat 2 drink the milk
14.bring the cat to the main island
15.bring back the cat 2 the shop:the rightest shop.

Nabooti Island - How to get the green gem:
Submitted by: Nicole

Get the flower at the falls.Go back to Nabooti and trade it in for a turban.Go to the
place with the smacking guys.Get a shovel from one of them.

Submitted by: smart coyote

Cheat codes on jewels on the totem poptropica on nabooti
When you collectall the 5 jewels,the lady next to the totem will give you hints.
green jewel
purple jewel
red jewel
white jewel
blue jewel

thats all. when you put them together, the totem will fly!!! so you won a meddalion
of nabooti island!!!

Change Skin Colour:
Submitted by: serafina

1.go to earty poptropica island
2.go left
3.go left a little bit
4.u will see some balloons
5.choose one and click it
6.your skin is that colour
7.for example:u click yellow then your skin is yellow.

Early poptropica's pig:
Submitted by: courtney

first u go 2 the early poptropica island then,go down 2 the hole in main street and keep
on going down and go 2 left a little bit and get the pig,go back up and go right 2 the
early poptropica and click the third man 2 return it.

How to get the secret tablet of the gods:
Submitted by: god
to get this is really hard but worht it first beat all the islands then go to nabooti and
go to the planefly to moon falls and find the seceret cave (all the the way to the right
behind a rock) find the old man talk to him hell give u a piece to ur time watch go to that
time (it is 100 years in the future) go talk to ur son who is about 30-40 hell give u a
misson to stop robot's that have gone crazy stop them by finding the swithch (its in ur
house all the way to the left the big green one)when u turn it off go to him hell give u
one more peice to ur time watch go to that time(10,000 years back ) ull be at a desert with
a floating blue god on a cloud talk to him and walla u now have a stone of the gods go back
to time tangled and put it on and watch what happens (hint u have superpowers and a hole
lot of other things u will enjoy).

Poptropica (super power):
Submitted by: Amra

First go to the prison and ask the scientist and ask her do the prisoners have super powers
and you will get a pair of hand cufs.Then ask the warden do you have eny thing for me?He will
give you their profiles then go downtown and go in the bank.The first villan is there.Defeet
her.Then go back to down town and go in the sub staision.Go in the train and when he atacts
you jump intil he slips.Then go to the city park.Then click on him.The rock will hit him.The
ground will fling up put the rock next to the statue and let it hit him.Then cuf him.Then go
to the junkyard and there is a big magnet above it turn it off.A frige will fall on him then
go to it again.Watch out for the cans!Then turn it on.And you have defeted him.Then go to the
bathrooms(boys for boys ang girls for girls).Then twist knobs intil you see a door(enter it).
Then you will see ratman.Go to the topright of the room and turn the knob.Then bees will chase
you.Cuf him quick.Then go to the telephone and you will fly.Go to the sky scraper and fly to
Betty Jetty.Follow her and she will throw orbs at you and dodge them.You will get closer and
closer intil she falls.Then Ned Noddlehead will bump in to her and now he is town hero.Get a
hotdog from the park then go to the comic shop and trade for the medal.Now you have beat the

Submitted by: Wayan

Go to spy island then go to the rooftops graplehook to the top third building and go to then
go to the lower level and you,ll see a Nabboti. Mask and jump to it and you,ll be wearing it.

Shark Tooth Island:
Submitted by: lulu
Message : if you have all the ingredeints and you go to the medicen man,but he does not make
you it well thats because you are not whareing the grass grass skirt

Nabooti island cell phone:
Submitted by: SCARY SNOWBALL

5556789-CALLED THIS PHONE NUMBER WHEN YOU ARE ON GIZA YOU Can find this phone number also in

Nabooti Island- Giza:
Submitted by: Rebecca

First you need to have the ancient flower thing and then trade it to the lady that likes
flowers at Nabooti island then you will trad eit for a turban, go to Giza and they wont
attack you. Get the shovel and then call the # 555-6789 on your phone and the guard guy by
the tent will leave. Then the other ninjas will leave. Go to the tent and click the backpack,
their should be a moon stone. Go on top of the pyramid thing and put it in the ring.
Then you should be able to get in the door! Good luck!

First you go to giza get a shovel from a black guy theres a phone nuber on it call it the chief
can't find his phone so he gos in the tent go grab the stone in his back pack and the other guys
run away.

How to get the viking costume:
-Go to Time Tangled Island.
-Go to the lab.
-Activate the machine.
 (go down then walk straight right.)
-Go into the future.
-Talk to yourself.
-Get the DEVICE from you.
-Go to the place where the guy was looking for his model.
 (dont go Exactly to his shop.)
-Jump until you go to that Statue of Liberty's head.
-Jump up again until you meet Mr.Eiffel.
-Jump off.
-You will go on a ledge.
-Go on the 2nd ledge and you find Leonardo Da Vinci's notebook.
 (Leonardo Da Vinci is my 3rd favourite artist.)
-Go to Leo's place.
-Give him his notebook back.
-He will give you his GLIDER.
-Go to the viking place.
-Climb on the big stone where the cave is. (The longest stone.)
-Wear your GLIDER.
-Fly till you reach the tall boulder that you couldn't reach before.
-Get the viking suit and wear it if you want.

Spy Island:
Submitted by: sabrina

First you go to doctor d and get the decode book then you go left and a boy in
a trash can gives you a message but you have to decode it then you go right and
when you see a man on the left hee will also give you a message then see see a-
nother man on the right and he will give you a note saying dont trust deirector
d then you go in the bistro and go to the chef that is in the kitchen and say i
will like to apply for a job he says to be a good chef you have to remember the
if you win the memory game you will get a hat put that hat on then you go th the
guy on the left sitting by the women you would you like anything th drink then
he says water the you take it to the kitchen and climb on the bars to get to the
other side your left i should say then you have his finger print then you go to
the glasses doctor and say l will like a eye exam then when ever hey point to
aletter you have to point a the oppisite and then he walks you in to a room upstairs
and and you have the camolfloge sute

Submitted by: Courtney

First u find a word but if u don't know how to play hint:just like playing word
bank. and when u find the word and u type it and then click the button called ok.
have a good day for playing soupwords!

Nabooti Island Giza 1,2,3,4:
Submitted by: Seleina

Message : With your phone dial 555-6789 to call the guy then he looks for his phone
while he does that click on the bad and get a jewl. Next climb the statue at the top
is a hole click on it then a jewl goes on it the door is open, go inside and see some
drawings on the wall go up the rope and jump on the pattern that u saw on the wall.
Once you get up go to the sand place witch is up the patterns go to the end click the
lever skip one lever and click the other one then go back click the lever you skipped
and click it then go to the first one with 4 dots on it click the lever then go to the
mummy and a blue jewl is there. I hope this works for you.

Submitted by: Tazy

On spy island, go back to the place where you beat Director D.
Use your bowtie and grab onto the roof and move your mouse the oppisitte
way from your bowtie then you should be able to float.

Submitted by: AlyshaBhatia

Go to the old dude at the top of "mountain of moon" and beat him with a game of mancala.
He will let you in the cave. At the bottom left of the cave there will be a cellphone.
At the top right there will be a red jewel.

Spy Island:
Submitted by: Evan

To beat Spy Island, you have to go to Spy Island. First, you have to go to the eyeglasses
store. Ask if you can have a test. You have to click on the opposite letter. Walk out of
the store and up the ladder. Go in the door and talk to the man. He will give you a camaflage
suit. Walk out of the door. Next go left to the docks. Put your suit on. Run up to the
warehouse. Go in the door. Go near each dog. They will walk past you.After you pass the dogs,
go down. Hop onto the small corner and down the hole. Click on the tied up agent. He will be
free. He will give you a laser pen and a clue. Get out of the warehouse and run all the way
to Balding Avenue. Take your spy gear off and go in the B.A.D Bistro. Go in the kitchen and
take the memory test. If you beat it the owner will give you a hat. Get out of the kitchen.
Click on the man with the B.A.D shirt on and he will give you a glass. Get out of the bistro
and run to Toupee Terrace. Avoid all the lasers and hop all the way up to the iron bars.
Click on them and use your laser pen to cut through the bars. Walk into the storage room.
Find the second tied up agent and he will give you a grappling bowtie and your second clue.
He will walk out of the storage room and you walk out of the storage room. Run to Balding
Avenue and climb up to the building with the agent. Grapple opon the biggest building. Hop
up on the rooftops and grapple to a big satellite dish. When you get up there, grapple up to
another satellite. When you get up there, enter a large tube that leads down to a greenhouse.
Go all the way right and click on the cherry bomb on the cherry bomb tree. Push the bomb on
the big flower and you grapple on the platform. Push the bomb down on another flower and hop
on a pink flower in a flower pot hanging from the roof. From the flower pot, hop up on the
highest platform and push the bomb in front of the cage with the third agent. Hop onto the
palm tree to your left. Wait until the bomb explodes then when it explodes, click on the
third agent and she!
Will give you vision goggles and your last code. Now go all the way to Toupee Terrace. Go
all the way right and past the fence. When all the lasers disappear in the control center,
go right, go up, and go left. Avoid two more lasers and go up. Click on the secret door and
with your fingerprint, click on the light thingy. Go inside the room with more lasers. Go
all the way up, and click on the computer thingy. Director D comes and helps you. Click on
the computer thingy one more time and type in:LASER HAIR REMOVAL. Go into the transporter
 with Director D. He will call you a pest and let out his four mini bots. Hide under two
yellow bulbs on the ground, and two yellow bulbs on the roof.When you defeat the mini bots,
hop on the space ship. Make the space ship crash 4 times and he will be defeated. You will
magicly go back to the headquarters where Director D. will be in jail. The secretary will
give you your medal. Thanks for reading my tips!

How to beat spy Isand:
Submitted by: mjmd

First, go to spy glass eye where thingie and go to the man on the left and ask for a eye
excange. Then like if he points to E click on the opisite. The backwords E. Then he will
say: "How did you know?" Then: "I will meet you up stairs." So you go up stairs and give
you a cameagoge suit. Then go out and put the suit on and.

Nabooti Phone Numbers:
Submitted  by: sexy girl

1337-ned noodle head costume
411-frankeistein suit
911-police suit
Can find this phone number also in the shovel THIS WILL HELP YOU GET... TO OPEN THE PYRAMID

Nabooti Island Totem Pole:
Submitted by: Jayda

The order of the jewels on the totem pole is Purple, Green, red, white, blue.
The orange and yellow are already permanent.

Hint - Shark tooth island:
Submitted by: Emma

The code to open the door at the temple entrance = open is the code but it has a trick:
4 on the top the 2nd to the left prees that 1 then the 1 under it to the left a bit then
the 1 on top but again to the left a bit then so on untill u spell open (4 letters).

Sir rebral:
Submitted by: Sci (scikub.at.gmail.com)

When the rock flys at you jump by sir redral he will get hit then mad so the ground will
go up push the huge rock by the bathrooms under him  the ground will fly up and he will
get hit then click on him.

How u fly.Tip:
Submitted by: Jena

If u want to ketch the flying villen in super hero, climb the news statoion. Then ull
c a old man that used to b a super hero, talk to him,He'll say come back when u deffeted
at lest 5 villens. Once u did that go that way back to were he was,On the way their the
phone both well ring awenser it then ull have flying powers to defet the flying villen.

Submitted by: orange ice


Early Poptropica:
Submitted by: happyflyer

Firstly go to early poptropica and go down the well. You will meet a man, and he'll tell
you the direction for the glow stick. Then go to poptropica towers, and go down the hole.
Find the egg. go lower until u r on the lowest floor, and go to the right. u will b in
another place. jump on the platform that moves and get the pig. Get to the top of the
place and get out. Go back to popoptropica towers and go on top on the cafe tower and
follow the vine. u r in a place with clouds. Click on the giant. Give him the egg and
he will lift his club so u can go. jump on every obsticle and get the jetpack. get the
bucket and go back to main street. get the signal flag on the thing near the arcade. go
to early poptropica and give the guy near the well the bucket. give the guy near the gate
his pig and the flag goes to the man near the thing without the flag. then u won early

Hair Colour:
Submitted by: stuart clarke

Go 2 24 carrot island and go 2 the carot king dinner go 2 the chef and click on the "are
drinks will change your hair colour and click on any colour what ever colour is in the
glass your hair will that colour then click on drink.Walla look at your hair. I'm mostly
on poptropica if you don't get it follow happy axe.

Skin colour:
Submitted by: stuart clarke

go 2 early poptropica and then go 2 poptropica towers click on any of the pigments.walla.

Early Poptropica:
Submitted by: stuart clarke

Go 2 the soda shop on early poptropica and go down the drain go 2 the bottom and there will
be a big green spider keep going 2 the right until you run into the pig.then go past the
arcade and go 2 the early poptropica and go down the drain by the other person and go 2 the
bottom there should be a diver or person talk 2 him and he will say "glowsticks are the best.
i saw another 1 up there by the top of the sewer" go up there and it should be there. get out
of the sewer and got poptropica towers and go down the drain the room should be dark keep
walking and keep looking on the wall when it says getting warmer on the wallyou should see a
big gold egg get out of the sewer and keep going left until you see rooftop cafe go on the
washing line until you see a vine on top of the resurant and go up it give the egg 2 the giant
and he will lift up his club go past it and keep going until you see a plane hover over the
and the rocket you will see a jetpack walk to it and you will have it on youfly 2 the pupkin
and you will have the bucket fly over the spade and click on exit you will land on the water
silo(holder)walk 2 the flag and you will have it go 2 the arcade and keep going click on every
1 you see apart from the 1st 1 the second 1 wants the pig the other 1 wants the bucket go up
the rope and give him the flag and then go 2 your items and take the jet pack of and go 2 the
ship by the sewer and click on him he will give you the medallion. walla.

Super Hero: Defeating the flying villain:
To catch the flying villain in Super Hero, climb the news station. You will see am old
man that used to be a super hero. Talk to him. He will tell you to return after you have
defeated at least five villains. Once doing so, return to the old man. On the way there,
a phone in a booth will ring. Answer it, and you will get the flying powers needed to defeat
the flying villain.

Shark Tooth island: Temple door:
The code to open the door at the temple entrance is "open".

Submitted by: A.B.

Go to "nile falls". Here is how to get everything across: Bring the chicken across first then
the fox then bring back the chicken and take the feed anthen take the chicken.

Submitted by: stuart clarke

Go 2 spy and go on 1 of the pylons you must have the grapple bowtie jump up on the pylon
and when you are in the air shoot your grapple bowtie down to the ground and you will be
walking with a catapult round your waist jump up in the air and you will fling really high.

Submitted by: stuart clarke

On your keyboard hold down [Ctrl], [Shift] and "r" to get a phone or something and to change
your apperance. On your keyboard hold down [Ctrl], [Shift] and "s" to change your skin colour.

Hint - How to get Ratman:
Submitted by: kellan

You go to the bathroom there are three handles. The one on the left will have a door that says
enter you go into there and you will see Ratman. First you go on the building, then jump on
pipes their will be rats on the pipes. Once you get to the biggest rat you will see a handle.
click on it. Then a swarm of bees will come after you then you hurry up and get Ratman.

Submitted by: Jojo123

If you want to change you hair color go to 24 carrot island. Then you go into the diner and go
to the left. Then you will find a station of colored drinks. Click on them then you can mix the
colors and when you drink it your hair changes the color you made you drink.

Early Poptropica Egg:
Submitted by: Shifty Eel

Go to Early Poptropica, Main Street, go down the sewer to the room with spiders. Go to the
bottom right corner of the room. (Watch out for the giant spider when you get there) then go
right. Go forward until you see a rope, climb it, climb the right rope, go left until you see
another rope, climb it, go a little bit left and theres the egg.

Submitted by: Aaron
Poptropica how to get pink pather shirt and paint brush:
Submitted by: Aaron

Message : first go to spy or early or nobooti than go inside the pink pather building than
talk to the guy with fancy clothes than go left to get the hammer than go thourgh the door
on the way left than go down and right than go to the balfroom door than click the tarsh
bin than go to the lockers than go to the guy with fancy clothes then wola.

Submitted by: karate55

The way you pass nabooti islan is first you go into the african meusem then go to the
statue talk to the lady next to the statue and then say you wanna help to find all the
jewls then she gives you a map then go to the airplane and click on fly then go to the
kaya forest and in the trees there a gold nugget take it and go back to nabooti ask the
first dude on the selling table say you wanna trade the gold nugget for the camera then
go back to the plane and go to the safari at the end there will be zeke say "can i help"
and he says sure you have to take 7 different pictures of animals take 6 pic and take a
pic of the girrafe one more time then he will give you his hard hat take it.then go to
the mountains of the moon pass the first goat without letting it hit you then you have
to get hit by the second goat to go on the ledge then you will find a girl she tells you
that there is a cactus fig on the ledge get it to get it just jump for it then you keep
going and ju,p on the snow ledges then you have to face a old guy with a agem of mancala
beat him and you can enter the cave at the end of the cave there is a jewl take it. then
go back to the airplane then go to the diamond mines pass the first dude on the ground
and just pass him keep going then there is this knob turn it then climb up the sand hill
as fast as.

3rd spy:
Submitted by: kindgirl

Go To were the spy sase that you will need more than long legs to make that jump use the
botie to jump up to the roof tops go to each anteni and go in the pimp get the cherry bomb
e take your time go to the spy she will give SOMETHING

How to get Open Season 2 costumes:
Submitted by: Ted

To get this it's easy! Just go 2 Super Power and go to the Right of the daily paper then
enter and go to the top!
Choices: Bear or Deer

Super power island:
Submitted by: Nicky&Ryan M. E.

-Go to the Comic Shop and ask Ned Noodlehead is he sells anything besides comics
-He'll give you a somewhat helpful book
-Go to the costume shop and get yourself a costume (if you want)
-Then ask the guy on the left for an ID card
-Go over the police red tape (swim) and get stuff you need from the scientist and the
-To defeat Copy Cat, just destroy all her clones AND her my jumping on them all  before
 the smoke bomb makes you start to cough.
-Then click on her.
-To defeat the guy on the train, just make sure he doesn't make contact with you buy
 jumping up every time he tries to crash into you.
-Then click on him
-To defeat the guy in the Junkyard, just climb up onto the crane thing and click on
 the switch. Then pull the lever down. He'll get squished for a few seconds,  then he'll
 start throwing stuff at you and knock you off the crane. Get back on the crane, then pull
 the lever in the other direction, and he'll get crushed.
-Then click on him.
-To defeat the guy in the park with mind powers, jump up and click him so he gets annoyed,
 then push a rock close by him and stand next to it. If you place it right, he'll try to
 lift the ground underneath you up, including the rock, which should then hit him and knock
 him over.
-Then click on him.
-To defeat the Rat guy (in the toilets, men's for male players and lady's for female
 players), go down the sewer and play with the water controls until you can get up to
 the exit. Exit, then get to another control thing by avoiding evil rats.
 (They'll knock you over if you touch them). Once you've clicked on the control wheel, a
 swarm of bees will chase you so jump up onto the pipes quickly and click on the guy before
 the bees knock you over.
-Now you've defeated 5 villains. Go to the telephone: it's ringing. Click on it, and you'll
 be able to fly. Now you can defeat Betty Jetty. Just follow her in the sky and avoid ALL
 the green things she flings at you until she falls down. Then Ned Noodlehead will step
 in and accidently save the day by bumping into her.
-Click on her.
-Ned is now the town hero. If you want the medal that is rightfully yours, just get a
 hotdog from the stand and go to the Comic Shop. Trade it with "Hot Dog Boy" (Ned) to
 get your medal.

How to change cloths:
Submitted by: Nicky

Go to Early Poptropica and click on a guy that has ballons then get 1 it will change
your skin color. Mine is pink. You could have it blue, black, pink, tan, green, brown
and more!

How 2 pass the falling orange things 24 carrot:
Submitted by: charlotte

when ur in the factory 2 pass the orange things u run very quickly across them.If,
you fail try,try,try again.That worked for me!

B.a.d bistario:
Submitted by: Lexi

Goto the eye docter
click on him read his speach bubles
click eye egzam
then if he says click on E do it backwards or the opisit like if its upside down
click it upside up then visit the place upstairs and wear som costume a man givs
you and sneack around its easire b.a.d cant find or hot or catch you.

Shark Tooth Island:
Submitted by: justin

1.talk to the guy with the cocunut drink
2.go on top of anciet ruins get the translatin key
3.go inside anciet ruins get the bone and the key ingredient
4.talk to the medicine guy. feed the poiton to Booga.
5.save the boy and DR.hammerhead, then you beat shark tooth island

Space Buddies Suit:
Submitted by: Amy

Go to 24 carrot go right go inside watever it is talk to the guy and say the bottom thing
then go right and press botton then find all the puppies then go back talk to the guy and
he'll give you a space suit and a fire cracker, ENJOY!

Spy Island:
Submitted by: Kaiya

to finish spy island first go to Dr.spglass and ask for an i exame then do the opisite
example:if it's this W do a M. Then go to the docks get past the B.A.D and go in the door.
Now get past all three dogs and go in the chamber set free the agent.Then go to the Toupee
Terrace and get past the lights to the top of the building cut thew the bars with your laser
pen and free the second agent.Now you go to balding avenu climb to the top of the red building
jump to the pale building and go to the top roofs and go to the next agent use your bow tie
to get to the antena on the other building go inside the tunel get the cherry bomb to the first
flower and then the next free the agent.Now go to the control centerget past the lasers.

Nabooti to get the blue jewel:
Submitted by: katy

you have to have a turban and talk to the guy and he will give you a shovel you also must have
a cell phone. you must type 666789 and the phone will ring and the guy will look for the phone.
you click his bag and you get a moonstone go to he top of the sphinx and click the monotone
the door will open and you go in you have to remember the pictures. you go up the rope and jump
on those same pictures you enter the sarcophagus room and you look at the hieroglyph and click
the levers in the same order be quick or you cant get the last one then you go to the sarcophagus
and you get the blue jewel.

How to complete spy island:
Submitted by: ~Icey~

Spy island
go to headquarters and speak to the man upstairs
(he is actually the evil villain)
he will give you a decoder.
Next go to the eye place and there is a room
upstairs that is locked.ask for an eye exam but do
the opposite of what he points to.
He will then unlock the room upstairs, so
go out and up the ladder and in.
He will give you a chamielian suit.
click items and you will were the suit.
go to the ware house on the deck.
speak to the man in the bin and he will give you an item.
next go to the warehouse and run ,
when there are gaurds you stop.
go up on to the roof and run left.
fall onto the second roof and stop wait for them to turn
and move a little bit until you get to the door.
go in.every time a dog passes STOP!there are 3 dogs.
once you reach the ground jump up onto the boxes and get on the shelfs. get in
the bit were the spy is and untie him he'll give you a laser pen.
the spy will knock out the guard and unlock the door.
next go to BAD Bistro on balding avenue (SPEAK TO THE SPYS)
and pass a memory test to become a chef.
go to items and put on the hat and ask the posh man if he wants anything.
he will give you a glass and now you cant exit so jump up on the left in the vent and
jump on the lights.go to tourpee terace.
look at the part saying

so read the first letter of each line downwords to spell
I forgot to say the decoder works by putting the two letters that it has
the first one on the big circle the second on the small circle so they are together.
you look for the letters in a word on big circle and look what it says on the little
circle and jott it down.anyway climb up the 4th building on tourpee terace
and releace the spy at the top with the laser pen.
he will give you a grappling bowtie.go back to balding avenue an use the bowtie to climb up the
grease monkey and up the windows. now click go up at the top and fire your bowtie straight
inline with your tummy and jump.
when the guard comes you need your suit on to be camouflage.
jump off the left side and fire your bowtie at an angle upwards.
return to the level you jumped off and run of and it will take you it will take you to the antenna.
go down the pipe. First find the spy and then go back down to were the pipe is and walk
the opposite way to the cherry bomb tree.nock a bomb of the cherry bomb tree and get it to
the spy as quick as you can! put it on bouncey flowers to get it to her
and roll it outside the cage.THEN RUN!once it blows up she will give you
some goggles so take off the suit and put on goggles so that you can
see lasers.now go through tourpee terace and into B.A.D controll centre.
wait for the laser to stop and eventually when you
get to the door, remember that cup you got?
use the fingerprint to get through the door.do the same with the lasers in there
and get to the part where you enter something in the green square thing.
you will get trapped but director d will get you out.
enter again and dr.d will laugh and exit.
follow him and then he will reveal all.
when the little robots come jump into the yellow thing and let them electrocute you.
once all 4 are dissabled he will be in a big robo so doge and crash him into the wall 4 times.
Then go to headquarters and speak to everyone AND YOU HAVE COMPLETTED IT

Camilion Suit:
Submitted by: chelsea9

Go 2 spy glass eyewear talk 2 the guy and ask him for a test then do the opisite thing what
he does then go upstairs talk 2 him then he gives you the suit.

How to change hair color on 24 Carrot:
Submitted by: Serkan and Ginger Tan

Go to the King Carrot Diner and go all the way to the left and click on the bubbling machines.
Mix the colors the one you want and click drink.

Secret phone and lost items:
Submitted by: DhaniX

If you have the phone from nabooti you type in 911 and you will get police hat and belt.for
a brain hat do 411 but BEWARE it will destroy your your HAIR(FOREVER you will be cursed).do
1225 and get santa hat and toy bag.for halloween pumpking hat do ctrl shift p.for randomly
change your person do ctrl shift r.for skin do ctrl shift s.

Naabooti- Mountains of the Moon:
Submitted by: Crystal2468

Okay, once you get past the first goat and the water, you come to another goat near a high
ledge. don't worry, nobody expects you to jump onto the ledge by yourself-just jump on the
goat and it'll butt you up! Then, jump onto the nearby tree and find the Nabooti woman-she
shouldn't be far away. Talk to her, then find the cactus fig and jump to it. She doesn't want
it, so you get to keep it. Then, go to the right , jump across the waterfall, and keep going
until you reach more ledges. jump on, but watch the goat! It's not supposed to be helpful,
unless you can somehow get it to propel you across the gap. By this time you should have learned
to watch for boulders. keep jumping across the gaps until you get to the snow capped ledges.
These are slippery, by the way. Follow them, and slide down the snowy slope. Eventually you'll
come to an old guy. get close enough and he'll challenge you to a game of mancala. If you win,
he lets you into the cave. From there' all you have to do is go inside, find the jewel and get out.

Super trooper suit (super power):
Submitted by: Doidle3

Go to super power, have the space buddies suit and fly power, wear the shirt, get the orange
cape from the super hero outfit store, and the cop gun, then fly up to were the original
super hero person is then talk to him 40 times (talk move,talk move, talk move, you get the
point) then you will all the sudden look like a navy trooper with a cape.

Nabooti Island:
Submitted by: jess

How to passs the chicken,feed,and fox test at Nabooti Island ( Mountains of the Moon)
First take the chicken to the other side then the fox now put the chicken back in the basket.
Now drop chicken off at the starting side. Then take the feed to the ending side.
Now take chicken to ending side.

How to get pasted the rat:
Submitted by: chrissy2002

There is a ledge if you jump on the ledge the rat will not see you. And you can jump off but he
will see you watch out!!!!!!!

What to do With Bubble Gum, Stink Bomb, and Locker Combination:
Submitted by:

Go to the school on Big Nate Island. Go to your inventory and click on USE for the bubble gum.
Your character will chew gum, and Mrs. Godfrey will take you inside the Detention Room. Click
on your inventory and click on USE for the Stink Bomb. Mrs. Godfrey will run away. Exit the
Detention Room. Click on the messy locker. Click on the first row on the lock until 9 is under
the arrow. Do the same thing for the other rows. The combination is 9305. After you put the
combination in the lock, a mess will fly out of the locker. Click on the mess. You will get a
School Blueprint. Enter the Detention Room and click on the file cabinet. Go down, click on
POWER, get the Bell Clapper, go out of the secret room, and exit the school. Go on top of the
school and click on your inventory. Click on USE for the Bell Clapper. It will go into the school
bell. If you haven't figured how to move the bird, I might tell you in another cheat.
Hope this helps!

Big Nate Island of Poptropica:
Submitted by: Anonymous

Go to the science lab in the school. Put the chemicals in the test tube in the following order:
Blue, red, yellow, blue, yellow. I'm not sure if you turn the arrow to one or two. Try one first.
If it doesn't work, try two. Once you put the chemicals in the test tube in the correct order,
and put the arrow on the correct number, you will get a stink bomb. Hope this helps!

Poptropica - Updates:
Submitted by: Thorin

If you want the best updates for Poptropica as soon as possible, you should check out
Poptropica Help Blog. They're always up-to-date with the news!

Link: http://poptropica.wordpress.com/

Big Nate Island Walkthrough:

Nabooti Island Walkthrough:

Spy Island Walkthrough:

Super Power Walkthrough:
Big Nate Island Walkthrough:

24 Carrot Island Walkthrough:

Time Tangled Island Walkthrough:

Shark Tooth Island Walkthrough:

Early Poptropica Island Walkthrough:


Big Nate:
Submitted by: Anna B.

to catch the dog go to the clubhouse and clik on go to jail. get the word right and get the
peanut butter crackers. Go to the bottom of the thing. Go to your items Clik USE on the
crackers. you are on your own from thier. acully i'm not sure if youcan cathc him.
I think he helps in finding the time capsule.

Big Nate Island:
Submitted by: hermione6712

If you arre wondering how to move the big bird from above the school i know how
1st get an old picature and go to the picture place and trade it 4 scubba gear
2nd go to the lighthouse and go diving go to the bottom ovoid the bubbles remember how much
oxygen you have get the cage at the bottom and give it to the man at the dock he will give you
a lobster go to the top of the lighthouse go to by the light thingy go to your things and
press use on the lobster thing it will turn the light the other way the bird is gone!!!!!!

Big Nate Island:
Submitted by: Poptropica pro

Go to the school in to the scince room. Make a stink bomb. You have to keep getting comics strips,
then arange the comics so there is a code nine three zero five. Go give it to the man in the art
shop he will give you gum, go to school and blow a bubble. The teacher will catch you and put you
into detetion. Put the stink bome on the floor then the teacher will leave go to the file cabnit
and click on it. Go down the latter push on the power grab the bell clapper and . At the light house
there is a pic flowing in the air jump on it once you have it go back to the camera store.
You change it for the suaba gear, you go back to the light house, you ask the caption to go down to
the bottom of the lake you bring it back up. Then you give it to him the trap, he will give you keys
for the jetskis and a lobster. When you get on the jetski Nate will want to race you. You have to
jump over things by presing your mouse. Once you reach the rock you have to move the seals tt one
end of the rock. Grab the map and go back to Big Nate Island. Climb the latter on the light house
go to the light on the top, use the lobster to move the light. The sea gull will get scared off the
school. Run to the school and go put the bell clapper in the bell. The girs will go back to school
go to the playground and put a cracker. Where the girls were standing and then you will have to dig
out the time box. Then you will get an award.

Big Nate Island Stink bomb:
Submitted by: Catherine

To make a Stink Bomb, just THINK GREEN like the sign in the lab says. Put equal amounts of
Blue and yellow in the test tube to make it turn green. Turn the heet on, just click any number 1-5,
you will get a stink bomb.

Historic Picture:
Submitted by: mlsjaikrh

go to puffin point and jump up the light house and there you will see a paper flotting in they
air and then jump for it then go back to the camera shop and get the scoaba gear.

Big Nate:
Submitted by: atfreak

To get the bell clanger go to the science lab and use the chemical mixer to make a stink bomb
get the gum and go to the school chew gum and go to detention use the stink bomb go to the
file cabnet go down and get the bell clanger! Have fun!!!!

Big Nate:
Submitted by: tia

Go to the very end and you will come to a man dive under the water and get a lobster cage,
give it to the man and he will give you a lobster and a key for a water motor, you than have
to race big nate but don't worry it is not that hard. once you have raced him you get to this
place. push to the left and grab the picture.

In big nate there is a hunt to find all the comic strips, good luck!!! one is the big shop to
the left of the comic book shop.

How to get the bird away:
Submitted by: Zeepeys

If you can get the lobster, go on top and click the lights handle, and then click us eon the
lobster, you can turn it torads the school to make the bird go away.

Big nate how to get the bird out of the way:
Submitted by: danny6799

you have to go to the light house and go to the light and use the lobser to act like a wrench
and the light will shine on the bird and go to the top of the school put the bell in and go to
the play ground and put the peanut crakers in the spot that the girls were in and the time capsule
will be there click on the time capsule and bring it up and click on the spot the key would be
and it will open the you will win.

How to Get Rid of the Bird on Big Nate Island on the School:
Submitted by: Anonymous

Go to Puffin Point. There should be a photograph flying outside to the left of the lighthouse.
Since the photo is flying, it should take a few tries to catch it. Once you have the photo in your
inventory, trade it for the scuba gear in the Photo Center on Main Street. Go back to Puffin Point.
Put the scuba gear on. Dive in the sea. Get the lobster trap before you run out of oxygen. Once you
have it, give the trap to the man standing on the dock. He'll give the keys to ride the jet skis.
He'll also give you a lobster. Climb the lighthouse onto the platform above Mr. Rosa, the painter.
Go to your inventory. Click on USE for your lobster. The light will shine on the bird and get rid
of it. Then jump of the lighthouse and ride the jet skis. You will have to race Big Nate. Race him.
Remember, there are things in the sea blocking your path! If you make it to the end, push the seals
to the other end of the rock. Then grab the roll of paper, which is the map to the time capsule.
Hope this helps!

How to beat big nate island:
Submitted by: Zeepeys

1.once you have all the comic peices, you go to the comic shop and get the gum from the guy.
2.go to the school and chew the gum, teacher will come go to detention
3.unlock the locker and get the school blueprints and go to secret room and get bell clapper
4.ring the bell once you have put the clapper in
5.use the peanut crackers at the edge of where the girls were standing

Big Nate Island - The Walkthrough:
Submitted by: mary

For big nate island first you have to go to the seccond store. Place you see when you get in.
then you talk to the guy on the seccond floor and hell ask for the rest of a comic. to find the
comic pieces you have to climb up the poles that hold the lines that connect the telephone. walk
on them. at one side you will find a piece of the comic. next you look in the photograph room and
then you will find another piece. look in the sky at the light house. after that you look in the
attic in the first store there is another piece. there is a few more pieces to look for. one of
them is in the school. there is one more in the air around the play ground. go back to the guy
nad organize the pices. give it to him. he will give you gum and then he will give you the comic
back. on the comic is a combination for nates locker in the school. next go to the photographers
room. he wants you to find him a historic picture. i forget where that was. but i will write it
in another cheat. he gives you a diving suit and gear. next go to the science lab in the school.
put the chemichals in the arder of blue red yellow blue yellow. it makes a stink bomb. after you
finish that you go to the play ground. go all the way to the top and get into the clubhouse that
says: kids only. play go to jail and football. don't give up on football. just keep trying. when
you win go to jail he will give you stale crackers. when you win football he will give you a journal.
read it. go out of the club house and go all the way to tthe ground. go to the lighthouse and ask
the man on top of the light house to let you use his telescope. climb to the tip top and move the
light in the opposite direction and the bird on top of the school will fly away. go to items and put
on your diving gear. go under water. watgh out for bubbles. they bring you up higher to the surface.
get his trrap and then go to him and he will give you keys to a jeyski. he also gives you a lobster.
(thats what you use to move the light on the light house) !

Get in the jetski and nate will race you. win!! you will end up at the rocks. you should see a paper.
its stuck. get on top of the rock move both seals to the left. get the paper. go to the school and
chew the gum inside of the school. a lady will put you in detention but first go on the floor above
it and open the locker. the combination is 9305. put it in and the locker should fly out with papers.
click on them. you should pick up a map. go into detention.pet the stink bomb don and the teacher
will leave. go in her file cabinet and crawl down.on the cieling is a hook on the hook is a ringer
for a bell. get out of the school and climb up to the top of the school put the ringer in the bell
and the girls from the playground will come in. go to the playground and look at the map. go to the
X on the map and put down a penut butter cracker. to dog willl come and dig. he dug up a time capsul.
pick it up and look inside. you found a pearl it will go to the school. you saved the school.
BIG NATE ISLAND IS OVER!!! YOU CONCURED IT!!! i really hope this helped you a lot.

Nabooti phone stuff:
Submitted  by: jonathan

I can get you cool stuff on nabooty island first get the phone in your bag. now here are
some numbers to type in: 411 is the brain hat 1225 is the santa costume

Big nate island to the see gul:
Submitted by: k g (kind girl k g stads for)

first you need to go in the first shop find a piece of paper its a top then there i some
other witch you need to find go in to to the end get the paper go to the shop witch look
like a camra talk the man swap the pictuer for the scuba gear take it go to the man and at
the bottem go and scuba dive the lobster cage is down there talk to the ugly man get the
lobster go up to the top and take out the lobster useit and it turn it and bam oh and try
and find me i am clled dangerrose rock and have blue hair

Beat big nate fast:
Submitted  by: anilator
go to nabooti island go to blue nile falls help the lady with the animals (order is chicken
,corn seed bring the chicken back fox then chicken) go to the other side take the flower bring
it to nabooti island get the turban and go to egypt and take the plane to giza talk to the guy
he'll give you a shovel fly to big nate open your inventory then click were it says big nate it
will open a list click nabooti then you go to go to the play ground click inventory do the same
thing again xept clickthe shovel click use were the girls are and you beat big nate!!!

Shark tooth made easy:
Submitted by: charlie

go past the man selling shark fins and go into the ancient ruins and get a bone and couldron.
then get carbonated soda and get a hola skirt and wear it. then go see the medicine man a he
will fill the coconut with the potian. then feed it to the shark and go accross the island to
rescue the man

Big Nates Island:
Submitted by: karambrocks

At Big Nates Island go to where the light house is. Go up to the top of it. u will get a comic
strip and u jump off the left of it. try to go on top of the old newpaper thing. It will go into
ur inventory. go back to where u first met Nate. Go inside the camera and tell the fat guy u have
a old time picture and u will trade each other u will get the scuba diving things. go back to
light house place. u will see a man. put on scuba diving things, its in ur inventory. So now press
dive. u will dive in go all the way to the right corner at the bottom go as fast as u can! u will
run out of oxygen. go on top of the cage it will go in ur inventory come back up it doesn't matter
if u run out of oxygen AFTER u get the cage. Give it to the man. he will give u a lobster and the
keys to the jet skies. go on the jet ski. Nate will come over and race u. I have never beaten him
to get to the finish he wins every single time!!! plz make a cheat if u no how to defeat him.
HOPE THIS HELPS! Have Fun!!!!!

How to get the map to the time capsule:
Submitted by: poptropicagirl

go on a stair step on the light house jump and try to catch the picture when you have it go to say
cheeze and trade the picture with the scuba gear put it on and go dive go all a way down and get
the lobster trap (keep trying till you get it) give it to the old man and he will give you keys to
his boat then go up the light house and look though the telescope look around with the telescope
and then you will see the map get down from the light house and get in the water and click on ride
big nate will come and race you (the trick to beat him is put your mouse way to the right intil
the race is over) then you will be on the island move the two seals on the rock to the left and
click on the map then you will have it

How to get the bird off:
Submitted by: Nicholas

First you get the diving suit from the artist you have to trade him the
old picture then he will give it to you then you go diving by the lighthouse
and you get the crate and after you do that he will give you a lobster then you go up on the
very top of the lighthouse where you turn the thing then you press
use and it will turn the light and make the bird go away.

How 2 find the map with the seals:
Submitted by: cool claw

Once you got the diving suit from freaky picture dude u dive straight down and get the lobster
trap. then go back up. give the fisher man he's trap then he'll give u keys and something else.
then u and nate we'll race 2 the small island but u have to beat nate there. then move the seals
2 1 end and u'll be able 2 get the map. look 4 more cheats from others people. peace out.

Big Nate Full Walkthrough:
Submitted by: lulubean97

First You have to talk to big nate. Then go into the comic store and talk to the tall dude.
Then find all the peices and give it to the guy. At the school go to the locker stuffed with
papers and put in the combo. Get the map, you will need it later. At the lighthouse, the is an
old photo. Get it and give it to school phooto guy. He will give you the scuba gear and you have
to go into the ocean by salty. Find the lobster trap and give it to salty. He will give you a
lobster and the keys to his jet skis. Look through the telescope on top of the light house and
look at the map. Then you have to take the lobster and use it on the light. Race nate to the
sealsaw rock and beat him. Move the seals so you can grab the map. Then you have to go back
and go into the school. Go into the science lab and make a stink bomb. Go out side the detention
room and blow a bubble with the gum you got. Mrs.Godfrey should take you into the room. Use your
stink bomb and she will leave. Go to the file cabinet and a ladder should appear. Go down and
get the bell clapper. Go back up and use the clapper on the school bell. Everyone should leave
the playground. Beat nate in hang man and get the peanut butter crackers. Use one where the
girls were standing. The dog should dig it up and the time capsule will appear. Congrats you
just beat big nate. Go get the medal from Mrs. Godfrey. :)

Big Nate Island:
Submitted by: lazy lizard

at the light house jump on the top youll get a picture, bring it to the man at say cheese,
he will give you the scuba suit, go back to the light house go scuba diving, get the cage,
go up fast, youll get a lopser go to the light house click on the light, go to the top of
the school where the brid was, youll see sum thing is gone on it.

Big Nate Island:
Submitted by: poptropicagirl1

READ THIS WHOLE THING BEFORE YOU GO TO THE ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!when you get
to big nate island go and talk to everyone on main street go to the guy that wants a comic
strip and go and find the other pices of the comic there is one in the camara shop on top of
the light and one of the peces is in the science room go get the picture that is floating
around next to the lighthouse and give it to the guy in the camera shop for the scuba gear
then go to puffen point and go down to the bottom and get the guys trap and bring it to him
on the ledge and he will give you a crab and the key to the moter boats go on the top of the
lighthouse and ask to look in the telescope and then when you see the map go to the moter boats
and beat big nate to the rock WATCH OUT FOR OBJECTS when you get there get behind the seal and
push it to one side and grab the map then to get the crackers you have to beat the games in the
house on top of the play ground.to move the bird on the top of the school you have to go to the
lighthouse and use the lobster to move the light and the seagull will fly away then you have to
find the clapper to the bell. to get in detention the sign on the wall inside the school says
no gum chewing so when you get the gum from the guy when you found all the comic peaces the guy
will give you bubble gum go to the school and go inside and blow a bubble then you will have to
go in detention before you go to detention go to the science lab and mix the colors till it is
green and turn it on and try all the heat levels then you will have a stink bomb when you are
in detention put the stink bomb in there and the teacher will run out then go out to the locker
and put in the combination and it will pop open then click the pile of paper and you will find
the school blueprint and go back in detention and click the file cabnet and go down

Big Nate Island - how to get time capsel map:
Submitted by: shorty

ok first get the pic, from the top of the light house then trade it at the camra store and the
weird guy will give u the scuba outfitt, go back to the light house and then click DIVE and go
under then find the cage @ the right hand coner and go back up then get the keys for the jets
skis, then this is how you beat Nate to the map first jump really high over him and ovide the
obsiticles then after a few mins get to the map and move the seals around and get it!
plz HELP me on the last part of Nate Island! how do u make the stink bomb to get the teach out
of DETENTION? Plz help me!!!!!!!!! If u have gottin there!
- fellow poptroicia gamer

How to Get Rare clothing:
Submitted by: Elioise

When you have the cell phone on Nabooti island, call the numbers 911, 411, and 1225 to get
rare clothing!

How to beat Nate to get to the island:
Submitted by: JM

Go to the right-end of the screen as far as you can and start jumping like crazy. Once you
get to the island, push both seals to the left as far as you can and click on the map.

How to copy clothes:
Submitted by: Babii_Babii

To copy clothes you go and find the person that whose clothes you like and wish that you had.
Then up in the corner it says customize character. Then It says select a character and you
click on the person with cool clothes and then It will show you and the person and then you
click on the feature(s) that you want and then it will appear on you. If you like how you look,
press accept. If you don't press cancel. That is how.

Beat Big Nate Island:
Submitted by: benjamin

fist thing to beat the island is to get all the comic pices then vist the grown-up guy in the
comic shop. One thing is to get the thing fling in the air at the harbor place then when you
get it you have to go to the photo shop talk to the swap the photo for his suba gear and you
might want to ask some qustions.When you swaped the photo for the scuba gear go back to the
harbor place dive go to the bottom of the place walk to right no gofing or will you die achuly
run out of ocsagen once you get the net go back to the surface and talk to the fisher and he he
will give you the keys for the things that run in the water and the lobster then go to the top
of the light house but stillon the floors click on the thing then you figure out its a light
once you use the loster after you click on it the light turns it will scare the bird away from
the school then go to the school click on the bell it will not work go down ow i forgot some
thing at the rock after you beated nate on the raceyou have to push two of the seals on the top
rock twards to left and the have to be at the let ege both of them exsactly the n the map that
tells where the time capsel is is relesed then get it then go back to the habor you got preety
close to beating the iland now so try to figure the rest out your self now!

Time Tangled island cheat!:
Submitted by: E-Dog89

to beat time tangeled island you have to go to pendelum's lab,go down and push the thing
in the slot then you have to talk to the girl with the crazy hair and click on her then she
will give you a notebook and then you can go into the teleportation thing.once you are in
there you have to talk to you in the future.you will you a teleportation device to go back in
time.then click on your device and click on a chinese looking-like guy and press the green button.
then go all the way to the right and follow this black dust then you will come to a barell full
of explosive dust on a pile of bricks.get that then click on the device again and click on the
white viking guy and press the button again.then go the right(not all the way)and you will see
a cave,click on your items bag and get the barell of explosive dust,set it down in front of the
rocks that are blocking the cave.then step away from it and wait for it to explode.once it explodes
go in the cave and quickly go all the to the right and then down then go a little to the left and
jump on the rocks so your flame wont burn out there you will find a golden vase and another flame.
get the vase then step on the flame so it will give your flame more then quickly go out of the
cave the same way you went in.then the rest is your's gotta go!!!

Big Nate Island Comic Pieces:
Submitted by: Lex

-go 2 the klassic komix and talk 2 the guy at the book nook
-go 2 the pop in shop on the 3rd floor there is a piece on the couch
-go 2 the top of the 3rd pole
-get 2 the thing above the cement
-above the climbing wall at the playground there is a piece jump 2 it
-climb on top of the lighthouse and get that piece
-in the school in the science room above Mr.bones there is a piece
-on the loudspeaker in the school there is a piece
-go 2 the picture place go all the way 2 the right U should see it

Big Nate Island:
Submitted by: The king of poptropica

To beat big nate in a race you have to keep on jumping up and down until you pass him.
After you do it until you win.Next go to the club house and play nate in hang man and
to the right, play him in paper football.Please tell me how to find the last comic book

How to get the girl out of the cage:
Submitted by: Name: Katie

When you go to the rooftops go in the building there will be a cherry bomb tree
move the bomb to the cage and she will get out.

Secert Clothes:
Submitted by: lazy lizard

go to youre items for early poptropica, you will probebly have a grass skirt, put it
on,have you got the space puddies costume? put the helmet on,have a specil shirt put
that on to,then go in to one of those places where poptropica charecters hang out, they
will try to copy youre outfit but they cant!

How 2 beat Nate on the Jet Skis:
Submitted by: chrissy2002

If you get infront of Nate just keep jumping and you should win.

How to get bell clapper on big nate:
Submitted by: Tan

Go to the science room make a stink bomb put it in the detention room.
The teacher will go away. Go down the drawer.

How to get the Lobster cage And how to get the old photo:
Submitted by: chrissy2002

To get the lobster cage you have to go under the water with the scuba gear. Now how you
get the scuba gear is another cheat I am going to tell you. To get the SCUBA GEAR you
have to talk to the man at the big camara place. He will tell you that if you want to
have his SCUBA GEAR he will tell you you can have it if you give him an old photo of
the dock. Well he won't tell you that in black in white. But the photo is by the dock.
you go 2 jumps up on the light tower ladder and you will se it fly around. Get in the
ready position. And JUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!! you should have it unless u wrer not paying attention.
Now give the old photo to the camara man and he will give you his GEAR. go to the dock
again and put your gear on and jump in the water. It will ask you if you want to godown
say yes. Go acrass for a while then go down you will see a rope follow the rope and there
is the basket. Grab the basket and go up. give it to the Sailor he will give you the lobster.
There you go and have fun!!!!!!!!!

Big Nate Island Walkthrough (part1):
Submitted by: Ryan Terry

Start by going to the comic store and talking to the tall man on the middle floor.
He will say "I really want to see this comic, but all I have is this title piece".
Find all of the pieces and then go back to him. He will give you stale gum. Go to
the school and enter the science lab. Go to the chemical maker and mix blue and
yellow to make grey. Turn it on to 4 and you will make a stink bomb.(See part 2)

How to beat big nate island:
Submitted by: molly

frist u have to talk to nate then u go in the pop-in shop and get the pituce that in the
atacc then u go to the lighthouse and get the old picture. u go to the carmra shop and give
the pituce to him and he'll give u a divein suit then ugo to the school and make the stink
boom before u get detencon u need a pice of bubble gum. uget that by geting all the comicswhen
u get all the comics u go to comic store he'll trade u a pice of gum u go back to the school.
eat the pice of bubblegum and u getdeatencon ps.u make the snik boom with yellow & blue on high.
before u get detencon u need the blue prints to the school then when u get the blue prits u use
the stinkboom and the teacher will leave the room then go to the file cabinit and u turn the power
on and u get the inside of the bell then u go to the park and get ronnton penntobutter cracks then
u go to the lifehouse aginaand dive under the water and get the lobster then he'll give u the lobster
and keys. u go to the top of the lighthouse and use the lobster to move the sigal at the school but
before u go to the school look throght the tellacope and then find a picece of paper you go on the
water skisand nate will race u you have to beat him and get the picec of paper then u go backto the
land and you go to the schooland put the bell in then u go to the park and have the dog dig where
the girls were and thenu have finesed big nate island.

Big Nate - map to the treasure:
Submitted by: Angel

there is a page flying around.grab it, then take it to the guy at the photo place.he will give you
some diving equiptment. dive into the water at puffin point and get the lobster trap.give it to capn
salty and he will give you the keys to the water gliders. go on them and beat big nate. when you are
there push the two seals to the left hand side, then you can get the map out easly, there you go,
but how are you going to get the girls to move out of the way to dig the hole? Let me give you a
clue, you need to get the spade from nabooti from the pix and somehow get the school bell to ring

How to get the time Capsule:
Submitted by: Joe Blow

First you need to get the old photograph witch is at Puffin point jump off the Lighthouse and you
will get the old photo... Then the guy at the Camera shop, ya will give him the photo and he will
give you somme diving equiptment. Go to Puffin Point go diving at the bottom his lobster trap is
at the bottom git it and give it to captain Salty he will give you a lobster... then go to where
you met Nate and at the comic shop the guy will give you gum... then go to the school and go to
the Science lab and make a stink bomb then go in the hall way chew the gum and you will go to
Detention...use the stink bomb...the lady will go away, click on her dror Go into the room turn
the lights on. Jump you will see the claper for the bell...then go to Puffin Point... go to the
top use the lobster to turn the light... it will shine on the bird at the bell...got to the school
put the claper in the bell ring it the kids at the park will go away... go to the park, when you
get to the clubhouse solve the word for hangman...you will get the peanut butter crackers... go
down, were the dog is put a cracker where the kids where standing he will dig a hole then click
on the box that comes out then click on the jewel.

Jet Pack:
Submitted by: katter3

Go to Early Poptropica and jump up on the clothes line and then jump on a very tall building and
you will see a rope.climb up the rope and you would see a giant.he will ask you to find his egg.
After that you go to the swimmer and he will say there is a glow stick.pick it up.Then go to the
spider and get through and there will be an entrance.go into the cave and then find the way through
there.go back to the giant and he will let you through(you don't get the pack yet).Go around and
you will find the jet pack.

Big Nate Island:
Submitted by: Abdul Rahman and Nur Sakinah

For big nate island first you have to go to the seccond store. Place you see when you get in.
then you talk to the guy on the seccond floor and hell ask for the rest of a comic. to find the
comic pieces you have to climb up the poles that hold the lines that connect the telephone. walk
on them. at one side you will find a piece of the comic. next you look in the photograph room and
then you will find another piece. look in the sky at the light house. after that you look in the
attic in the first store there is another piece. there is a few more pieces to look for. one of
them is in the school. there is one more in the air around the play ground. go back to the guy
nad organize the pices. give it to him. he will give you gum and then he will give you the comic
back. on the comic is a combination for nates locker in the school. next go to the photographers
room. he wants you to find him a historic picture. i forget where that was. but i will write it
in another cheat. he gives you a diving suit and gear. next go to the science lab in the school.
put the chemichals in the arder of blue red yellow blue yellow. it makes a stink bomb. after you
finish that you go to the play ground. go all the way to the top and get into the clubhouse that
says: kids only. play go to jail and football. don't give up on football. just keep trying. when
you win go to jail he will give you stale crackers. when you win football he will give you a journal.
read it. go out of the club house and go all the way to tthe ground. go to the lighthouse and ask
the man on top of the light house to let you use his telescope. climb to the tip top and move the
light in the opposite direction and the bird on top of the school will fly away. go to items and put
on your diving gear. go under water. watgh out for bubbles. they bring you up higher to the surface.
get his trrap and then go to him and he will give you keys to a jeyski. he also gives you a lobster.
(thats what you use to move the light on the light house) !

Get in the jetski and nate will race you. win!! you will end up at the rocks. you should see a paper.
its stuck. get on top of the rock move both seals to the left. get the paper. go to the school and
chew the gum inside of the school. a lady will put you in detention but first go on the floor above
it and open the locker. the combination is 9305. put it in and the locker should fly out with papers.
click on them. you should pick up a map. go into detention.pet the stink bomb don and the teacher
will leave. go in her file cabinet and crawl down.on the cieling is a hook on the hook is a ringer
for a bell. get out of the school and climb up to the top of the school put the ringer in the bell
and the girls from the playground will come in. go to the playground and look at the map. go to the
X on the map and put down a penut butter cracker. to dog willl come and dig. he dug up a time capsul.
pick it up and look inside. you found a pearl it will go to the school. you saved the school.
BIG NATE ISLAND IS OVER!!! YOU CONCURED IT!!! i really hope this helped you a lot.^

Big Nate - stink bomb and get in detention:
Submitted by: purplecrown510

first you go to the science lab. you go to the potion thing and you add all three colors until
it turns to a sickly green color. then you will get that!next you have to get bubble gum in order
to do this. you go to the school and chew bubble gum right in front of the door to detention and
the teacher will come out and make you come in detention and then you use the stink bomb to make
her get out then you go to the file cabinets and go down.

How to make the stink bomb:
Submitted by: nikki

go to the test tubes click on them next use yellow and blue until the stuff goes green.
now turn the heat on(the small numbers by the pointers)to which ever number . now u have ur
stink bomb!

Time Twisted Island:
Submitted by: kEENAN

-First, go to Pendulum's Lab.
-Power up the Future Machine.
-Talk to yourself 50 year older.
-He will give you a Time Device.
-To get the Salt Rocks from Mali,jump on top of the Graff House (in 1776).
-Then, go to 1387.
-Talk to the guy on top of the first building.
-Give him the rocks.
-To get the Declaration of Independence from the Graff House, go to Mali (in 1387)
-Go to the inn.
-Talk to the Document Merchant.
-Piece together the puzzle.
-Then, go to 1776.
-Give it to Thomas Jefferson.
-To get the Statue of Liberty, go to the top of Mt. Everest (in 1953).
-Then, go to 1882.
-Give it to the guy by the thing saying "Modele Original".
-To get the goggles from Everest, go to the Aztec Empire (in 1519).
-Go to the end of the empire.
-Go to the top of the temple.
-There's an old guy there who gives you the Warrior Headdress.
-Then, click on the first guard.
-He gives you the goggles.
-To get the sun stone from the Aztec Empire, go to the Workshop (in 1877).
-Ride the wagon thingy to the big tree.
-Jump on the branches until you get to the roof.
-Go to the left chimney.
-Then, go to 1519.
-Give the king the Sun Stone.
-To get the phonograph from the Workshop, go to Delphi (in 328 BC).
-Jump on the roof of the treasury.
-Get the Phonograph.
-Return it to Edison (the workshop boss).
-To get the golden vase from Delphi, go to Scandinavia (in 831).
-(You must have the Gunpowder from China to do this.)
-Blow open the cave.
-Go to the bottom left before the torch burns out.
-Get the Golden Vase.
-Return to the guards at the Treasury.
-To get the Amulet, go to China (in 1593).
-Beat the guy in the game.
-Return it to the Viking Captain.
-To get the Stone Bowl from China, go to Lewis and Clark (in 1805).
-Go to the top of the tree.
-Get the Stone Bowl by jumping on the chipmunk.
-Return it to the Smoke Signal Guy.
-To get the Peace Medal from Lewis and Clark, go to Da Vinci's Time (in 1516).
-Jump on the correct platform.
-Then, go to the bottom platform.
-Jump on the bottom of the deck to get the medal.
-Return it to Meriwether Lewis.
-To get Da Vinci's Notebook, go to the Statue of Liberty (in 1882).
-Go to the far left.
-Jump on the ledge of the red building.
-Return it to Da Vinci.
-He gives you a glider.
-Also, you must have the glider to get the Golden Vase.
-Go to Main Street (in the present).
-Use the future machine to go to the Restored Future.
-Use the Air Tubes and Monorails to get to your home.
-Go to the bathroom of your home.
-Talk to you 50 years older again.
-He gives you the Island Medallion and you win.

Spy how to rescue the first spy:
Submitted by: vanessa

Go to the dicks with the costume wich makes you invisible then stop to make your self
invisible then go over the badys stop then get in the door then go in find the spy
inside but get passsed the dogs first then get the spy he will give you a laser pen
and information.

Anti-power Hand Cuffs:
Submitted by: Ellen

In super power island go to the super villan jail and click on the lady scientist and
she will give you the anti-power hand cuffs.

How to find all the peices of the big nate comic:
Submitted by: PoptropicaAddict

First you talk to the guy in the Big Nate comic shop and he gives you the title peice of a
Big Nate comic strip and tells you to find all the peices of it. One is on the telephone lines.
One is on top of the camrea in the photo shop. One is on the loose thing hanging off of the wall
above the stairs in the school. One is in the Science room on the solar system picture. One is
in the attic in Nate's dad's store. One is on top of the lighthouse in Puffin Peak. (Puffin Peak
is to the right of the play ground. There isn't a sign.) The last one is floating around in the
air above the climbing wall in the playground. Good luck!

Big Nate - how to get the thing in the bell:
Submitted by: alissa
Email : alisaard82098@aol.com

First you make a stink bome with yellow and blue and if you want redthen you get all the comec
peaces and put them in order then give it to the guy he will give you the comec backalong with stale
gum go back to the scool and chew the gum near nate and the girlthen the teacher will smell the gum
then she will put you in detencon that is whare you use the stink bomethe teacer will leve the room
then the commbonatin is 9305you will get pushed back then you go back to the locer and press on the
dirty pille a map will come up thats said that the file cabonet has a door you go to the fille
cabonett and press on it thare will be a latter press on it the light swich will be right next to
you press on it then go to your right and you should see a hook on the roof you go and get it then
you tern of the light and go out thengo on the top of the scool and press the thing ang ring it
about 3 times thhen the girs will go in th scool then you get a cracer whare the girls where and
the dog will dig it up and then you get your madallion.

Comic peices on big nate:
Submitted by: anonomous

* Go 2 the klassic komix and talk 2 the guy at the book nook.
* Go 2 the pop in shop on the 3rd floor there is a piece on the couch.
* Go 2 the top of the 3rd pole.
* Get 2 the thing above the cement.
* Above the climbing wall at the playground there is a piece jump 2 it.
* Climb on top of the lighthouse and get that piece.
* In the school in the science room above Mr.bones there is a piece.
* On the loudspeaker in the school there is a piece.
* Go 2 the picture place go all the way 2 the right U should see it.

Submitted by: bb

Go to nabooti island and then take your cell phone call 411 (brain hat),911(police hat)
,1337(freckles/nerd outfit),1225(santa claus hat),
to remove the freckles etc. go to costumize and remove
To get a branch go to nabooti stand by the last trader go to your cell phone call 123 and
then click costumize and click on the vendor.. youl have a branch!

How to get a gun.(For decoration):

Go to Super Power Island and go to the jail. Click "costumizer" then click the cop.
Click on his gun.

Big Nates Big Problem:
Here are some hints:

1: The dog is VERY useful.
2: Beat Nate in his tree house games.
3: You will win some crackers the DOG LOVES crackers.
4: Those girls need to be move they only respond to the BELL.
5: remove the seagull with some LIGHT from a certain house.
6: it needs a STRONG LOBSTER LIKE grip to twist.
7: Get a diving suit get the pot give it to the captain.
8: Twist the light.
9: Fix the bell with a bell clanger thing from the BASEMENT?.
10: Find a map showing where the basment is.
11: Make a stink bomb and get into detention.

Nabooti Island Walkthrough:
Submitted by: matthias man

First go to the nabooti meuseum inside ask the girl for the map then you will need to go to
the plane go to blue nile falls there get the blue lilly then go to the girl and help here
out she needs to get across so bring the fox then the chiken and get the fox back and get
the rice and bring it across and the chicken back then fox then chlken she will tell you a
secret then go to the cave then get the purple jewel.next go back to nabooti swith the blue
lily for the ninja hat then to mountains of the moon go to the top beat the man in a game go
in get cell phone and red jewal go to giza and where that ninja hat then a ninja will give
you a thing to dig then use the cell phone and press 5556789 which is wrotten on the diging
thingthen the man will fine his phone go to his bag then get moon stone put it on top of the
pyrimid then the door opens go in go to the place neer the bridge the code is3. 2. 1.thats
the order go across then macth a code thengo up and go on the girl block then the knife then
old mnan then the knife go up and the mummy then press the buton and the order is4.2.3.1.before
the sand goes to high.after that the mummy will open and you get the blue jewel.go to kaya
forest get the gold nugget go down use that straw berry thing and the tortise will eat it go
where the tortise is dig with the shovel and get the elephant thing 2 spirits need you you to
get a thing go back and change it for a boll change gold nugget for a digital camera. go back
return the thing then you get the green jewel then go to safari and help the old man take 7
good animal pictures he will give you the hard hat go to dimond minds and swith of the electric
button go up and go and enter the broken feild place go to the top and go down then swith of
button then push the fire thing go back then open the green button explode 2 obstacles go in
push the mine cart dodge the things when you are riding after you past go up and use the magnifying
glass and see the nabooti mark take it go back to nabooti meuseum and put the jewels in !
order the order is purple green red white blue.

How to got the girls out of the way and find the capsule:
Submitted by: Babysquirrel

OK if you want to get the girls out of the way you must get the bell clapper (that
is in the detention room click on the filing cabnet)then you must find a way to get
the bird off the bell then you put it in and you click on it and you hear the bell
and the girls will go to class and yuo have the crackers from playing the game with
Nate in the kids clubhouse.Then if you have the map that leads to the capsule yuo get
the dog,Lay a cracker down and he will dig up the capsule and open it and then you
click on the pearl and it saves the school.I hope this helps alot of you and if you
want to find me you need to look for cheerful sneeze.Look for me!!!!

Big Nate:
Submitted by: jojo

mix the blue and the green and make a stink bomb.then go to detention use the stink
bomb and go to file cabbnet.

Where the time capsule is at Big Nate:
Submitted by: Cheat Master

Win a game of "JAIL" located at the top of the playground. Try to talk to girls(even
though they won't talk to you) located at the bottom of the playground. When you installed
the clapper to the bell, click the bell so it could "RING". Go to where the girls were and
plant "PEANUT BUTTER CRACKERS" there. When you see that the dog digged it out click the
timecapsule and reveal what it holds.

Red Face:
Submitted by: jack

in the game place do the mad thing where your head pops up then do an other happy thing and
your face is red for a while.

How to get past the detention teacher:
Submitted by: cutie pie

To get past the detention teacher, u hav to take out your science experement. the teacher
will leave the room. walk over to the file cabinet.click on the bottom 2 draws. go down
the ladder. its hard to see, but there is a power switch. click on it.

How to defeat Ratman, rock man and betty jetty:
For Ratman go passed the guy with the flying rocks get in the bathroom into the sewer, hit
a lot of steering wheels until you get to ratman. Be careful going passed the rats. There's
another steering wheel that you spin, you'll see bees coming to sting you. Run away from the
bees and when you find a wheel spin it and ratman will be knocked out. Go in front of ratman
click on him and you'll see your self back at prison. Rock man: go before the bathroom where
you beat ratman. Get a hotdog {the hot dog is for the end of super power}. You'll see poping
grass get in the middle let the grass pop you up and hit Rock man. Go to Rock man click on
him and when you do that your back at prison. Get your flying powers at a phone booth. Go to
the top of one of the buildings. You'll see her saying catch me if you can. Fly up as high as
you can and when you get up dodge betty jetty's blasts. When you get close to her she'll fall
down on to the building. Wait a little bit and you'll see Ned Noodlehed tackle her. when you
go to prison they'll say Ned noodlehed has the medallion. If you have the hot dog this is what
it is for. Go to the comic shop and ned will say I would trade this Medallion for a hot dog.

Big Nate - how to get the treasure thingy (pearl):
Submitted by: Emma Gilroy

First you must make sure the bell has its dong thing and then go to the playground. Make sure
you know the spot where the girls stood and if you don't it is before the second line of poles.
After that you take a peanut butter candy thing and put it right on that spot and the lost dog
will take it and bury it right on that spot. Then you there will be a box,click on it and you
will take it out and touch the lock thing. There will be a shiny pearl in it and you will save
the school and get the medallion!!!
Thank you for reading my cheat and good luck in the game.

How to go 2 detention on nates island:
Submitted by: friendly iceicle

First u need 2 get all the peices 2 the big nate comic, then go 2 the guy in the comic store &
he will give u a pack of gum. go 2 the school & go inside, then use the pack of gum. the detention
teacher will make u go 2 detention.

How to get the map in Nabooti Island:
Submitted by: Angela

You have to talk to the lady in the museum and wait she will ask you if you want to join the
search say Yes and she will give you the map.Take it to the pilot outside.

Submitted by: Imani

An easy way to get to the place where you have to jump on the egyptian platform is to climb
the rope.

How to beat betty jetty:
Submitted by: anna9092

hi there this is my guide on how to beat betty jetty.
first you have to defeat all of the other super vilians.
then answer the phone and it will be the retired superhero giving you the power to fly.
Go to the top of the tower.
Follow betty jetty.
when she shoots green beams at you, you try and avoiding them soon she will get tired and handcuff
her quickly.
She will go straight to jail and you will see her locked up in her prison cell.
Well done you jave caught betty jetty.
Now do the noodle dance
The words are:
Noodles, do the noodle dance noodles, do the noodle dance. when you do this think of who you have
defeated and be proud of yourself!!!!!!!!
We love you all the world and GOODNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tap Dance:
Submitted by: ann

go to spy island, go to the headquarters and climb to the top. go to the very top building ledge
and on the right side there is am man wearing black stripes.stay on the ledge and talk to him and
you will do a tap dance and u will no stop until u make ur character walk or move.

Tips with your clothes:
Submitted by: Deja

An easy way to change your clothes is by clicking the shirt at the top of your screen and after
you have clicked on that choose a charater you would like to wear the same outfit as not only
clothes but you can also copy a charaters hair,facial expression,beauty marks,and many more...

Nabboti cheats:
Submitted by: 12345mary

First, you go to the musuem and ask a lady below the main lever. Then you'll see the nabboti temple.
She'll give you a Africa map to your quest.Go to the very left and you'll see a pilot.Fly to the
blue niles falls.Hop to the very top and take the egyptiens flower. Go to the other side, and you'll
see a lady. Ask her if you can hepl her. To solve the puzzle, first take the chicken to the other
side, the the feed too. After, bring the chicken back and take the fox to the other side, the rest
you'll know it!She will tell you a secret passage. Do as what it tells you(go inside the cave).
Grab the purple jewel.Next, go to the kaya forest, take the gold nugget and trade to to dude at
main street(nabboti). He'll give you a camera.Then go to mountains of the moons, jumps away from
goats and falling boulders.Find a fig then catch it! Go to the very top where the glaciers are.
You'll see a man taht only let you pass until you win some kind of a game. Try, try and try until
you beat him. Go to the very bottom and you'll find a cell phone. Go back up then find the red jewel.
Next go to main street and trade your flower with a lady to get a desert turban. Go to Giza. Click
on a dude and he'll give you a shovel with a phone nomber on. Dial the nomber on your phone. Vince
will try to find his cell phone and you click in his bag and find a moonstone. Put the moonstone on
top of the Shinks. The door will open and go inside. You'll will see some rectangles on the walls.
Solve the puzzle to put them all staight. Jump on the real rectangles. At the top, you'll see some
blocks. Arrange them, then a wall will open. Go in a see some calved images in huge blocks. Jumps
on them until you get it all right.Next you'll see 2 sattues and some carved animals. Pull the levels
to make the animals to fall on order(1234). Them see the blue jewel. Get out of their.Go to kaya
forset and fed the tortois whith your fig. Use your shovel and dig where th turtoise slept on.
You'll find a ebony elephant and 2 ghost. Go to main street and trade !
your elephant whith another lady. She'll give a talisman. Go back to kaya forest and give the gost
the talisman. They'll you the green jewels. Next go to the mines. Turn off the electricity and run
up to the next level. Jump! Jump again but to keep away explosion wagons. Go down the tunnels. Turn
off the electricity and use the explosion box to blow up the rock and the passage. Go to many obticles.
And then use the magnefenglass to find the white jewel which has a special markings. Take it and
return to the mesium which on main street. Place the jewels in order(purple, green, red, white and blue)
and the temple will fly in outer space!!!!
Then you have it, the island medaillon.

How to randomize and change ur skin colour and get a pumpkin mask:
Submitted by: Crazy eyes

Ok to randomize ur charcter hold shift and Ctrl and press r to change skin colour hold shift
and Ctrl and press s for pumpkin mask hold shift and Ctrl thats all ok ... from Crazy eyes

Super Power:
Submitted by: peter
Email : petermalone@live.ie

to defeat ratman go to the mens bathroom and go down the sewers.When you get in there you will have
to stir a few drain thingys and then you will end up looking for a door and entering it.when you get
in there you will notice a drain pipe above him.You will have to get passed the rats and turn another
drain pipe thingy.Twist it and the drain pipe above him will flood and knock him out cold.you think
you've done it NO WAY!The rats will be gone but the wasps guarding him will make sure you dont reach
ratman.if you do get passed the rats then you have done it

Secret Weapons:
Submitted by: strong paw

when just starting your poptropica adventure, go to nabooti the find the invisible mushroom in
the diamond mines(even if it's not part of the adventure)on part 1. take it. then go to big nate
and find the googles thingy with white lens in the school. go to time tangled island and go to
the china times. put your googles and go near the chinese making cement. instead of saying some
other thing, he would give you a sacret tree made out of gold. go back to nabooti and click use
on the golden tree near the chose your own adventure store then a time flower will appear. take
it. then use the time flower to travel the beginig of france. go to the top store on main street
and enter. you'll see a sick kid and its parents. click on the parent. he will give you a card
that says you are on a mission that you try to find the snow globe of mushroom. use your time
flower and go to the acient egypt and find the bouquet of maigical leaves. talk to the king and
queen and they'll give you a piece of the globe. in all you'll need 5 of them. go to early
poptropica and talk to one of the early settler. he will give you another pieces of the globe if
you show him the magical bouquet. then go to sry island and talk to the officer in the headquater.
show him your card and he will give you another piece and a unmelteble snowball. then go to 24
carrot click on the mayor and he will give you another piece. then travel with time flower to the
time when the canada explorers reached canada. talk to the capitan and he will say that he found a
pieces of a snow globe but can only give it to you if you win a game of tic tac toe. after you win
asemble the 5 pieces and give it to parent in france with the snowball and mushroon. finally, he
will give you a island medal of any island which I chose the spy island!!!!!!

Submitted by: Joefel

Ctrl+Shift+R=Random Character(includes bookbags,basketball,etc.).
P=Pumpkin Hat
S=Skin Color
H=Hair Color
1-2-3-4=Happy Jump,Angry Head,Crying,Laughing

Underwater without diving suit!!!:
Submitted by: Anirudh

Go to Big Nate island and dive under water with the diving suit. While you are under water
remove the diving suit. Now you can swim without the diving suit.

Submittred by: Anirudh

Do you want to make a catapult in poptropica ? Follow these simple steps
1.Go to time tangled island
2.Jump on the windows and get to the lower wire (where some crows are sitting)
3.Be to the left of the wire
4.Now jump on the corner of the wire
5.When you bounce up twice duck while you are coming down
6.Land on the brown building
7.The wire should be stuck to the charecter's leg [if not repeat the above again]
8.Pull the wire to the edge of the ledge
9.Now jump in any direction [ but not to the right as you will end up bouncing on the upper wire ]
to catapult the charecter very high in that direction.
If you submit this hint in any other website ask me through my e-mail adress with all the details

Time Tangled Island Cheats:
Submitted by: julie

Phonograph-Delphi on top of treasury
Gold vase-cave in the viking place. p.s. get the barrel with the gun powder in the great wall of china
Declaration of Independence-Timbuktu inn at timbuktu
Peace Medal-Leonardo da vinci's time
Goggles-Aztec time. you will see a guard wearing it.
Amulet-Great wall of china's time Play memory game with the guy to get it.
Salt rocks-thomas jefferson's time on the roof
Stone bowl-Lewis and Clark's time
Sun stone-edison's time on the roof
note book-statue of liberty's time
statuette-top of mount everest

Early Poptropica:
Submitted by:shyz

okay first you have 2 go 2 early poptropica on your map then 1nce you get there go to your
right and then talk to the thid person that looks funny he will tell you that his prize pig
has been stolen so go back to main street or whatever and go down that little hole and then
go down to the ground but be careful because ther is a huge spider! so carefully get past him
and you will see the pig so walk over to it and it will add to your items up top then go back
to thee top and get out.Then go back to your right and again go to the third wierd person and
click on him and automatically you will give him the pig and he will say something like thankyou
for returning my pig we raise our water buckets to you,and well their you go! then go down the
other hole and dont go all the way down talk to the guy with the glow stick he will say there is
another glow stick in the corner go there and grab it then 1nce again get out go to your left and
AGAIN go to main street and go to your far left and there will be another hole go down there and
with yoor glow stick you follow the signs on the wall then when it says getting warmer go to your
left and there will be a golden egg then get out and go to the end of the building that says theres
a restraunt on the top of the building jump as high as you can and there will be a rope 4 u to climb
then wwalk to your right and there will be a giant click on him and automatically the egg you got
will go to him and he will let you pass 2 the right so go there and you will see a water bucket get
it and again go to your right and thhere will be a jetpack get that also then go to your left and
drop in the exit before the 1 u came in before then you will be on top of the water tower and get the
flag and then with ur jetpack fly around and have FUN!!

Change Skin:
Submitted by: kaily1238879

go to early poptropica and go to the left and when you see a guy with ballons pick a ballon
and your skin is that color.

How to get bettyjenny on super power:
Submitted by: dizzyberry1

Firstr, you must defeat all the villians,(except her) and the phone will ring,so answer it!you will
now get the abbility to fly!you fly all the way to the skyscraper,andfly after her. watch out for
the slime goops!try to fly side to side with her.once u do,she will fly to the ground and ned
noodlehead will beat her up.trade him a hotdog for the island medallion.

My e pets:
Submitted by: fierce hippo

don't play poptropica, go and play the e pets. there much more games there like coloring fun,
puzzle party, prance and play, fetch it, hop to it, treat sweep, a-mazing pets, smash out, lost
and found and much more!!!!anyway, this is just the games in the arcade. there is much more at
everywhere and everyplace you go! especily the show arena.

How to hold black juice:
Submitted by: Anthony ava
Email : toy123490@hotmail.com

1st go to 24carrot island go to the diner click, on the the hair changing color machine. 2nd
fill your glass with the white liquid (I consider it milk) while your poptropicain is drinking
it Hold down ctrl>shift>s it should change the skin color of your poptropicain if you still
have your fingures on ctrl and shift, and if you keep pressing or holding the s key. 3rd your
mouse should start swirlinging in circles. then close out and start an new internet and log back
in you should have a cup with black liquid in your hands.its easy to get rid of just click on a
person and take it away like any other item. ( Oh yeah your skin changes too go back to early
poptropica and go to main street and click the balloons to get your skin back and also change
your hair back at the Diner).

Batman costume:
Submitted by: Ben10boy20

First you need to finish super hero island.Than go to shark tooth then go in the temple.
If you see a person wearing a bat costume, use the costimizer icon on the bat dude.
At super hero island you can fly like batman.
(Note: you can only fly like Batman on superhero island.)

Nabooti Island:
Submitted by: Cool Noodle

Nabooti African Museum: go and speak to a lady about a big statue with 5 missing jewels
she will give you a map now you can start.
*Go left find the guy with the plane ready to fly:

1 Nabooti Island: Purple Jewel
Blue Nile Falls: jump all the way to the top of the first water fall at the top should
be a blue flower take it then go all the way across to the second water fall go to the
top and speak to the lady, now help her across with her chicken then the feed take the
chicken back with you then take the fox then go back for the chicken and she will tell
you about the secret cave behind the grass half way up the second water fall, go in the
cave try and make it to the other side and you will have the Purple Jewel, watch out for
falling spikes.

2 Nabooti Island: Red Jewel
Mountains Of The Moon: watch out for the goats and boulders, go half way up and speak
to a lady she should tell you about the fig you have 2 get, get the fig and go to the
top of the mountains where you will meet a man you will have to beat him at a game of ???
now he will let you past, go in the cave make it all the way to the other side and you will
have the Red Jewel now jump down go all the way along the bottom to the other side and get
the cell phone now you can go on to the next.

*Go to kaya Forests jump up go in the trees to find the golden nugget then go to Nabooti
to trade it with the man on the right for a camera now take you camera and go to Saafri go
to the man at big zeke's safari park and help him take pictures of 7 different animals he
will give you a miner's hard hat.

3 Nabooti Island: White Jewel
Diamond Mines: put on the hard hat go right past the man until you get to a machine this
machine turns off the electic frence for just enough time for you to get trough the gap in
the fence on the level above, once your through go left until you see explosive wagons watch
out for these jump all the way to the top then go down in to the mines, push the green button
jump behind the barrel behind you and push it as far as you can then go back and press the
green button again, then do the same again the barrel will explode a wall, go right push the
wagon to the edge you should jump in careful this next bit is tricky, duck when its close to
the roof and jump when you get to the signs, this might take a few times to get the hang of
it but keep trying, once your past jump up to the pile of jewels click on them and by using
the magnifing glass in the bottom right corner find the Nabooti Jewel its the middle one on
its side on the far right its got a little triangle marking on it now you can take the White

*Go to Nabooti to trade the flower with the lady in the middle for a black turban and put it on.

4 Nabooti Island: Blue Jewel
Giza: Speak to the first guard he will give you a shovel with a number on it, go right and
speak to a man outside a tent then using the cell phone ring the number on the shovel, once
your alone click on the bag and you will get a moon stone, climb to the top of the tomb there
will be a place to put the moon stone then the door should open, you will come to a sign with
pictures on it remember it from bottm to top you will need it later, keep goin right you will
come to another picture click on it now keep clicking on the boxes until there all in one long
line then close it, it should of opened a door so you can carry on goin, watch out for the
scorpion, jump up on the ledge to keep away from it, keep goin right you should come to a room
with more boxes move the boxes in to the picture below this will open another door go through an
go right but be careful the floor will fall away if you jump now remember the order the pictures
when in jump on those pictures till you get to the top jump up on the rope, you will come to a
room with a picture in the middle of it remember the order of the picture, on the posts there will
be a leaver in the middle of them you need to open them to open a coffin, start will the far right
leaver then the left of the two in the middle then the right of the two in the middle then the
one on the far left, watch out the room starts to fill with sand as you pull the first leaver,
when you have pulled all the leavers the coffin will open and you will be able to take the Blue

5 Nabooti Island: Green Jewel
Kaya Forests: go to the tortoise and use the opuntia fruit (fig), now you can use the shovel to
dig where the tortoise was sat you will find a ebony elephant, then two ghosts will apear speak
to the man he will tell you what he wants, go to Nabooti to trade the ebony elephant with the
lady on the left for a fingo (vase), then go back to Kaya Forests and give the fingo to the ghosts
then you will be given the Green Jewel
*Go back to Nabooti to the Museum and speak to the lady by the big Nabooti Statue now you have
to put the Jewels in the right order, Purple Green Red White Blue.

Hair color:
Submitted by: snappy boy

Go to the dinner in 24 carrot and go to drink dispenser and mix colors and then push drink.

How to get the chicken, fox, and feed across:
Submitted by: Dylan

when you get to the part take the chicken then the fox. But wait dont go back yet you have to take
the chicken back across and trade it in for the feed. Then take the fox. Then the chicken.
See what happens.

Submitted by: princess

Go to toupee terrace and heep going and it will say keep out you then go there and you'll need
goggles to get through the lasers. Then you go to the top and you will c a building u will go in
there and u will get to go in ther only if u have a cup with a fingerprint and when you go in there
you will get traped at the top and director d. will take u out and he will go in this place and u
have to follow him and he will set mini bots around u all u got to do is just go to each corners and
go by those yellow things and they will get shocked by them and then when you are done doing that
director d. will follow you in his thing and u have to just go to the top and make him crash. And
then when his thing is damaged you will win.

Cheat of the feed,chicken and fox in the big falls:
Submitted by: Nikhil

.first go to the big falls in nabooti island
.go to the top by climbing up from the grass cliffs
.click on the girl and click how can i help
.bring the chicken across
.bring the fox across
.bring the chicken back
.take the feed across
.take the chicken across again

The green one in nabooti:
Submitted by: Roy

go to the place with the goats and get the cactus.feed it to the turtle.go to the top of the
mountain to get the blue plant.trade it for a black thing at the shop.wear it to the pyramids.
get a shovel from the first guy.go to where the turtle is and dig the hole.trade it at the shop.
go back.give it to the first guy and he will give you the green jewel.

Early Poptropica:
Submitted by: Sasha

Pig = go to the poptropica towers and go in the hole and find the goth girl
Flag= on top of the poptropica water tower
Bucket- is at the poptropica towers on top of the rooftop resturant but you need the golden egg to pass
Golden egg=is near the skater kid in poptropica towers
* you need a glow stick to get the egg which is near the big spider you go left and find the swimer kid.

Scuba Gear:
Submitted by: incredible Berry

This is a realy easy cheat code. To get the suba gear with out haveing to trade for it, simply just go
the multiplayer rome and set on customize and click someone in scuda gear and get it from her/him.
I f you want to keep it you have to ge the real one.

Nabooti Island - Cheat to stand in mid air:
Submitted by: Aeryn

Before you put the jewels in order, stand on the top of the statue. Get to the top while the girl
is telling you she has a piece of a paper of cheats to place the jewels in the right order... put
them in order standing on the top, and it will blast out into space. When the short video is done
you will find your self standing in mid-air. If you get off, you will still have your medal, you
can climb up again, as if the statue is invisible. You can brag to your friends "I'm standin'
in mid air in Poptropica!" That's that.

Spy, Nabooti, Early Poptropica - Be a Robber:
Submitted by: Aeryn

First get the phone in Nabooti. Type in 1225. Get rid of the hat, but keep the bag. Get the cloth
that goes on your head by getting the flower and trading it on Nabooti City. Put it on. Go to Early
Poptropica and click on the black balloon, if it's not there, go back a pace/part and look for it
again. Go to spy and on top of the headquarters is a spy. Get his main clothes, not the belt.
Then go into the Bistro and get a gun from one of the guys. With the hat on, the bag in your hand,
black body a black clothing, CONGRATULATION, you are now an official Robber.

Water Proof Torch:
Submitted by: funny singer

To get the water proof torch go to time tangled island go to geat wall of cina time and get tha gun
powder.Then go to the viking time then blow the cave open by clicking on it dont get the golden vase
then let it burn out. Then get the golden vase and return to the earliest time period/ancient greece
(optional).And there you have it a water proof torch.

Super Power:
Submitted by: Frances

Get all your items from the policemen, Ned and the shop if you want. To capture copycat, defeat
her enenmies in the top and bottom. Use the elevator to defeat the rest quickly. Click on her.
To capture Crusher, use the crane to drop a refridgerator on him, but he does not get hurt. Again,
use the crane so he can get sucked. Then click on him. To defeat Sir Rethal, click on him. then push
a rock. He will squashed if you place the rock correctly. Click on him. To defeat Ratman, click on
the wheel. Quickly click on him without the bees. To defeatt the guy on the train, let him chase you
until he falls down. Click on him. Then go to the telphone. You will have flying powers. Defeat Betty
Jetty by avoiding her orbs until she falls down. Then Ned will come and bump her. Then click on her.
Get the hot dog and trade with Ned and tada! You get the medal!

Invisible trampoline:
Submitted by: diego

You must be able to fly) go to super power island then go inside the daily paper go to the top floor
then make him fly half way to the top then hold count to about 5 then let go then before you hit the
ground press the top and then sit back and watch oh and you might need to try alot.

Big Nate- how to find the missing pieces of comic:
Submitted by: Iccy Icecream

On Big Nate you go to the Klassic Komix shop and go to a man in a yellow shirt. Talk to him.
Go and collect the pieces of the comic. There is one at the Pop-in shoppe on the sofa upstairs,
one on the third electric pole (at the top), one at the school where the broken loudspeaker is,
one in the science lab, one at the camera shop thing, one at the playground hovering in mid-air at
the top and one at Puffin Point. Put the pieces all together and go to the man in the Klassic Komix
shop. He will give you a pack of bubble gum.

24 Carrot: Get the town's carrots back:
Submitted by: Lizzy

First (use different cheat code) get the cat and return it to Charlie, She'll give you a crowbar or
something. Then, go to the factory and get behind the wall. You'll see in the water 2 acid barrels.
Hop on the one closest to the black thing, then click on it. You'll use the crowbar thingy to pry it
off. Go inside. I don't know how to explain the next part so I'll skip it. Avoid the rat, then go
above the slimy stuff. You are now in the control room (and believe it or not this is getting pretty
boring).and its time for bed.

How to complete shark tooth:
Submitted by: Courtney

First when you fall out of the hot air balloon buy some coconut milk then go to the right until
you see the big trunk of the coconut tree climb up ( avoiding coconuts ) to the second board that
you see go right until you are about to fall off then run hard and jump really high off the end you
should land on a wall and keep looking on the wall for a piece of paper. Next go into a cave and
keep jumping down until your in the water. Keep swimming until you reach a big block in the water.
then climb over it but watch out for the bat ! then keep looking around until you see a weird looking
statue then click on it. on the piece of paper spell open with the symbals above the letter that it
means. Then follow the path then do the same go into the water then keep swimming until you reach the
big statue of the shark. then wait on the last log when you see the catipiller and its tail has just
gone from being in front of you jump to the top of the statue and jump onto the swinging thing above
you keep jumping left on those then keep walking and fall down each of the holes. Then go left to a
dead end with dino bones walk into those hopefully you will have collected a bone. Then walk right and
do it all again except this you climb up the statue from a different side. And also this time do not
fall down any drops instead of falling down wait for the sliding block to come be careful though you
have to be fast at jumping just let it take you to the other side then jump off. Keep going left and
you will come to a table with a bowl and green mush. collect the mush and exit the cave. Go right to
the achent ruins then right again to booga bay. and get a grass skirt. then climb up the coconut tree
all the way up to the top. and remember to put the grass skirt on and ask the guy at the top to mix all
your items up together . then take the coconut he gives you to booga bay and feed the shark. after
keep travling right save the kid and yo will get you medal.

Getting the axe:
Submitted by: quinn

To hold an axe go to time tngld i-land and beat it then go to the viking time zone go to where there's
a cave but don't go in it then use your wings to glide right then grab the viking suit and take
everything else off.You now have an axe!

How to get in the factory:
Submitted by: gabbyW.

First you have to get the cat and take it to charlies.You have to move VERY QUICKLY.You go side
ways.You haveto dodge the rat once you go up.You end up in a room.Go side ways and you see a
controler.The outside ones go in the middlle and the middle one goes at the bottom.The ligts
will come on and you jump on boxes and once the crane comes to you,you go in the vent.

How 2 Change the color of hair and skin:
Submitted by: Sarah

For Hair:
Go to 24 Carrot island and into the Golden Diner. In there is a drinks machine. Click on it.
For Skin: Early poptropica, go to the left, guy with baloons

How to get the green jewel:
Submitted by: fart

Go the falls. collect flower. go to nabooti town. trade. use the item. go to giza get the shovel.
go to mountains of the moon. jump over first one and go to the end of your screen. let the 2nd one
hit your butt. keep on climbing. collect fig. go to kaya forest. feed turtle. dig. get ebony elephat.
goto nabooti town. trade. go back to the forest. give fingo to ghost. collect jewel.

Wheres themap on 24 carrot:
Submitted by: caitlyn203

Go to the factory and jump on the top window and the wiil be a map walk to that and you have a
map of the airvents.

Super Power:
Submitted by: joe

First go in the bathroom then go down to the left and you will see a door go in it and go to the
top of the right hand side then click the wheel and it will dump poop on him.

Submitted by: Purple cow

On shark tooth to get the boy and the old man off the island you have to go to the mine and get
the bone then the other ingredient, then go up the ropes and the meds guy is there talk to him
and he will make stuff for the shark wait a min. and then he will had givin u it.then go to the
first island and shoot the cocanut out of the cannon exit that fast and swim to the 2nd island
talk to the old man and they will follow u back to the island talk to the mom to get the medal.

Nabooti blue gem:
Submitted by: bare foot hamburger

Go to blue nile falls and beet the man at manancla. then go in the cave and get the phone. go to
Giza and dial the number on the shuvle.then the man goes in his tent. click his back pack on the
grond and get the moon stone. get on the sphinx and put the moon stone in the ring .go in the sphinx
and go to the leadge in him look the wall and fix the lines so there all horizontal. walk over and
fix the blocks like the picture. go past the wall and and walk on the bridge jump on the girl symble
then mountin symble then then hawk symble then eye symble. go up raed the picture onthe wall pull
the switches in thet order FAST then look at the mummy and grab the gem and you have the gem.

Shark Tooth Island hints:
Submitted by: princess

Right, well shark tooth is pretty simple but I've got some helpful (i hope!) hints.
-get some coconut milk!
-learn about sharks in the museum, if u want
-get a grass skirt and wear it
-go 2 ancient ruins
-go up the coconut tree, a bit
-jump on the roof of the temple
-get the little piece of paper
-go in the ruins
-keep on going!
-at the part where there are slidey ledges, fall down
-get a bone
-go up again, don't fall this time
-keep at it and get the ingriedent
-look at the wall!
-keep on going and leave
-go right up the coconut tree
-see the guy
-feed the shark (just go 2 booga bay)
-save the people!
WELL DONE, U DID IT!!! I hope I helped u!

How to get the girl out of the cage in the greenhouse:
Submitted by: hannah

Find the cherry bomb tree and click on the big red thing and it will fall down. Push it
onto the flower things that grow on the ground. They will spring it up and up untill you
reach the top. push it in fron of the cage door and wait for it to explode. It will blow
open the bars on the cage and the person inside will give you x-ray gogles. They will help
you see invisible lasers.

Strange floor:
Submitted by: super shadow

Go to spy island, then to dr. spyglasses' place. go to the bottom level. jump along the
shelves from the right one to the left one, or just use your bowtie. click on an object
on the cabinet on the top level. if he is on the top level, he will jump through the floor
and talk to you on the ground.

You may start jumping uncontrollably up and down, he will mimic you. you may need to
leave to stop that.

How to get the jetpack:
Submitted by: Aeryn

Get the glowing stick and look for the golden egg. It's down the sewer thinggy in early poptropica.
Once u get the golden egg' give it to the giant on top of the building. First climb the vine to
the top, and give the egg to the giant he will let u pass and then keep going forward to the place
were the planes and rockets are.You'll see the jetpack on the table. HAVE FUN!

Chameleon Suit:
Submitted by: Goofy

GO to spy island and go to the glasses shop.Go inside and ask the man for a eye test then you
click on the e pointing the opposite way then the e the man is pointing to then go outside and
go up to the door on top of the shop.Go inside and talk to the man and you got the chameleon suit.

Mood Change:
Submitted by: super shadow

In a chat room place, you can cause a person's stat face to change emotions. Just hold your
mouse over someone (in a chat room only, the place where you battle), let go of the mouse,
and press ctrl, shift, then 1-4. Their face will do a certain emotion, depending on the #
you press.
1 - laughing
2 - crying
3 - angry
4 - happy
(remember, ctrl 1st, shift next, then 1-4 last. If you hold ctrl and shift after you've pressed
them, you can rapidly press the # to repeat that emotion.)

Early poptropica:
Submitted by: Becky Joy

How to complete this! (read mine it's the best!)
First, go to early poptropica (to the right) and they ask you for some things. To get the
pig you: go down the hole by the soda pop shop, watch out for the spiders. Then, you go down
right to the bottom and you'll see a huge spider. Watch out!!! Then make your way right over
to the right and you'll see a castle by the castle you'll see the pig!!! Pig found!
Now you have to find the giants egg... Go to Poptropica towers and go down the hole again
you'll need a glow stick which you find in the hole in early poptropica. The glow stick's easy
to find it up high to the left (on the other side of the vertical short ledge). Now you can go
in the poptropica towers hole. Ok, go down and go to the left the you'll see a rope- ignore that
one keep going across and you'll see another one. Go down that one. Then go right and down. It'll
say getting warmer. Go to the left and you have the egg! Now. Go back out and jump onto the
washing lines and jump on the windows until you reach the very top. then keep going across until
you see a restaurant and a vine go up the vine. You'll see a giant. click on the giant and you'll
give him the egg. he will allow you to walk past. Then head toward where the melon is and you'll
find the bucket then go to where the rockets are etc and jump up over the high one and you'll
find a jet pack. Now. You've found everything except for the flag. go back to where the fruit is
and use your jet back to go over the spade thing but don't go too high otherwise you'll go onto
the vine and you'll have to start again. and you'll see an exit. use the exit and go down. you'll
land on top of the tower and get the flag. now you've found everything. go back to early poptropica
and ignore the 1st 2 people but click on the last 3 one by one (one's up the tower) and the person
up the tower will give you the medallion!!! DONE!!!

Submitted by: BMummert

to get a completely new person all you have to do is press...
HAIR COLOR)   Shift+Ctrl+H
SKIN COLOR)   Shift+Ctrl+S
WHOLE BODY)   Shift+Ctrl+R

Also you can get special items by using these numbers on your nabooti island phone
1337) Nerd Outfit
911) Cop Suit
411) Brain in Glass Dome on Head

How to catch Betty Jetty on super power island:
Submitted by: spongebob

To catch Betty Jetty, u need to defeat all the villians on the island. After that, u need to talk
to the old superhero on the top of the daily paper building (I don't know if this is optional).
Then, the telephone rings and u need to answer it (of course!). Then u gain the flying power.
After that, just go the location of Betty Jetty then fly after her. But, just be careful of the
orbs or power of Betty Jetty it will knock u down. After catching her, she will fall down but she
is not yet dizzy. Then Ned Noodlehead will come up and bump to Betty Jetty. Then a newspaper will
show up. After that, u go to Ned and he will tell u that he will exchange his medallion with a
hotdog. Get a hotdog on the hotdog stand and then return to Ned and give it to him. After that,
voila! You just completed the Super Power ialnd on Poptropica. Congratulations! Also I have a
question. How do u save your game? Pls answer. Thank You! muahhh!

How to gain all island respect!:
Submitted by: andypanda500

Go to Superpower Island. Go over to the prision. Click on the custermiser button and click on the
prision people. Take all of their cloths. Go over to the police on the mainland and get the peolice
hat. Next talk to someone and you will transform into a sheriff.

How to Defeat Betty Jetty:
Submitted by: FlameGirl57

First defeat all the other villans.Then go to the telephone booth and answer the phone.Once you
answer it you will be able to fly!Fly all the way to the skyscraper till the very top.You will
see Betty Jetty.Chase after her,but be careful because she'll get mad and start to throw green
circle orbs.Try to dodge them.But is you get hit 5 or 6 times you will go back down and you have
to satrt over!Once you catch her put her in jail!Then your DONE!!

Submitted by: kary106

get the map at the musuem next...
purple-go to blue nile falls talk to the lady bring the chicken,feed,chicken back,fox,chicken
pay attention to the secret click the plant get the jewel
green-go to blue nile falls get the flower trade at nabooti put it on go to giza talk to the
guy for a shovel go to mountins of the moon get the fig feel free to take it off go to kaya
forest use the fig then where the turtle was standing use the shovel trade at nabooti go back
talk to a ghost you have it now
white-go to kaya forest get a nugget in a tree trade at nabooti go to safari talk to zeke take
pictures then put the hard hat on go to dimond mines figure out the rest
blue-go to mountins of the moon when you got the fig this time go on the snow ledges beat the
old man in a game get the cellphone go to giza put the turban on look at the shovel now use
the phone type the number on it while he is gone run and click the bag now click on the ring
if it doesn't work it must be use in your bag now open the door be carful not to get stung
figure out the rest red-go where you got the phone and find it
return them all to the musuem figure out what goes where then i have no idea what's next

How to change your look:
Submitted  by: kary106

skin-at early poptropica find the balloon guy and click the color balloon you would like your
skin to be hair color- at 24 carrot and the diner click on the drinks mix colors if this is the
color you want your hair to be click drink random-press ctrl shift and r at the same time warning:
you may change genders look-walk till you find a character you like the look of mix and match click
the things on them you would like to wear click the things on you you would not

How to ring the bell on big nate island:
Submitted by: prabhu

Go to the school and go to the science lad mix blue and yellow to make the stink bomb then get
the comic pices and the reward will be bubble gum.go inside the school and chew the gum.the teacher
will take you to detention.put the stink bomb on the floor.the teacher will run away. go to her
files and open the 1st two drors.then get the brown thing on the seling. then get out of the school.
go to the bell on top of the school(get the bird away first)put the ringy thingy in the bell then
the girl`s will come from the playgronud in to the school.

Speedy spike:
Submitted by: tempest

To do speedy spike you will need to go down to the subway and enter the train and go to the very
back and you will see speedy spike then when he tries to whack you you jump over him and keep doing
that until speedy spike gets tired when he does you go up to him and click on him.

Big nate island:
Submitted by: scholar

to beat big nate island is simple where all those girls are standing is where the treasure is for
them to move you need to get to the top of the building (school)where a seagull is the only way to
get the sea gull away is to flash the light house at it
but you cant move the latch you must find a lobster/crab from they old guy but first you must dive
under water to get his cage (not!!! the rope) but you cant breath under water so you need the fat
photographers scuba diving outfit by giving him the old photograph that was flying around the
lighthouse then the old man will give you the crab and keys hit the up buttons to beat nate to the
map once done move the seal to the left and grab the map then go find the comic it will show you
nates locker combination (there all over the place)it will blast you to the wet floor go back to the
locker and you will find the diagram there is a secret compartment down to the cellar go to recess
and beat nate at hangman and paper foot ball then go to the comic guy give him his comic to get old
gum go to the sign saying do not chew gum to get into detention but before you do that go to the
science lab to conduct a smelly stink bomb once caught in detention use the stink bomb the teacher
will leave and you can go into the secret compartment there is not much in there but there is a bell
ringer grab it put it in the bell after you climb the lighthouse and use that crab as a wrench the
girls will move use the dog to dig up the time capsule by hitting the use button on that nasty box
of whatever it is and then you will get the medallion to big nate island

How to deafeat Betty Jetty under 5 mins:
Submitted by: Cheatqueen

Deafeat all the other villians and recieve the flying power go to the top of the building and vs
betty jetty chase her when you see a green orb fly your cursor down the page and your character will
disappear and the orbs will NOT hit you they will just go down when the orbs are finish move your
cursor VERY VERY fast and you will zoom across the page do these both reapeatly 5 times everytime
betty goes up she goes slower capture her and your down P.S this takes lots of practice.

Exploding Crab:
Submitted by: Fierce Mosquito

On Time Travel Island, right when you get off your traveling baloon thingy, you see a crab right
before the party time tower in the sand. Click on it a bunch of times and it explodes! So coool!
Then it will put itself back together.

How to get the blue gem:
Submitted by: vanshika5

giza:u have to get into a sealed thing then u'll see somethng on the wall memerize it as lady,
crooked,penguin, eye then make the lines go across then ull go into a type of cave ull see a
picture use bloks (above) to fill in the pic then a side will open go over there then ull see
steps (next to vase) ull see pic on steps don't go on any pic go on lady then jump on crooked
penguin then eye go up then ull see another pic memorize this as rabbit donkey something then
person press some thing to make it fall do it in order then the tume will open u get that and
thats how u get the blue gem.

Funny image:
Submitted by: magic1998

go to the building that says bad on it go to the table with the leader jump on the table then jump
on the girl then move you butt right at her face and you will start shaking.

Get betty jetty:
Submitted by: curious pear

beat all superheros (besides her) go to the phone you will get the power click on it so it's
yellow go up you should fly get to betty jettys place wait till she flys away go up when you're
ready stay behind her (she knows how to dodge) it may take alot of trys but never go down.

How 2 get the stink bomb!! And how to use it:
Submitted by: Serenity

OK, first go to the school in Big Nate, and go 2 the science lab. Click on the chemisrty set.
It should look like a bunch of test tubes. Turn the dial to 3 and ONLY click on the blue and
yellow test tubes.Now you have the stinck bomb!! Ok now when you have the gum chew it in the hall.
Some mean teacher will tell you to go 2 detention. This is when you use the stink bomb. Click on
items and click on stick bomb it will go off then the teacher will leave the room. NOTE: When you
mix the stink bomb it does not matter how much of each color you mix. I just put a really small
amount of blue and the rest yellow, but it DOES NOT MATTER!!! :)

Where to find villans and how 2 defeat:
Speeding Spike-go down to main street and go in the subway.go in the train.avoid the wet spot.
Go 2 the bak and get speeding spike 2 the wet spot. He'll slip and u can beat him. Sir Reblam
and Ratman-4 sir reblam(or wats his name) go 2 the city park. When a rock is gonna hit u go 2
sir reblam and get him.

How to get the stink bomb and use it:
Submitted by: Bashful Heart

Go to the science lab and mix any of the chemicals together and turn on the fire wate til it says
its done. Then go to the comic shop the guy in there will give u the title of the comic then put
all the pieces together and give it to him and he will give u gum then go to the school and use
the gum to get in to detintion and usethe stink bomb to make the lady leave.

Poptropica Super power island - Super copy cat is captured:
Submitted by: poke'girl1 [small shadow]

1. Go to the comic shoppe and talk 2 ned.
2. Ask if he has anything other than comic books and he will give U A notebook that he wrote.
3. Read the note book and go 2 the super hero clothes shoppe.
4. Get a suit and talk to the man to get a super hero id card.
5. go to the jail [go past the water] and talk to the second man you see and he will give you the
villans  profile reports.
6.talk to the girl and get the handcufs.
7. Go to the bank to catch copy cat.
8. Go on the lamps and then on the other places that her clones are.
9. prees the up button on the wall and go in the elivater.
10. Get all the clones and jump on the desk, click on the original copy cat and you beat her.
11. You will end up at the jail.

How to get lots of battle stars:
Submitted by: cool cat

first go to sky diving then keep doing it until you have alot of points quit then you will have
probley about two to three stars Bonus: to get the cat on 24 carrot go to the house at the farm
go to the sink turn it on and the cat comes out. plus i'v beaten all islands.

How to glide:
Submitted by: Hermione

In Time Tangeld island if you click on the robot tons of times you will glide and slide like it
does. But if you jump it wont work agian. This Cheat can only be used onuce every time u play

How to get rat man:
Submitted by: Aaron Poptropica

okay,so u go into the girls or boys bathroom and go to the sewer and drain the sewer by clicking
on a red wheel. then you click 2 more to go up. then to the very left you will see a door. go into
the door and find a small brownish building. climb straight up until you see a wheel, just like
the ones in the sewer. click on it so slime comes out of the vent over the rat man. the bees around
him will get mad and start chasing you. then you need to get back to rat man (don't worry the rats
have disappeared)! and click on him to cuff him! THEN.... you thank me for my awesome cheat. :)

Random awesome stuff to do on Poptropica:
Submitted by: Bronze Mosquito

if you want an awesome outfit you can go to nabooti island and get the cell phone, which in addition
to calling vince graves can also be used to call 911 which puts you in a policeman's outfit. also
555-5555 gets you an outfit but I forget which one.
if you don't really want to give your hotdog to Ned Noodlehead that's ok because after you get the
medal you can go back to the hotdog man and he will give you another one.
in the poptropica subway there is mirror writing on the windows but I never bothered to figure out
what they said.
you can ring the bell on Ned Noodlehead's desk and he will get incresingly more annoyed with you until
finally he states that he needs to get rid of the bell and shuts up.
if you are a boy or a girl on superpower island you get sent to different bathrooms. in the girls
there is graffitti that says I love Ponys in the boys it just tells you to wash your hands.
you can costumize yourself to look exactly like one of the super power island criminals, although
I don't know why you'd want to.
if your poptropica character is too hot you can put him/her (this is more appropriate on girls) in
a strapless shirt that shows his/her middriff by costumizing it from that native picking cactus figs.
it looks like a normal shirt on her because she wears a necklace over it but you haven't got to take
the necklace. you can also get it from the boy who wants to move things across the waterfall only
after you help him he is gone.
on time tangeled island you can get on top of the guard tower on the chinese wall (way, way up on
the left-hand side, that ledge that you can see but not jump to) by standing as close to it as you
can wearing the glider, then using the time travel device to go anywhere and while it is still
loading quickly click refresh and a message will ask you if you want to restart the website. tell
it no and your character will floar down from the sky and land way high on the ledge. note, this
might not work on all computers, it works on mine and the library's but not my best friend's, so
don't be surprised if it's a bust.
on super power island you can go to that area by the bank and push those gargoyls off the roof of
the apartment building. if you aim one of them just right it will fall onto the umbrella of the
pretzel guy and take an impressive bounce before shattering on the ground.
to help you escape from Director D's nasty little electric robots you can use your grappling bow
tie, but the suit and glasses don't do squat. also a good way to make him smash his ship in a hurry
is to grapple onto the ceiling and while you swing back and forth he will fly up and hit you. this
is easier than jumping onto his hover type thing. also for getting into his headquarters instead
of running through all those lasers the way they want you to you can just wait for the lasers to
move and then grapple straight up. it's a pretty good shortcut.
on early poptropica if you climb up the vine into the clouds you can fall back down the hole
without climbing down the vine if you line it up just so, but it takes a really long time to get
it right so it might not be worth it to some of you.
when you're climbing up the glacier to play mancala with that man you can get a little help from
this goat on one of those grassy ledges and then you don't have to cross a lot of the ice, but if
you don't aim right you end up flying in all different directions and might end up back at the
if you go to early poptropica and get that bathing suit from the boy with the glowstick and then
you go and dye yourself blue it almost looks like you're...need I say more?

How to start Astro Knights:
Submitted by: Thunder1127

First you talk to everyone all the people will say "The castle has been attacked!" Then you go to the
castle and talk to everyone then you have a whole bunch of stuff [get a gold coin in the fountain so
you can more papers a the museman] You can figure out the rest

Submitted by: Max.staerk

This one will last till the 10th of june. Click on Stats/stroe/stuff and in the stroe click on
The early acess pass. It will cost 500 credits and if you have 500 credits you can buy it and you
get early acess to Astro Kinghts island!
I hope this helped.

Astro Knights:
Submitted by: rc010896

On this island for starters you need a gold coin to get into the museme. The gold coin is in the
roket water fountin. When you are in the meuseem click on the paper under the bed on the top floor.
Then clik on the bookes on the top floor.

Speedy Spikey:
Submitted by: Brandon

go to the blimp, then go to super power island. soon go to the train. then, go to the end of the
train! you will see a person!!!!! don`t be to happy! the guy will look like he is mad! he will start
chasing you! run away! make sure he keeps fallowing you though! when you get in the train, you will
see that there is a puddle of water! soon lead him to the puddle of water! he will slip and fall! soon
click on him. then you will transport to some police! you have speedy spike!

How to get the invisible costume and lots of battle stars:
Submitted by: Bart ruler of poptropica

go to spy island to get the invisble costume go to the spyglass place take the test do everything
backward like for E do the backward E He will tell you to go upstairs then talk to him and he will
give it to you.Now how to get battle stars go to skydive do it like 250-780 times then your stars
will be full keep winning its pretty easy to mess up but still it works. ^-^

How to complete early poptropica:
Submitted by: sandy

Early Poptropica- Go to the pit.You'll find the pig that belongs to early poptropica.Get out of
the pit and go to the early poptropica,and go down to the well.You'll find a guy that will tell
you where the glow stick is.Grab it and go to poptropica towers.Go down to the dark room. Find
the sentence says "GETTING
WARMER".Go to left and you'll find golden egg.Get out of the dark room and go to the top of the
purple building.Climb the vine.When you made it to the top,click on a purple giant.Now go to giant's
garden and take a water bucket also belongs to early poptropica.Go to aircraft cravyard and get a
jetpack that's by a rocket.
Now go to the garden and go down to the exit.When you get down, you'll find the
early poptropica's signal flag.Now you've find all item what first settler of poptropica,go to item's
owner and recieve a medlellion from ship that is in right side.

Change Hair Skin Charicter Color:
Submitted by: Mr.bondostic

While your on poptropica you have to be playing it you hold:ctrl shift fly to fly but it doesent
work any more.ctrl shift p or pum to get a pumkin mask.ctrl shift r to change charicter.ctrl shift
s to change skin color.And ctrl shift h to change hair color.Firat you have to move around.

Getting a new outfit:
Submitted by: bookworm

Buy an outfit.Get everything on you. Accept. Pull it up again. Take everything off. Accept.
And then you have new clothes.

How to finish Astro Knights:
Submitted by: lachlan.carroll@yahoo.com.au

ok so you start off near these building but you have to go towards the observatory so you keep
goin that way till you reach the castle wich is all broken so then go inside and go up stairs
and through door to talk to king then the queen then you exit that room and go through the left
door to a bedroom talk to the maid she will tell you bout a fountain then go to the hole where
the mouse fled jump on cupboard or whatever it is and get note leave castle the keep gooin right
to the old mill go in then jump up to a lady with a evil face talk to her then give her your
note she gives you tha pass then exit go all the way to that fountain with rocket click on below
inscription then put in your code go down talk to them all and youll get a key then exit go back
to mill area but go to the hay jum in the crack and theyll push aside use key on trapdoor go down
get all his notes and stuff then exitgo back to fountain and jump in the top ring and walk around
and youll get a coin then go to the museum give coin to man then go to the bed and get the notes
from under it then get the books man will give you library card go to library in castle click on
the section it says go down and get cheese and pull lever exit room then go to bedroomse cheese
and catch rat go to old mill put rat down near owl then the owl helps you get rope from thingy
then go down to lab push against the left wall until it breaks go through hole robot will break
click owl then click power rod then go back to mill go up to top jump on the left mill spikes
over and over again till hatch is open go down hatch and put manure in machine go down to swamp
get on hover board go to excalibur (it might be different named to you)get in put in fuel rod
now remember the note belonging to mordred? get that look at coardinates get back in machin put
in fuel rod then use the nobs to put in coardinates click launch
planet2 pewter moon
go across to the tower go up go in talk to boss until he lets yoou make a new one
go down use holipad create a rocketgo in it click launch
use your coardinates the queen gave to get to any of the three planets
wich have bossess i will list bosses
1-ice planet-lion helicopter
2-fire planet- dragon
3-jungle planet- huge bird
heres how to beat them
1 use the force field to reflect snow balls into heli
2 go to chains climb up drop at dragons back dodge bal don't jump on dragon but walk beside it
go under lever then jump up pull lever go to dragon front use ice arrow in mouth repeat 2 times
after that
3 use unicorn to dode missiles and stuff or shoot at em when you get to mother fire at its face
a few times she's on neither of th planets!!!!!? what a waste of my time!!!??? not really you have
the knights now so then choose armour of em if ya want the look around space system find meteorites
look for one with tower land on it
go to top and pull the key go through portal
mordreds castle
oh no mordred tricked us o well use door aqnd figure out puzzle i just randomly clicked until i saw
a way through it once your inside skip clip you are now merlin "omg!!!! merlin!!!!?" no its the owl
"owww" use merlin to pick up the mines and destroy orb at top now you you again lead him ti the
princess jump up to princes jump to chandileer he'll go under then zap he may be dead if it was a
direcct hit if not use the other chandileer
king will reward you with island medallion
yay ya done merlin has been fixed to but he wants to stay [owwwwwwwwwwwwww]
if you need help on any island email me at lachlan.carroll@yahoo.com.au
i've finished every level also i finished astro knights the first day it was out for early access
it said i was first my username is glitch15

Hole poptropica!:
Submitted  by: sponge510

Time Twisted Island
To get through Time Twisted Island, use the following steps.

Go to Pendulum's Lab. Power up the Future Machine. Talk to yourself 50 year older. He will give
you a Time Device.
To get the Salt Rocks from Mali, jump on top of the Graff House in 1776. Then, go to 1387. Talk
to the man on top of the first building. Give him the rocks.
To get the Declaration of Independence from the Graff House, go to Mali in 1387. Go to the inn.
Talk to the Document Merchant. Piece together the puzzle. Then, go to 1776. Give it to
Thomas Jefferson.
To get the Statue of Liberty, go to the top of Mt. Everest in 1953. Then, go to 1882. Give it to t
he person by the thing that reads "Modele Original".
To get the goggles from Everest, go to the Aztec Empire in 1519. Go to the end of the empire.
Go to the top of the temple. There is an old man there who gives you the Warrior Headdress. Then,
click on the first guard. He gives you the goggles.
To get the sun stone from the Aztec Empire, go to the Workshop in 1877. Ride the "wagon" to the
big tree. Jump on the branches until you get to the roof. Go to the left chimney. Then, go to 1519.
Give the king the sun stone.
To get the phonograph from the Workshop, go to Delphi in 328 BC. Jump on the roof of the treasury.
Get the Phonograph. Return it to Edison (the workshop boss).
To get the golden vase from Delphi, go to Scandinavia in 831. Note: You must have the gunpowder
from China and the glider from Da Vinci to do this. Blow open the cave. Go to the bottom left
before the torch burns out. Get the golden vase. Return to the guards at the Treasury.
To get the amulet, go to China in 1593. Defeat the person in the game. Return it to the Viking captain.
To get the stone bowl from China, go to Lewis and Clark in 1805. Go to the top of the tree. Get
the stone bowl by jumping on the chipmunk.Return it to the smoke signal person.
To get the peace medal from Lewis and Clark, go to Da Vinci's time in 1516. Jump on the correct
platform. Then, go to the bottom platform. Jump on the bottom of the deck to get the medal.
Return it to Meriwether Lewis.
To get Da Vinci's notebook, go to the Statue of Liberty in 1882. Go to the far left. Jump on the l
edge of the red building. Return it to Da Vinci. He gives you a glider.
Go to Main Street (in the present). Use the future machine to go to the Restored Future. Use the
air tubes and monorails to get to your home. Go to the bathroom of your home. Talk to yourself
50 years older again. He will give you the Island Medallion!

How to [middle] Astro Knights:
Submitted by: Thunder1127

Ok you went into the muesman and got the stuff right then you go to the mill and talk to everyone.
Go up and see this lady in white and black she will say "Tell me your secret and I'll tell you
mine, then if you listened to me in the other directions eariler then you sould have the secret.
Sooooo then you type in the code she gave you,and you are in a secret room and you get a small
key. THen you go back to the mill and seprate the hay then there is a trap door use the key to
open the door then you are in Moreded or somewhats LAIR!!!!!! Look at everything and you sould
be able to get one or two things also a bird will come out. Thats all but heres anothor tip
tip for you.

How to get some star clues in astroknights:
Submitted by: chilly gamer

Go into the castle and there are three doors. go to the door on the bottom left hand corner.go the
way the robotic mouse runs,you will see a treasure cheast.grab the parchment thats on top of it
and run to the swamp. you will see this building and go into it. you will see four people. go above
the door and you will see another person.click on her and she will say "you tell me your secret and
i'll tell you mine". give her your parchment and she will give you a star clue to find the princess.
if you want to see me in poptropica ,i hang out at astroknights island.

Change skin and hair color without the people:
Submitted by: giant hamburger

You hit control shift and s (stands for skin) and it changes ur skin color u can hold down control
and shift and just keep tapping s to change it if u want to change hai fcolor control shift H
(for hair)

Big Nate Island: Comic strip frame locations:
The comic book frames can be found at the following locations.

Pop-In Shoppe      : On the green couch, on the top floor.
Klassic Komix      : Talk to the guy to receive the frame.
Photo Studio       : On top of the light, to the right.
Main Street        : On a telegraph pole, to the very right of the street.
Inside the School  : On a speaker, on the top floor.
Science Lab        : On the Planet Mobil, to the left.
Outside the School : On the wooden scaffolding, to the right of the school.
The Playground     : Floating in the air, on top of the climbing wall.
Puffin Point       : On top of the lighthouse.

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Cheatsbook
Enter one of the following cheats.

Code                       Effect
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+R or [F6] - Randomize your character(1)
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+P         - Pumpkin mask
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+S         - Change skin color
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+H         - Change hair color(2)
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+1         - Laugh emote(3)
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+2         - Cry emote(3)
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+3         - Angry emote(3)
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+4         - Jump emote(3)

1.This code may require a handheld item
  (for example, a basketball or cell phone)
2.If your browser's history screen appears, click on the Poptropica screen then press H.
3.This also be done outside of Multi-player rooms.

How 2 catch the cat & get the crowbar (24 carrot):
Submitted by: shaggy sun

Go to the abandoned house. Inside on the 1st floor is an empty bowl.take it to the diner &
ask the lady to fill it with milk.then take it back 2 the old house & put it on the floor.
then go to the 2nd floor & turn on the shower.the cat will jump out.then slowly sneak up
behind it.it will move forward.keep doing this until it falls to the 1st floor.then it will
drink the milk & follow you.then go to charlie's hardware store & give her the cat.then she
will give you the crowbar.

How to get Mordred's journal and owl:
Submitted by: Grace

On Astro Knights island if you have the small key and the robot mouse seperate the two
bales of hay by the Old Rumour Mille.After you do that you will see a round door on the
ground if you click on it it says it is locked.Next click on your backpack thing that holds
all your itemsand get the small key then click use while standing on the door.Once it has
opened go down it.After you go down it a robot owl will fly out.Jump on stuff and you will
get Mordred's journal.Then climb up the rope and go back outside.Get the robot mouse out of
your backpack then click release while by the robot owl.The robot owl will eat it then will
follow you around.P.S. I have almost beat every single island.My name on Poptropica is
JumpyCheetah look around for me on Poptropica.Hope this cheat helps!

How to get down the fountain in astro nights:
Submitted by: singer1193

Get the paper code click on the space thing on the fountain and click on the planet with
the ring around the planet then the star and the moon the big sun is the enter pass then
where the space thing is click on it and talk to the person with the pimley face and he
will give you a key to mordred's secret lare the lare is under the two hay piles after the
palace where the queen and where the king live(This is at the new island called Astro Nights.)

Super Power Island:
Submitted by: Maddy

You are on Main Street and you are right near a comic book shop. First, it's best if you go
to the Super Hero store and get a super hero costume and Super Hero ID card. Go left until
you see the County Jail. Talk to the police man and then the scientist. One of them should
give you a booklet filled with Indentity Papers for each missing jailor and anti-power
handcuffs. Go to the top of the Newspaper printing place and talk to the old retired Super
Hero. Then go into the Comic Book store and talk to the nerdy boy. He will give you his own
comic book. It tells how to attack the villains. Then head Down Town, all the way to the right
of Main Street. When you get to the bank, talk to the man with the blue tie and glasses. He
will tell you what is going on inside the bank. Enter the bank. You will see Copy Cat and go
to the left and she'll talk to you. She will then copy herself and then the copies and herself
will scatter all around the bank. Find all of her copies and herself before the smoke bomb fills
the whole bank. If you don't succeed try again until you do. Once you're finished with copy cat
you will then automatically head back to the County Jail. Then go back to Down Town and enter
the subway. Go into the subway and you will see a quick glance of Speeding Spike. You will see
a puddle of water at the very first part of the subway. Run up to Speeding Spike and he will
run towards you. The whole part to this is to try not to have him ram into you. Keep running
and he will keep running after you. If he hits you, he will run back to where he first was. Try
to keep him running towards the puddle. Once you make it towards the puddle, jump over it and he
will slip and fall. Click on Speeding Spike and you will arrest him. Then you will once again go
back to the County Jail. Next, go right to the City Park. Once you enter city park, you should
see a hot dog stand. Click on the hot dog stand and you will recieve a hot dog. Go into the girl's
or boy's restroom (whichever gender your character is) and go into o!
ne stall
that is open. Go down the man hole. Once you're down there keep hopping and swimming left until
you reach a red wheel. Click the red wheel and the water should go down. Stay on that patch of
wood where the red wheel is and you will go down with it. Then go right and you will see these
brick-like stairs/walls. Climb up those and you will come upon another red wheel. Click that
one and the water will come partially up. Then go right a little bit and you will see your 3rd
red wheel. Click that and the water should go up. Swim right. You will see a door. Enter it and
you will see a glimpse of Rat Man. Rats will be in your way. Try not to touch them otherwise you
will fall all the way back down to the ground. Try to reach the red wheel at the top of the room
and guck will fall on top of Rat Man. You will then knock him out. His knat pals though will
swarm after you. Try to get to Rat Man before the knats get to you. You will head back to the
County Jail. Go back to the City Park and you will see Sir Rebral. He is on top of the broken
statue. He will throw a little rock at you. Try to get to the top of the statue and the rock'll
hit him instead of you. He'll get more mad and then he'll lift the ground up. Try to get the big
rock to the right place on the ground and the rock will fly to the statue and hit him. He will be
knocked out. Arrest him and continue the game on. Go to the Junkyard next. You will see Crusher
next. Try to get to the top of the Crane and hit the switch without him knocking you over. A
refridgerator will fall on top of him and he will get mad. He'll start throwing things at you.
You will fall of the Crane and back onto the ground. Try to get back to the top of the Crane before
he knocks you over. Reverse the switch and the magnetic Crane will life the refridgerator and
Crusher and he will be knocked out. Arrest him. This time, go to the top of the Newspaper place
and go and talk to the Super Hero again. He will say some thing to you and then jump off and go
near the telephone booth on Main!
The phone will ring. Click on the telephone booth. You will then get super powers. You will have
the ability to fly. Go Down Town and go to the very top of the tall building right next to the
Pretzel booth. You will see Betty Jetty. Turn on your flying ability and fly after her. Dodge
the Green Balls she throws at you. You will then finally get close enough to her to knock her
down. Then Ned Noodlehead will come and finish her off. He will then be called the Hero. To get
your medallion, go back to the Comic Book store and talk to Ned. You will give him the hot dog
and he will give you the medallion. You will then be called the true hero. Good Luck!
Hopefully this helped a lot. -Maddy

Astro Knights:
Submitted by: googoo man

part 1:go to the fountin get the coin it is a sparkle use it at the left place click the books
the guy will give you A library slip p.s. i capitalized a by accident go to the library click
mcm go down get the cheese and flip the switch go back up go to the other room on the bottom ask
the girl the last thing use the cheese get the mouse and then the note go inside the top room
talk to the queen ask her the last thing she will give you something go to the windmill talk to
the black girl you will trade go to the fountin click the brown thing click a cresent moon saturn
a tiny star then the sun (the sun is enter) the guys down there will give you important facts and
a key go to the windmill push the hay and use the key touch the owl it will go up follow it release
the mouse it will eat the mouse and become your friend push the wall it will break go to the dungeon
click the owl then the tube figure out how to make it yours

part 2:get the coordinates on the top floor in the castle get the manure make the windmill spin go
inside the top use the manure go in the spaceship x56 y52 you will go to the moon go into a building
say the last thing go outside create a spaceship

part 3:go to the green planet get the tool reach the unicorn beat that part

part 4:go to lava planet dodge lava go in the valcano run fast hide from the sparks that erase your
cave file say the last thing to the knight defeat the dragon

part 5:lead the sharks to a black hole go to the ice planet dodge cold and fish say the last thing
to the knight defeat the monster now we have 4 knights including you read the next part

part 6:go to the tiny blue planet on an astroid you are the chosen one pull the key enter a bad
guy dressed like the princess will ask for the tools because you will think he is the princess he
will reveal himself go to the door and do the puzzle

part 7:defeat the guy with the owl once he's down its up to you to defeat him and save the princess

part 8:you will get the medal if you want to go to the princesses room go to the windmill get the
rope use it on middle-top of the castle shoot if you get it you may walk across and go inside

How to beat th ice planet:
Submitted by: twilight lover43

Keep hitting the snow balls bounce them back at the tiger thing hitting the yellow glowing lights.

How to finish the ice planet in astro nights:
Submitted by: pop poparoo

Keep hitting the snow balls and hit the tiger make sure to hit the glowing yellow lights only when
you're shield is charging do not get hit or you lose hit the yellow lights 3 times to win.

AstroKnights Island:
Submitted by: FazaRulz

In AstroKnights Island There are heaps of things you need to do. I will only say the part for
the Excalibur (spaceship).

1.What you need to do is go into the library in the castle.
2.There is a green brick on the down part of the library click on it.
3.There will be a opening. Go in.
4.There will be a lever and the cheese. Get the cheese and pull the lever.
5.Exit. Go to the wind mill. Enter the place under the haystacks
6.Break through the wall that wobbles just by pushing then you will see a small opening. Enter.
7.The robot in the place will self-destruct and fuel will fall out and you need the owl.
8.Go into the maid's room in the castle and drop the cheese. The mouse will follow you.
9.Go to the haystacks again and USE the mouse and the owl will eat it.
10.Go back down the haystacks and go to the cage again. Click on the owl and then click on the fuel.
100.Go to the Excalibur and put the fuel in the coordinates are 52,56.
Thank you and Have fun and Always remember to give me CREDIT!!!!

Fire planet:
Submitted by: party princess is to cool 4 school

when your on the 2nd last lava rockthing jump in the air to get on the last rock then go inside
the volcano and hide in the corners when the lava is flowing then youll find a werid creture
thing and when its flat jump over it then ask the nite the last thing and hell give you a arow
then when your fighting the dragon climb over it on the chains then doge the tail then pull the
leaver and shoot the arrow in his mouth then do it 2 more times p.s the arrow is in the left hand
bottem corner.

Time tangeled island:
Submitted by: kennedy martin

man wings-you go that bartothi place and get the note book on the brown building.you get on there
by getting up the liberty head and going up the planks of wood the blue arrow to the left and you
will have the note book.now go to davinci in leo's work shop.tell him you have the note book.and
he will give you the man wings. you cants fly with them though.you might need the for something.

Be Someone Else:
Submitted by: shystar75

You can go to pretty much any islsnd and steal the clothes, hair, blemishes and more of one of
the permanent people. to be an artist, go to the museum in Early Poptropica, to be a biohazard
guy, go to the meteor in Superpower, for old you, beat Time Travel and go to the future, for
king/queen/etc., go to Astro Knights. To look exactly like them, go to Early Poptropica and go
to the balloon man to change your skin, and go to 24 Carrot to change your hair. Enjoy your life
as a doppelganger!

Poptropica-Astro Knights:How to find the big astroid:
Submitted by: White Thunder

First you must go to far left side of the galaxy then follow the big astroids into an area with
space clouds. then when you see light follow it and the space clouds then when see a city on a
astroid click on the astroid and there your at the place P.S. this area is either located in the
bottom of the left side of the galaxy or it's either located in the left side of the alien
inhabitated space. (Alien inhabitated is located on the top side of the galaxy.

Spy Island: Missing Agent 3:
Submitted by: zippy dragon

Climb up the first building on Balding Avenue. Jump to the right twice. Climb up the ladder and
on the top of the building use your grappling bowtie. On the rooftops, use the bowtie again.
Camouflage with your chameleon suit and grapple again to the left. Then once you are on the
antennae, grapple to the right. Enter the tube. Get a cherry bomb off the tree and push it to
the first bouncy flower. Jump up to that platform and push it down onto the second bouncy flower.
Jump up onto that platform and push it in front of the cage. The third spy is saved.

How to fly besides super power island!:
Submitted b y: *a person*

First, you need to be done with Nabooti Island. Then, you go to the place where the Nabooti Totem
used to be. Then, jump on the platforms. Finally, jump into the middle. It should look like your
standing on the totem when its not there!

Change ,look,skin,hair.and get pumkin head:
Submitted by: poptropica fan

In poptropica press shift and r to get random changes to get cell phones b-balls and other things.
press shift and s to change skin color.press shift and p to get a glowing pumkin head.press shift
and h to change hair color.

First Half of Astro Knights Island:
Submitted by: Maddy

You are near this building and you talk to everyone you see. Go and talk to the nerdy boy near
the mill near the pile of manure. He will give you a bag of manure. Then travel to the castle.
Go to the room upstairs and talk to King and Queen. They should give you something. Then go to
the room on the left side of the castle. You will see a maid and a robotic mouse that run away
from you. Talk to the maid. Then go onto the shelf and get the letter. Go outside of the castle
and go to the mill. Talk to everyone outside and inside. Go to the goth lady inside the mill and
hand her the letter you got from the one bedroom. She will then give you a password. It goes to
the fountain. Go back to the fountain and put the password in and then press the giant sun in the
middle. The entrance should open. once it does, go down the hole. Talk to everyone underground and
one of them will give you a key. Go up and click on the sparkle in the water and you will get a
Mordred coin. Then go to the nerdy boy near the manure. Then go near the bales of hay. Go right
between the bales and they will split apart. You will see a manhole. Click on the hole-cover and
it will unlock. Go underneath the ground and you're inside Mordred's hideout. Click on all the
blueprints and read what they all say. Then try to get the robotic owl. He will fly outside and
then ignore you. Then stay where you are, in the hideout. Click on all the things you see around
you until you pick something up. It should be a book out of the castle library. Go to the castle
library and put it back in the correct place. The floor will open and you will see cheese. Then
go to the bedroom and put the cheese down. You will then have captured the mouse. Bring the mouse
to the owl and he'll get eaten. You will then have a new buddy. Go down into the hideout again
and push against the wall. The wall will crumble and there will be a small tunnel. Go through
the little hole and you will be with the robot behind bars. Then the robot will self destruct
and you will see a green rod fall, on the other side of the bars. Click on the owl and then
click then the rod. You will receive the rod. Go to the mill. Try to turn the windmill a certain
direction and the top of the mill will open. Go inside and you will see the hoverboard. Then
it will be fueled by manure. Then fly across the swamp and click on the shuttle. Fill the shuttle
with the green rod. Then put in a code on both x and y (i forgot what the code was). Then you
will set off and crash on Pewter Moon. Talk to the alien boss in the building on the far right.
Then go build your own rocket. Then set off into space.
To be continued.....Hopefully that part helps. Mads

Astro Knights - How to defeat Modred:
Submitted by: Yumi

At the owl time,Modred will try to use the sharp blade everytime you try to get close him(He
is in a tall robot).You just fly around a circle 2-3 times,the blade will just go away.After
when that happens,there will be a few bombs on the floor,just simply click on one of the bombs
and fly to the green orb on top of the robot head and wait for the red light to flash and when
that happens,drop it twice on the robot's head(orb).The robot will say something and the owl
will fade off.Now its your character's turn.Jump on the robot to the princess then to the top
on the left or right you will see 2 candles.Stay there,the robot will shoot it from below and
the candles will drop and hit the robot.Do the same for the other direction and thats the end,
you will be rewarded with the golden medallion.

How to beat the shark and save the:
Submitted by: cheatchecker

On shark tooth island you need to first get a fin and then a grass skirt once you have the page
go to the big block thing and get it at the bottom of the tree then climb onto the block and climb
up the tree at the top is a man you need to have the grass skirt and the fin on or he won't talk
to you then get him to make the mixture with the ingretients you got he will give you a potion then
go to the shark feeding thingie were you feed the shark coconuts and click on it you will fill a
coconut with the potion then shot the coconut and the shark will eat it he will fall asleep and this
is your chance to swim past it there is and island and people on the island talk to them and then
you get a medal from the island.

Time Tangle Island Information/ Tips:
Submitted by: poptropica fans

You can travel to the following times and places with it( the middle is the symbol on the time
travel device). They are in clockwise order beginning at the top.

* 2009 AD ~ LAB ~ Main Street
* 0328 BC ~ man in golden armor ~ Ancient Greece
* 0831 AD ~ man in Viking suit ~ Vikings
* 1387 AD ~ lady with pink turban ~ Mali Empire
* 1516 AD ~ bearded man ~ Da Vinci's Workshop
* 1519 AD ~ man with headdress ~ Aztec Empire
* 1593 AD ~ armored Asian man ~ Great Wall of China
* 1776 AD ~ man with black hat ~ The Graff House
* 1805 AD ~ man with beaver cap ~ Lewis and Clark
* 1877 AD ~ young man ~ Edison's Workshop
* 1882 AD ~ French man ~ Statue of Liberty
* 1953 AD ~ man in blue parka ~ Mount Everest

-=Who Needs What=-
* Ancient Greece: Golden Vase
* Vikings: Thor's Amulet
* Mali Empire: Salt Rocks
* Da Vinci's Workshop: Notebook
* Aztec Empire: Sun Stone Piece
* Great Wall of China: Stone Bowl
* The Graff House: Declaration of Independence
* Lewis and Clark: Peace Medal
* Edison's Workshop: Phonograph
* Statue of Liberty: Statue Model
* Mount Everest: Climbing Goggles

-=Where Things Are=-
* Climbing Goggles: In the Aztec Empire, a guard is wearing them and will give them to you
  if you are wearing a Warrior's Mask (see clothes list at the bottom of the page).
* Statue Model: The very top peak of Mount Everest you can get to.
* Phonograph: On top of the treasury building (the guards are standing in front of it) in
  Ancient Greece. You have to climb up the winged statue and jump to the roof.
* Peace Medal: Hanging on the pulley system in Da Vinci's Workshop. First climb onto the
  middle platform, making the top one come closer so you can jump on it. Get on the top
  platform, you will go down but the bottom platform will come out. Jump onto the bottom
  platform and from there jump and try to touch the shiny silver circle. If you touch it,
  then you've got the Peace Medal.
* Declaration of Independence: In the Mali Empire (watch out for snakes) there will be a
  place called "Timbuktu Inn". A document merchant is in there. Piece together a puzzle
  for him to get the Declaration of Independence.
* Stone Bowl: Go to Lewis and Clark's campsite. There will be a tree that has the words
  "Clark was here" carved into it. Climb the tree and wait for a beaver to come out. He
  has the bowl on his head.
* Sun Stone Piece: On top of Edison's Workshop. Go to the left and jump on the car.
  Click the circle at the rear and the car will head forward, and stop under the tree.
  Climb up the tree and onto the house.
* Notebook: Go to the Statue of Liberty. Climb so you're on the very top platform of the
  scaffold. Jump to your left. The Notebook is on the ledge.
* Salt Rocks: If you go to the Graff House and climb the tree, then jump onto the roof,
  they are in a bag right there.
* Thor's Amulet: Go to the Great Wall of China and pass the construction zone. A man will
  be wearing the amulet. If you beat him in a memory game he will give it to you.
* Golden Vase: This is definitely the hardest. Go to the Great Wall of China and pick up
  a barrel of gunpowder. Go to where the Vikings are and climb onto the first cliff. Use
  the gunpowder to blast the rocks. Pick up the torch and go inside. You only have a little
  while before your torch goes out to find the vase. It will also go out if you step in
  water. (Hint: run down, up, up, up, across, down, and left.)

-=Clothes You Can Get=-
* Warrior's Mask: In the Aztec Empire there is an old warrior who wants to retire. Talk
  to him and he'll give his mask to you.
* The Glider: Da Vinci gives it to you when you give him his notebook.
* The Viking Suit: It's laying on the second cliff where the Vikings are: use the Glider
  to get there.

Walkthrough - Astro knights island
At the start go to the fountain and there will be a gold coin hidden in the water keep on
going right and to the castle go to the right door down the bottom and go into it and at
the end of the room there will be a secret letter and pick it up. go to the door on the
left and there will be a libray youll have to pick up the two books and on the little
shelf down the bottom of the library you click on the the letter thing and it will open a
dungeon. go down the dungeon and pick up the cheese and pull the lever come back up and go
out and the librarian and two guards will be there so just ignore them and go back to the
other room and put down the cheese and the mouse will become yours. go back out and up the
stairs to the door and go in and talk yo the queen and she will give you coordinants that
you need later on. go back outside and further right to the man next to the lady and click
on him and he will give you a bag of manure and keep on going to the shed place and go in.
jump on the shelves to the goth girl and talk to her and you give her the secret message
and she will give you a sheet of paper then you jump on the piece of rope hanging from the
machine thing. go back out and jump on the rope next to the shed place and then jump on
the wind mill thing and the glas at the top will open go in and go to your items and click
use on the manure bag. the hver pad will fly out so just leave it an go back to the castle
and jump up to the arrow shooter and go to items and click use on the rope and youll put
the rope on the arrow thing and try to shoot the little door and when you get it go across
to the door and go in and at the end of the room you have to pick up the princesses note
then go outand to the fountain and next to the fountain is a museum go in and into your
items and click use on the gold coin and he will let you in then click on the books next
to him and he will give you an item and then go to the top floor and click under the bed
and you will get an item go back out and to the fountain click on the bit under it and
click the star, saturn and the moon then click the bigsun in the middle and a secret
passage will open so go down it and talk to all the people and the last one will give you
a key so go back out and right to the end at the shed but before you get there go in
between the hay and push them both to the side and there will be a thing in the ground so
go to your items and click use on the small key and it will open the hatch so go in
anclick on the owl . the owl will fly out but keep on going left and on the cair is
mordreds journal go back out and to items and click release on the mouse and the owl will
eat it and it will start following you and go back down the hatch and to the end and push
the dirt so it breaks and to the end  and through the hole then the robot will explode so
click on your owl then click on the green thing and the owl will bring you the fuel rod
and if he doesn't give it to you jump at it and  get the rod. go back out and to the end
at the right where the mud is and jump on the pad and out to the space ship. click on it
and put the feul rod on the other one and spin the nob around to 56 and the other one to
52. you will then fly out tothe moon and  crash your ship so go to inside and talk to the
alen in th cafe place and he will let you build a new one so go back to the holopad and
click on the thingand build your ship go back into space and in the bottom right hand
corner there are co-ordinants  to the planets and go to the three planets and you have to
kill three monsters so you can figure that out yourself and when oyuve done thatin the
asteroid belt there is a kingdom and go   into it and throgh the portal to the next world
and go to the princess and its mordred so figure out the puzzle andgo in to the place and
use your owl to pick up the bombs an when it flashes red drop it at the green thing at the
top of the robot and when he shoots your owl you jump to the princess and on the light
thing so when he shoots at you it drops on him. So you have to do that three times. and
then you get the island medalion and 100 poptropica credits.

How to get past the puzzle door:
Submitted by: Ashley rocks!

There are 4 squares in each of the 5 rows on the puzzle door on the astroid planet on
astro-knights island. These are the numbers of the boxes in apperance order:

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20

Click on the squares in this order: 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, & 16.
You'll get past the door. My character is Shiny Moon. I hope to see you on Poptropica!

Submitted by: Fletcher

First to be able to make this glitch work you have to buy Electrify. Then go to the Fire
Planet in AstroKnights. Turn on Electrify (any color) and jump in the lava. When you come
out you still will be electrified but you will have no color around you!!

How 2 be a pirate!:
Submitted by: poptropica master

[first u have to beat at least 1 island 2 do this] go 2 the star next 2 your bag press
the star and go 2 store then look for a pirate click on it click buy then get out of the
star and click on the bag and press the blue bar thing click on the yellow words and u
will see the pirate click on it,it will say costumize click it the get what u want from
it and pow you r now a pirat!!!

How to defeat mordred:
Submitted by: grey starfish

first u hav 2 fix the lil door 2 mak the pic of Mordred.then go in the building and use
Merlin(the owl) 2 drop 2 bombs on the robot.after that u hav 2 jump on the robot to wear
the pincess is then jump 2 the chandelier on the left.and then Mordred will zap it and it
will fall on him.then he will fall out the robot and the orb will fall off his bot.and the
princess will do the rest.

Spy Island Part I:
Submitted by: White Thunder

The first thing you need to do is go to the spy headquarters talk to Diretor D he will give
you a decoder kit (you don't really need to use it)then go to the spy glasswear place or what
ever then you talk to the person and ask him "I like an eye exam" then when he points at a
word do the oppiste letter then go upstairs talk to him again he will give a chamielion suit
then go to the docks use the chameloin suit go to the end of the docks go up on the house at
the end the docks then open the door. After that you will be in area with dogs (avoid the dogs)
then go to a safe go on top of the safe and then untie the spy he will give you laser pen.
then go out the door and leave the docks. To be contiued...

How to Finish Astro Nights:
Submitted by: Bob

The first thing you should do when you get to Astro Nights is to go to the fountain and jump
on where the water is and you'll find a coin then you should go to the mill and go on the
small turning wheel and you'll find some rope then go inside the castle and talk to the King
and Queen and the queen will give you three coordinates then go down stairs and go talk to
the maid check in both doors then once you've talked to her get the paper on her Treasure
chest and then go to the outside of the castle and jump up to where a night is then take the
rope and click use to the little spear thing that shoots out the spears then shoot to the
princesses door then open then walk on the rope(don't worry you wont fall)then open the
princesses door and youll find a note then go back to where the fountain is but go to the
muesem and give the man a gold coin then check under the bed and youll find a note then
just click one of the piles of books and the man thats standing will give you a slip then
go o the castles library and click where it says Mcm and then these steps will appear and
go down that then youll find cheese pick up the cheese then pull the lever and theres a
little entrance behind the robot click that and it will break then get out of there then
these guards will be looking at you they wont do anything so keep going and go to the maids
room again then leave the cheese there then pick up the little rat then go back to the mill
and go inside the mill and jump intil you see a freaky goth girl and talk to her she'll then
give you a note then go to the first two people ones a girl and ones a guy and talk to the
guy and the guy will give you so manure then go back to the fountain and click on the lille
graving on the bottom of the fountain and click the planets there are then when your finished
 clicking the three symbols then click the sun and it will open. Then go down and talk to
everybody at the end you'll get this key so go back to the mill and go between the two hay
stacks and then push them aside and unlock!
the little door and go down it. Then click the owl and it will go out side then go outside
to and release the mouse there in front of the owl and the owl will eat it an it will start
following you thats good though then go back inside and get Mordreds journal and theres a
little dirt wall push against that and it will break then keep walking and go thhrough the
little hole and the robot that was there will explode and the power rod(little green thing)
will go to the other side of the jail so click the owl first then click the power rod then the
owl will get it for you then get out of the jail cell and get out of Mordreds secret tunnel
then go inside the mill again and climb past the freaky goth girl and you will see a rope hanging
jump to it then get out of the mill and jump on the spinners yntil the hatch opens all the way
then go inside then use your maure to power it and the little hovercraft will go to the swamp
then jump on it and go to the end of the swamp and you'll see a spaceship and click on it and
replace the power rod and put down the coordinates x=56 y=52 then press launch.

Pewter Moon= once you crash go inside the tower and talk to the guy press"how do i get leave"
and he'll let you build your own rocket.Use the coordinate that the queen gave you.
Jungle Planet= The boss is a bird and to defaet it you have to grab a laser sword that you
could find at the bottom floor of the jungle and to defeat you have to hold the mouse(keyboard
mouse) then shoot and you'll find one of the nights.
Fire Planet=the boss is a dragon and you have to keep clicking the lever and once you've clicked
it use the fire arrows that the night will give you and shoot at his mouth do this at least two
Ice planet= before you land there will be sharks and to get rid of them you have to take them
all to the black whole and you have to do one shark at a time and try not to get yourself sucked
ino the black hole then once yo land the boss will be a lion helicopter and you have to deflect
snowballs to hit the helicopter.
Once you finished that all you go to the left corner of that galaxie and you'll find a meteor
with a tower on it land on that one.
Once you landed climb up the towers and click the key and it will transport you to another
Once you get there it will look like your meeting the princess but you're acually going to be
talking to mordred and hes the one behind it all so then he'll steal all your things that you
used to defeat the bosses and he go inside then you have to solve a puzzle oce you solved it
you go inside and you'll have to control the owl and puck up those things that the robot
drops and go above his head and once the little balls turn red drop them and he'll get hurt
and do this 2 or 3 times then when you hit him enough go on the chandaliers and then he'll
shoot a laser at you then the chandliers will fall on him.
when you get back the king will give you a meddlion and you've finished the level yay

Spy Island Part II:
Submitted by: White Thunder

Hey it's me White thunder And I'm giving you Part 2 of Spy Island ok here is the cheat: so go
over to the tou'pe Terrace get to the roof (avoid Light beams) then when your on the the roof
use the laser pen to melt the the bars then get inside and untie the spy then go to B.A.D
Bistro go in the kicthen tell the chef that you want to apply for the job hen you must do this
memory game if you win he will give you the chef hat then go to the B.A.D Spy he will ask you
to fill up his drink then go back in kitchen go on top of the refridgeator into the vent jump
on ligths all of them entell the last one then go to the exit! To be contiued....

Spy Island Part III:
Submitted by: White Thunder

ok so go to the grease monkey use your bowtie to get on it when your on the top keep jumping on
the building entil you get to a sign that says "rooftops" go up use your bow tie to jump on the
other building on your left get to the top of that building your on and stop when your on top of
the antenea then use your bowtie again to get to the right building when your on that building
go in a vent on top of the building then go to the cherry bomb tree get your cherry to the area
where the girl is put the bomb by the cage door when it explodes she will give you ultra-vision
googles then go to the B.A.D Control Center use the ultra-vision googles get to the otherside of
the center use your bow-tie to get on top of the dish satleite get very top jump really far left
go to the door use the glass for the finger print i.d when your inside get to the controls put
in the first password: laser then press enter then put in the second password: hair then press
enter then put in the third password: removal then press enter then when diretor d. saves you go
in the transporter with him then-ok let me tell you diretor d. is bad when your trying to defeat
him he will send out mini-bots then go over to the floating yellow things and when the mini-bots
try and elitricute you will actually do it to the yellow things (do this to the rest of the other
yellow floating things) then when diretor d. gets mad jump on his thing stay on there entil he
crashs into the roof 3 times after that diretor d. gives up you get sent back to the headquarters
then the spy gives you the medilion then you win the Island! oh and before I leave I have to tell
you but your the new diretor of the headquarters Cool isn't so see Ya!The Total End! Coming soon
Time Tangeled Island Part I and Astro-Knights PartI Sponsered By: www.willbetts.com

How to change skin or hair:
Submitted by: poptropica person

You can change your skin by going to early poptropica by clicking on a baloon at poptropica towers
or you can just press control shift and the s key. you can change hair colour by going on 24 carrot.
just go into the carrot king dinner and go to the milk shakes and choose a colour then drink it and
your hair will change colour.

How to find the missing comic pieces:
Submitted by: Christina

They are all over Big Nate Island. There is one on the third level inside the Pop-In Shoppe.
Another one is in the camera shop. you need to go ] way. After get out of the camera shop go
up to the light wire post. Next go ] way into the school.then you go up to the broken speaker.
there is another one. Get into the science lab and go to the solar system [ way.then get out of
the school.Jump up to the third level of the construction stuff.next go to the playground and get
all the way to the top of the obsticles. the comic piece is flying through the air so you have to
time grabbing it right.Finally the last one is on top of puffin point light house . Good luck.

How to finish astro-knights:
Submitted by: jackob.bayley
Email: rachaelbayley@bigpond.com

The first thing you should do when you get to Astro Nights is to go to the fountain and jump
on where the water is and you'll find a coin then you should go to the mill and go on the
small turning wheel and you'll find some rope then go inside the castle and talk to the King
and Queen and the queen will give you three coordinates then go down stairs and go talk to
the maid check in both doors then once you've talked to her get the paper on her Treasure
chest and then go to the outside of the castle and jump up to where a night is then take the
rope and click use to the little spear thing that shoots out the spears then shoot to the
princesses door then open then walk on the rope(don't worry you wont fall)then open the
princesses door and youll find a note then go back to where the fountain is but go to the
muesem and give the man a gold coin then check under the bed and youll find a note then
just click one of the piles of books and the man thats standing will give you a slip then
go o the castles library and click where it says Mcm and then these steps will appear and
go down that then youll find cheese pick up the cheese then pull the lever and theres a
little entrance behind the robot click that and it will break then get out of there then
these guards will be looking at you they wont do anything so keep going and go to the maids
room again then leave the cheese there then pick up the little rat then go back to the mill
and go inside the mill and jump intil you see a freaky goth girl and talk to her she'll then
give you a note then go to the first two people ones a girl and ones a guy and talk to the
guy and the guy will give you so manure then go back to the fountain and click on the lille
graving on the bottom of the fountain and click the planets there are then when your finished
clicking the three symbols then click the sun and it will open. Then go down and talk to
everybody at the end you'll get this key so go back to the mill and go between the two hay
stacks and then push them aside and unlock!
the little door and go down it. Then click the owl and it will go out side then go outside
to and release the mouse there in front of the owl and the owl will eat it an it will start
following you thats good though then go back inside and get Mordreds journal and theres a
little dirt wall push against that and it will break then keep walking and go thhrough the
little hole and the robot that was there will explode and the power rod(little green thing)
will go to the other side of the jail so click the owl first then click the power rod then the
owl will get it for you then get out of the jail cell and get out of Mordreds secret tunnel
then go inside the mill again and climb past the freaky goth girl and you will see a rope hanging
jump to it then get out of the mill and jump on the spinners yntil the hatch opens all the way
then go inside then use your maure to power it and the little hovercraft will go to the swamp
then jump on it and go to the end of the swamp and you'll see a spaceship and click on it and
replace the power rod and put down the coordinates x=56 y=52 then press launch.

Pewter Moon= once you crash go inside the tower and talk to the guy press"how do i get leave"
and he'll let you build your own rocket.Use the coordinate that the queen gave you.
Jungle Planet= The boss is a bird and to defaet it you have to grab a laser sword that you
could find at the bottom floor of the jungle and to defeat you have to hold the mouse(keyboard
mouse) then shoot and you'll find one of the nights.
Fire Planet=the boss is a dragon and you have to keep clicking the lever and once you've clicked
it use the fire arrows that the night will give you and shoot at his mouth do this at least two
Ice planet= before you land there will be sharks and to get rid of them you have to take them
all to the black whole and you have to do one shark at a time and try not to get yourself sucked
ino the black hole then once yo land the boss will be a lion helicopter and you have to deflect
snowballs to hit the helicopter.
Once you finished that all you go to the left corner of that galaxie and you'll find a meteor
with a tower on it land on that one.
Once you landed climb up the towers and click the key and it will transport you to another
Once you get there it will look like your meeting the princess but you're acually going to be
talking to mordred and hes the one behind it all so then he'll steal all your things that you
used to defeat the bosses and he go inside then you have to solve a puzzle oce you solved it
you go inside and you'll have to control the owl and puck up those things that the robot
drops and go above his head and once the little balls turn red drop them and he'll get hurt
and do this 2 or 3 times then when you hit him enough go on the chandaliers and then he'll
shoot a laser at you then the chandliers will fall on him.

Early poptropica - The Giant's Egg:
Submitted by: Jasmine

To complete Early Poptropica go to the camp on your right and go down the well and there
will be a man.Click on him and he will tell where the glowstick is.After you have found
the glowstick go to poptropica towers and go down the hole and you will see the giant's egg.
Then give the giant's egg.

Time tangled island walkthrough:
Submitted by: carrlita27

edmund's goggles:in the aztec time ona guard's face
statue of liberty:on the top of mount everest
the phonograph:on top of the greece treasury
the peace medal:at leonardo da vinci's workshop
the declaration of independence:at the timbuktu inn in delphi
the stone bowl:at louis & clark's expedition climb a tree and u will see a beaver with it on
it's head
the piece of the sun:on top of the phonograph building
leonardo's notebook:at the statue of liberty place
salt rocks:on top of the declaration of independence building
thor's amulet:in the ancient chinese place
ancient greece golden vase:at the viking cave
how to make the viking cave:go to china get the gunpowder take it back to the
viking place click on the rocks and the cave will open
how to get the island medallian:go to pendulum's lab go through the time machine and go to
ur sky home.

Hint (scuba gear):
Submitted by: icypenguin

Go to puffin point on big nate.go to the top of the lighthouse.you will see a picture being
blown by the wind get it trade with the school picture guy then get the gear!

Shark Tooth Island Part II:
Submitted by: White Thunder (He's To Cool for school)

Next go in the temple or cave then when you get to the bottom go further down then swim then you
will come to a bat avoid the bat and get to the other side get on the other swinging platforms
on to the code thing and to tell you what is the password it is...OPEN then click on the nose it
will open up get inside then go to the other side of the room get up on the wall then go the
bottom of the wall fall in the hole then you will come to a bone dinosaur get the bone in his
mouth go back up to same place you were get on the floating platform on to other side on the wall
then you will enter in a room with drawings of the profacy keep reading it you don't really have
too. then when your done reading it there will be these green stuff in a jar grab it then take
the exit. GO back to the tall concunut tree before you do put on your green hulu thing and your
shark fin so go to the tall cocunut tree go to the top talk to the medincine man use your ingridents
then he will give you a concunut go to the cocunut shooter at booga bay when the shark eats it swim
to the island talk to the professer then swim back to the mainland then the mom will talk to you
then the profeser he will give a medilion and that's it! you won the Island so come back here every
week or every day to check out new cheats from me White Thunder!and ceck out my website
www.willbetts.com so see ya later! The Total End. Coming Soon: Astro-Knights Part I and
Super Power Island Part I I

24 Carrot Island Part I:
Submitted by: White Thunder (The #1 Poptropica Player!)

So first go to the farm get on the house roof get in the chimney grab the bowl go back to the
Diner ask the lady to fill it up with milk when you do go back to to the farm house in the
chimney use the bowl then go upstairs turn on the bath tub then a cat will come out chase the
cat down stairs and when he drinks the milk he will follow you around so leave the house go to
charlies tool shop at town square talk to charlie when she has her cat back she will give you a
crow bar the next thing you should is-To be contiued... Coming Soon: 24 Carrot Island Part II
and Time Tangled Island Part I

Email: will@willbetts.com
Super Power Island Part I:
Submitted by: White Thunder and Zippy Bug

(Go to www.willbetts.com after this cheat.) THe first thing you need to do is go to comic shop
talk to ned noodlehead when he gives you a handbook go to the masks and capes shop talk to the
dude and ask him and he will give you a super hero I.D. card then next go to the jail talk to the
police man with the gray mustache he willgive you info. about the villians next talk to sciencetist
girl she will give you anti-power handcuffs. Next go to down town the go in the bank then you'll
see copy cat the only way you can defeat her is by trying to find all ten of her the first one is
 on the safe the other one is on the money booth the other two are on the two hanging lamps the
rest are upstairs (the only way you can get upstairs is by taking the elevator) when defeated copy
cat the next thing you should do is- To be contiued...

24 Carrot - To get the cat:
Submitted by: poptropicaprincess

To get the cat that Charlie lost you need to go in the farmhouse.Then get the empty glass bowl and
go to the diner.Ask the waitress to fill it up with milk she will say sure.Next go back to the farm
and set the bowl down go up stairs and turn the water on in the bath tub and a gray cat will come
chase it down to the bottom and it will drink the milk then it will follow you take it to charlie.

24 Carrot : How 2 Get Into The Factory:
Submitted by: Pearl

Go 2 the Carrot King Dinner. Talk 2 the waitress, she will give u a bowl of milk. Take the milk
to the house at the corrot farm. The door is sealed, so u have 2 go down the chimeny. Set the bowl
down. Go upstairs. Go 2 the shower and turn it on. A cat will jump out. U need 2 chase the cat 2
the bowl. Once the cat has drunk all the milk, she will follow u around. Go to Charlies Carrot Surplus.
The woman there is missing her cat. Give him 2 her, she will give u a crowbar. Go 2 the factory. On
the roof, there r blue prints. On the other side there is a large pipe. Click it. Enter it. U r now
in the factory.

Full Astro Knights!:
Submitted by: Trevorsallee12

Ok first go and talk to everybody then they say the kingdom has been attacked then you go inside the
museume and talk to the guy and then he says you need a gold coin and he gives you a pamplet then you
go in the fountain water and you should get a gold coin then you go back to the museume and then click
on your items and click use on the coin then he'll let you look around and then click on the books and
then he should give you a library slip and then go to the castle and go to the library then get the
two books and go to the bottem stairs spot and then go to the first book shelf then click on the ball
of paper at the end on the middle row and you see staris go down them and then get the cheese and
pull the swich then get out then the libraien and 2 knights say that you had no bussinse down there
then you get out of the library and then go to the other door at the bottem floor and use the cheese
and get the mouse and note then get out of that room and go to the room at the top and talk to the
queen and she gives you the cordanitse to the knights then you get out of the castle and go to the
old mill street then talk to the guy with freckales and he gives you some manure and then go inside
the old mill and talk to the girl with the white skin and she says tell me your secret and I'll tell
you mine and you give her the note and she tells you the password for the entrence and then you pull
the rope all the way on the top then go out then spin the windmill and the top should open and go
inside and put the manure in the thing you find in the top of the mill and then it flies out then
get out of there and go to the right some more and get the rope on the top of the wooden wheel then
go back over to the catsle and go on top of it and use the rope on the arrow and then the rope should
be on it then aim it to the left and shot until you hit the princess door then walk on the rope and
go inside and and go all the way to the end and get the note and then go back to the street you
started on and then go to the fount!
ain and click on the sign and click the moon the planet the star then the sun in the middle and it
should open and go down it then talk to every guy and one of them gives you a key then get out and
go in to the museume and look under the bed and you get the cordinets to fly with the alien ship so
now get out of the museume and go to the old mill spot again and get in the middle of the hay and
there should be a door then use the key on it and it opens up then go in there and go near the owl
 and then he should fly out before you go and get him get the book and keep pushing the wall on
the left until it breaks then go and go through the spot and the robot should self destruct then
go back to the other spot then go up the rope and relese the mouse then the owl eats it and go back
down there and go back through that spot again then click on merlin and click on the green goo and
get out of there and go up the rope again then go over to the mud and you see the thing that was
in the top of the windmill flouting over the mud and you hop on it and aim the way you want to go
witch is the right way then you see an aline ship then you hop on it and click on it and put the
fuel in there and put in 56 and 52 on the spaces the click lanch then you go in the air and it
says warning fuel depleted then you spin out of control to the moon then you go inside the only
building and say how can I get off this planet then he says that if you leave the aline ship
there you can build a ship so then you get out of there and go to the build a ship thing and
build your ship and then you go to any of the planets but if I were you I would do ethier the
80,20 or the 15,15 because if you go to the planet on 83,73 you have to deal with 3 space sharks
so I'll start on the jungle planet. So you land and first you fall down and follow the 2nd light
beam and pick up the laser lance and then go back up and go across the platforms and then you
have to get past the eggs and get to the unicorn and click it and it explodes then the knight
says that the mother phinix is coming then you have to survive the wave then you have to charge
the laser lance all the way and shot it in the mouth about 4 or 5 times then it will fall apart
(littarly) then the knight says that ya'll were tricked and he helps you on your adventure and
then your back in your back in your ship and click launch now I'm going to talk about the lava
planet. Ok your on the lava planet and you have to get across the rock platform part and then go
inside the volcano and then get through the part with the lava air then get across the aline and
talk to the knight and say how can I help then he says that he needs help and he gives you his
ice arrows and then you go and try to kill the robot dragon and you kill him by going over him
with the chauns then doghe his spike tail and flip the switch and run in front of it and use the
ice arrows and aim it at his mouth and shot and do that 2 more times and then he falls and the
spike ball tail flies up and hits him and he dies. But then the 2nd knight says that ya'll were
tricked! Then he says he will help you to. So then you are back in your ship for the 2nd time and
press launch then you go to the space sharks! So here's how you kill them you aim at the ice planet
and shot nonstop until one space shark or more come after you then you run to the black hole witch
is at 80,47 and make sure the shark gos in before you then do that to all of them then go yo the
ice planet and go to the top of the mountain in front of you and talk to the 3rd knight and say
how can I help then he gives you a force shild and then you fight a cat helicopter then you have
to beat him by bouncing his snow balls back so they hit the orange circles. do this 3 times and
it gets blown up then the 3rd knight says that the princess is not there then you need to talk
to one of them and they will say that the princess is in another diminsion so you have to go to
the astirod belt and find the portal spot witch is 80,12 then go on it then go to the top of the
mountain and click a key go through the portal go down and talk to the princess then she asks for
the 3 weapons you got then she turns into meordred and then he goes inside his castle then you
have to find the way to get through his puzzle door then when he is done talking you have to be
merlin and you have to drop the bombs that he throws and blow up the energy ball then he saps
merlin when he hits him twice then you have to jump on mordreds robot then jump on the platform
then jump on the chandeler and if you do that again his robot gets destroyed then they talk alot
then you get the meddalion and win Astro Knights! hope this helped.

Astro Knights-The Jungle Planet:
Submitted by: ds-8

First when u see something swing by jump on it.Keep doing that until your at the end.Then jump on
to the gold part.Walk right until you see the hand pointing right.Click.Then talk to the person in
green.Click the last talk bubble.He'll tell you to get his weapon.Get out of that part.Walk across
the ground until you find it.Go back up there.Climb up the rope.Then jump on the eggs across until
you see the cage.Be careful the eggs will pop up.When you see the cage jump on it.Then click on it
2 times.After that click to shoot at the little yellow bugs.Hold down and release to shoot the red
metal birds.Then you will get to a giant bird with a lot of meatal birds.You have to keep shooting
it with the big blast to kill it.Then it will fall apart.Then the green knight will be on your ship.
Well i'm done.Next time look for The Fire Planet.

Astro Knights How To Get Inside Binary Bard's Fortress:
Submitted by: Omar

First go to "www.youtube.com http://www.youtube.com", than when you get there look for the top of
the webpage next to the word search. It's not next to where you typed in youtoube.com.
Type in Poptropica Asro Nights Island Part 6. Look for the firt one at the top. Click on it, than
Pause it. Ask you parents if you could use the tape recorder. Than Turn On The Tape Recorder And
at the same time Click Play And Clik Play on the tape recorder. When It ends standby the tape recorder.
Than stop recording and play the tape recorder and look for the slow button. Of it does not have a
slow button this would not work. Than Go to your poptropica game and click on the slow button and do
what you think you should do. Do the puzzle.

Half of sharktooth land:
Submitted by: lolgirl

first you go to the man selling the cocnut milk.he'll give you some. Go to the ancient ruins and climb
up the cocnut on to the 2nd wood plank. Jump of it on to the roof of the freaky buiding and the piece
of paper on top.climb down from the roof and go inside it.now get past the bats and when your at freaky
head thing click on it. use the piece of paper to translate the word open on it.

Hovering Spaceman:
Submitted by: Happy Hippo

First you must have defeated 5 superheroes in Super power island and must be able to fly. Buy the
space suit with credits, wear the whole suit, on you ability to fly and hover round. ow your a
hovering space man!!!

How to change your hair color:
Submitted by: brett

Step 1.go to 24 carrot
Step 2.go in the resturant
Step 3.click on the smoothie maker
Step 4.make it any color you like (blend other colors too)
Step 5.drink the smoothie and have fun with your new hair!

To get the cat and the crowbar and get inside the factory:
Submitted by: Dog123

First you get the bowl and then go to the "Carrot King Dinner" and ask the woman to pour you some
milk into the bowl. Then go to the carrot farm and into the house. You go in to the house by going
through where Santa Claus would go to give you presents. Then go on the top floor and turn both hot
and cold on in the shower. The cat should jump out then make the cat follow you downstairs and put
the milk down where the picture of the carrot is. The cat should follow you. Go inside the "Charlie's
carrot surplus co." and say that you have her cat. She will give you a crowbar. Then go to the factory
and find the blue piece of paper. That is the map of the inside of the factory. You can use the crowbar
to open the vent on the right side of the factory. Then go in!

Submitted by: gdgsx

Arrival in Arturus
Youll arrive by ballon in Arturus. When you land, the first building you will see is the House of
Mordred, although its now called Mordreds Museum. It was once occupied by a powerful and mysterious
sorcerer named Mordred and it contains a number of things that he used while he lived here. Next to
the house is a large fountain with a spaceship statue in it and the statue and fountain are dedicated
to Mordred for bringing technology to the kingdom. The remaining two buildings are the planetarium and
the Crop Circle Inn. This final building is a multiplayer room where you can battle other players and chat.

What to Do in Main Street
Proceed immediately to the fountain. In the water near the base of the spaceship you will see something
sparking and shiny. Jump up to get it and you will discover that it is a coin. It will go into your
backpack. Now go back to the first building, the House of Mordred. Talk to the man you see when you
enter and get the pamphlet. Then use the coin in your backpack and he will tell you that you are free
to look around. Next, click on one of the books. The guy will ask you not to touch them, but will give
you a library slip. This library slip is a clue to a hidden area. Pay attention to the underlined
parts: McM.

The Library Book Slip

What to Do in Castle of Arturus
Next, go outside and run all the way to the right to the end of the area. Pass through the short
road and go right again. You will arrive at the Castle of Arturus. Walk to the right and then go
through the large double wooden door. Now go to the right and enter the small wooden door. You will
be inside the castle library. There are two books to get. To pick them up, just walk over them. One
is a green book on the far left side of the room in the Fiction section. It is called, Mystical
Weapons of Arturus. The second book is The Life of Mordred A Cautionary Tale. It is down the stairs
in the non-fiction section on a book stand. After you get the second book, look at the nameplates
on the shelves. One is labeled McM, just like the underlined section of the library book slip you
got earlier. Click on the brick behind the nameplate and a secret staircase in the floor will open

The secret staircase in the Castle Library

Go down the stairs and you will arrive in an underground room. Walk over the moldy cheese on a
plate right near the entrance. Then walk a little farther to the right and click on the wooden
handle on the wall. This will open up a small grate near the ground over to the right, but not
the one between you and the robot in the cell. Click on the robot and he will say some long binary
numbers (all 1s and 0s). This can be translated and the correct way to translate it is bard.
Go back up the stairs.

When you return to the library, the librarian is there with two guards and is unhappy with you
for snooping around. Run out the library and return to the main part of the castle. Go to the
left and then enter the door by the staircase. There is a robot mouse on the ground and a very
unhappy girl here. Go to your backpack and use the moldy cheese. The robot mouse will go for the
cheese and then you will capture him. Now go to the right and jump up on the chest next to the bed.
There is a letter on it. It is a secret message that says, We must change our password! I feel
my parents will find out what we are doing and put an end to it!

Trapping the robot mouse with moldy cheese

Now leave the room, go up the stairs and enter the door at the very top. This is where youll find
the King and Queen, who are distraught over the kidnapping of their daughter. Ask the Queen if she
can think of anything else that might help you and she will give you the coordinates of the three
knights who left in search of the princess. The coordinates are: X-73 Y-83, X-15 Y-15, and X-83 Y-20.
Go back outside the castle and run to the right. Keep going right until you reach a new area,
Ye Olde Rumour Mille

What to Do in Ye Olde Rumour Mille
Talk to the hooded guy near the entrance and he will give you a Bag of Manure (gross!). Then jump
over the two hay bales and run up the hill to the door for Ye Olde Rumour Mille. Go inside. Now
walk to the left and jump up on the hay bales. Then jump on the shelf and then up onto the gears
and cogs. When you get near the top, jump to the right to land on a small platform in the middle.
You will see a piece of rope hanging to the right. Jump onto this rope and this will lift the
wooden rod so that it is no longer attached to the gears. Slide down the rope and you will land
on a platform next to a very pale dark haired girl. Click on her. She will ask to trade secrets,
and will take the secret message you found in the castle. In return, she will give you a piece of
paper with three cosmic symbols on it. It is the new password for the Secret Order. Jump down off
the platform and go outside.

To the right of the mill is the big wheel in the mud. On top of that wheel is a coil of rope.
Jump up on the wheel to get the rope. Now walk over to the left and stand underneath the Ye Olde
Rumour Mille sign. Jump up on top of the sign and then jump up on top of one of the windmill
blades to get it to start spinning. Keep moving around and jumping on the blades to spin them
around until the little glass bubble on the roof is completely open. When it is open, go
inside it.

Inside the windmill you will find a broken hover craft. It needs something to power it.
Fortunately, you have something. Open up your backpack and Use the bag of manure. The hover
craft will fly out of the roof and land in the mud outside. Go back out of the ceiling to leave
the windmill. Before you use the hover craft, though, theres work to be done back at the castle.

What to Do in the Princesss Tower
OK, head back to the castle and then stand in front of the large oak door. Jump up onto the
windowsill and then jump onto the platform with a large bow and arrow on it. Then go to your
backpack and select Use on the coild of rope. The rope will be attached to the arrow. Now point
the arrow in about a 45 degree angle to the left and click to shoot the arrow and rope. If you
aimed correctly, the arrow will stick into the door of a nearby tower. Now walk across the rope
and enter the door in the tower.

Go to the left past the bed and you will see some brown paper sticking out of a chest with
scrolls and parchment inside. The brown paper says,

The order believes the Great Inventor kept many of his secrets under his bed, but the order
dare not come out of their hiding place to seek them. I will do my best to aid them in their
search because I believe Mordred is alive! Ive detected a veacon on a faraway planet, and I
believe it may have come from him. I have sent a return signal, and

Once you have the paper in your backpack, head back outside of the tower and then go left until
you reach the fountain in the middle of the square.

What to Do in the Secret Entrance
Now that youre back near the fountain, walk into the middle of it and click on the plaque on
the wall that has the space symbols. Select the symbols in this order: Crescent Moon, Planet
with Rings, 5-pointed star. Then click on the large Sun in the middle. A secret door will open
and the water will drain out of the fountain. Go inside the entrance.

Youve found a secret order. There are several people here wearing purple robes. Walk to the
right and talk to the boy with buck teeth and pimples. He will give you a small key. Now get
back on the rope and head out of this secret room.

What to Do in Mordreds Secret Hideout
When youre back standing next to the fountain, walk left to Mordreds Museum and go inside.
Go up onto the top floor and then click underneath the bed. Youll find a missing page from
Mordreds Journal. It says:

24 Carrot Island:
Submitted  by: PopQueen
Email: missnicola2000@yahoo.com.com

First you go to the house in the Carrot Farm and enter it. Do this by jumping your way to
the top and going down the chimney. Walk right until you get the bowl. Then go to the Carrot
King Diner in Main Street and ask the waitress to fill the bowl with milk. Go back to the
house and go to the top floor. Turn on the shower by clicking on the handle. The cat will come
out. Click on it and wait (for some time)until the cat drinks from the bowl. It will follow you.
Go to Charles Carrot Surplus and tell the lady with the screwdriver that you have her cat.
She'll give you a crowbar. Go to the factory and jump on the roof. In the middle of the roof
you will see a blue piece of paper. Then jump back on the roof and go right. Click on the pipe
thingy that's closed in the toxic water. You will pry it with your crowbar. Enter it. It's
pretty hard to cross the things that are going up and down at first but you'll get the hang of
it. Then go up. There will be a space in the middle for you to wait until the rat crawls past.
Quickly go left and up. On your left you will see something green that says MASTER ENGINE. The
first sliding thing goes in the middle. The middle sliding thing goes to the bottom and the last
goes in the middle. Then it will be light. Go right and jump on the stack of three crates. Then
jump up and left. Jump on the stack of three barrels and then the crates to the left of the
barrels. When the face comes (above you) jump on it and when it stops and starts to go left again
quickly jump right. Then enter the place where the door is open. You will be in a vent system
and the blueprint will be in the bottom left corner of your screen. Go NEAR the processing room
and get the wire cutters. Then go to the freezer. Find your way around by the blueprint. Click on
the security system and cut the wires then go to the printer room. Quickly jump over the big
cylinders when the crates STOP falling. Then go down and left. You will see a person with green
swirling eyes. Click on her and say the bottom thing. When !
they tur
n around press the on/off button on her hat. She will print something. Walk to it. Then go to
the processing room. Click on both the dizzy people and ask the things that will make them turn
around and click the on/off button. Then at the far right of the room there will be a door saying
AUTHORISED BUNNY DRONES ONLY. Click on it. You will fall through the trap. Go down the conveyer
belt while dodging the stampers and hot sauce. At the end there is a pipe. Jump on it and then
jump on the platform above. Get the "hat" that the dizzy people were wearing. They are called
Rabbot Ears. Put it on. Then go up the exit. You will be back in the processing room. Go to the
far right of the room and click on the door. This time you won't fall through the trap. Talk to
Dr. Hare(he's pink).Go up to the top of the giant metal bunny, then go right. Click on the dizzy
guy. Ask him the third thing and press the on/off button. Click on the computer. Enter
the password(you got it in the printer room). Then enter launch rabbot. Make him crash into the
rocks four times. Then follow the boy up the rope. Talk to the mayor and you will get the medal.
Good luck!
NOTE:You can change the colour of your hair in the Carrot King Diner by the drink station.

Time Tangled Island:
Submitted by: PopQueen

Go to Pendulum's Lab and go to the bottom. Then power the future machine by walking right. Then
jump to the future machine and enter it. Walk right to the old you and ask if you could help you
repair the past. You'll give you a time machine.

Statuette of liberty:Go to the first age and go to the top of Mt Everest. Then go to the second
age. Go to the place where it says Gaget, Gauthier et Cie and say to the man you have his model.

Piece of sun stone:Go to the third age. Click on the wagon's engine. When it reaches the other
side jump on the trees. When you get as high as you can jump left. You will land on the roof.
Go to the left chimney and get the piece of sun stone. Then go to the seventh age. Go to the
aztec empire in the middle. Dogde the guard. Jump to the top. Talk to the guy on the left and
say you have the sun stone piece.

Edmund's goggles:Go to the seventh age. Go to the Aztec empire on the very right (there are
three)and go to the top. Talk to the guy carrying the mask and he'll give you it. Wear it. Go
to the middle Aztec empire and talk to the guard on the left. He will give the goggles to you.
Go to the first age and go to the level with tent and people. Talk to the guy in blue clothes
and say you found his goggles.

Da Vinci's Notebook: Go to the second age. Go to the far right and jump on the barrel. Then jump
onto the roof of the place next to it and jump right, on the wood thing. Then go right and jump
on head of the Statue of Liberty. Then jump on the higher wood thing (I'll call it a frame now)
and go to the top of the frame. You won't see Da Vinci's notebook but jump left as high as you
can going as much left as you can. Then go to the eighth age. Follow the signs until you get to
the last one. Jump on top of the sign and then to the platform above. Then jump on the platfomr
to the right. Jump on the thing on the rope until it stops. Then jump to the highest platform.
Then go on the other thing on the rope (it's on the left) and when you think the time is right
jump left and may or may not land on Da Vinci's workshop platform. If not try again. Then enter
the workshop. Go to the platform above and go to the left. Climb to the top of the rope then go
left. Land on the window then jump right. Click on Da Vinci and say you have his notebook.
He will give you gliders.

Peace medal:You must give Da Vinci his notebook before you can do this because he will give you
gliders. Stay in that age and go outside. Put the gliders on and glide to the peace medal (you
would have seen it if you returned the notebook.)Then go to the fourth age. Click on the lady
and say you have her peace medal.

Bag of salt rocks:Go to the fifth age. Go on top of the house and go the chimney. Get the bag of
salt rocks. Then go to the ninth age. Jump on the first platform you see, then the roof, then
the tree. Then the other two roofs. Talk to the lady there and say you have her salt rocks.

The declaration:Follow all thhe steps above except the last. Then jump right and land on a
platform on a huge hut. Then go to the above platform. Jump right. You should land somewhere
near the Timbuktu Inn (if you got gliders.)Enter it. Go a bit right and then to the white platform.
Then jump on the dirty cream platform. Talk to the guy with the piece of paper. Then put the
painting together (TIP:Look for the corners, then the pieces that match the corners.)Then he will
give it to you. Go to the fifth age. Dodge the echidnas and enter the house. Go on the middle
platform on the right. Talk to the guy near the bed with flies all over it and say you have the

The amulet:Go to the sixth age. Go to highest platform and jump left. Then ask the guy for the
memory game. Win it. Then go to the tenth age and get off the ship. Tell the guy closest to the
ship that you have the amulet.

China bowl:Go to the fourth age. JUmp to the top of the tree saying clark was here. When yousee
the animal with the bowl on it's head jump on it and get the bowl. Then go the sixth age. Go to
the top platform then jump right. Then jump left to the highest platform and climb up the rope.
Then drop left and jump left. Then click on the guy there and say you have the bowl.

Phonograph:Go to the last age. You need the gliders. Go up the hill and up the platforms on the
right. When you get to the top platform jump left and land on the roof of the oracle's room.
Then jump left and land on the roof of the treasure room. It is in the middle of the roof. If
you don't get it the first time try again. The go to the third age. And enter the house. Go
to the top floor bey jumping on the lights. Talk to the guy with the bowtie and say you have
the phonograph.

Golden Vase:Go to the sixth age and walk to the very right while dodging the bricks. Then get
the barrel with a stick in it it. Then go to the tenth age. Go to the cave and click on it.
It will blow up. Then enter. MOve fast. Go as up as you can while going right. When you go to
the very right go down. Then go left and jump over the water. When you get the vase go to the
eleventh age and tell the right guard guarding the treasure room that you have the vase.
Then go to the oracle's room and ask her for a prophecy.

When you have returned everything to there right times go back to the lab. Travel to the future.
Go to the very right. Ride the monorail and the hover platform to your sky home. Then find you
and you will give you a medal!Good luck!

How to get the third spy on spy island:
Submitted by: jenna
Email: jennadad2@yahoo.com

You go all the way to the right and you grapple up to the roof tops.grapple to the next building.
then you grapple to the next building again.climb up that building.grapple to the other building.
go inside there.click the cherry bomb.bring it up to the cage were you see a person in there.then
you got the third spy!your fineshed!

Get a wood thing on fire:
Submitted by: pratik

Get the glader then enter the the cave take of the glader them exit the cave in time tangeled.

Astro knight snow beast glitch:
Submitted by: funny snowball

when your fighting the snow tiger beast thing hit him with a snowball then when he gets shot with
the snowball he will fall and shoot an icicle thing at you. if you still have your shield thing
get shot with it and while your frozen keep pressing like you'll go to the left. then when your
not frozen, you'll still look like you are frozen. the only thing is you cant jump.

Finding the golden egg:
Submitted by: TeJay

ok first. go down the well get the glow stick at he very left. then go back up and go to poptropica
towers. ull c a sign tht says pigments keep on going till u get 2 a hole go down ther. use ur glow
stick. when u go down the rope, go to the left. then go down tht rope. continue to go down the tunnel
till u get to a rope. DONT go down it. keep on goin untill u get to the next rope. go down it. ull
somthin tht says geting warmer jump ovr the next rope and ull c the egg.

Early poptropica hint:
Submitted by: happy tiger

First of all, go down the hole and u will see a girl, u don't need 2 talk 2 her. Then go all the
way 2 the bottom, and u will see a spider next 2 a pig, jump over the spider and get the pig,
then go back out.Next, go 2 the right and u will b in Early Poptropica, give the pig 2 1 of the
men and then keep going right until u get 2 a well, then go down it and go up the other side where
u will find a glow stick, then go out. Now go 2 the place where u fownd the pig but go 2 the other
side, go through the tunnel until u see a rope go up 2 the left go all the way 2 the end and go
up go the left 2 a nother rope go up and go 2 the left agen where u will see a goid egg, get the
egg then go all the way right 2 another rope go up go right up 2 another rope go up and go all
the way left 2 a rope go up go right up 2 the last rope and go up. Next, go to the top of a bilding
and go left till u r at the top of the purple bilding and go up the rope and u will see a giant
click on him and he will let u go 2 the right keep going right till u see a bucket get it and keep
going right go 2 the fans and they will blow u over keep going 2 the fans until u see a jet pack
get it and now u can fly, go back 2 the water tower and fly 2 the top and get the flag, then go back
to Early Poptropica and give the bucket 2 the man by the well then go right 2 the rope go up and
give the flag 2 the man and then go righttill u see a ship go 2 the man on the ship and he will
give u a mettel and u will have completed this island.

Tapping Dance:
When your at Spy go on top of the roof of the HQ (Headquarters) and when you see the spy guy
and your on top of something (forgot what its called maybe platform)and talk to the spy you
will be tap dancing and when you try to jump up instead you go down.

How to get the owl on your side:
Submitted by: superstarcece
Email : superstarcece@yahoo.com

First go to the library and click on a outlined brick.stairs will appear.go down and get moldy
cheese.leave the dungeon and the librarian and some nights will be there and you will get
yelled at.leave the library and got to the room by the other set of stairs. go in put the
cheese down and caputure the mouse.once you go down and get the owl out of morders underground
bunker go back from aboveground. let the mouse go.the owl will eat it and then he will be your
friend. isnt that awesome.

Super Power Island:
Submitted by: PopQueen

First swim left and ask the policeman for any more information on the criminals. He will give
you the profile reports. Then ask the scientist if the criminals have super powers. She will
say yes and give you anti-power handcuffs. Then you go to the comic store and ask Ned Noodlehead
if he has anything apart from comics. He will give you a book. Go to the Masks and Capes store
and talk to the guy on the left. Then buy a free costume by clicking on the dummies if you want.

How to defeat Copy Cat:
Go to Down Town and enter the bank. Walk left. Copy Cat will say you'll have to be fast to find
all of us and she will drop a smoke bomb. All except two are in places you can see. The other
are on the bottom floor. To get the first one you climb on the grey thing, then the flower
platform, then the light. There is another one hard to reach on the other side.

How to defeat Speeding Spike:
Go to Down Town and into the Subway. Walk right and click on the train doors. Then walk left to
Speeding Spike and jump over him when he rushes at you. He will eventually get tired and slip
on the water in the carriage you started in.

How to defeat Sir Rebral:
Go to the City Park and ask for a hot dog. Then try to touch Sr Rebral so he will get annoyed.
Jump on the top of the restrooms and push the movable rock. When you touch Sir Rebral he will
get annoyed and lift the ground. Put the rock somewhere where he will get hit. Then click on
him to handcuff him.

How to defeat Ratman:
First go in the restrooms (girls fo girls and boys for boys) and down the sewer. Go left and
click on the red wheel. The water will bee drained. Then go right and jump on the brick platforms.
Click on the wheel. It will rise again but not to the top. Go left and click on the door. Jump
up avoiding the rats and turn the wheel so Ratman and the flies get splashed. The flies will
start chasing you. Dodge them or they will sting you. Make your way to Ratman to handcuff him.

How to defeat Crusher:
Go to the Junkyard and go right. Jump when Crusher stomps or you will fall. Jump on the fence,
then wheels, then barrels, then the car which Crusher is standing on, then on the wood magnet
tower. Climb to the top and click on the control place. Slide the lever so the fridge falls.
He will get squished then he will throw the fridge at you so you will fall. Now he will throw
barrels at you. Dodge them and climb to the top of the wood magnet tower and slide the lever
again so Crusher will be lifted up. Walk to him to handcuff him.

Now you have defeated 5 villains. Go to he telephone booth. It is ringing. Click on it to
answer it and you will be granted the power of flying!

How to defeat Betty Jetty:
Go to Down Town and fly to the top of the Skyscraper. Chase Betty Jetty. She will throw green
orbs at you. If she makes them 2 by 2 before she throws it is going to come one at a time.
That's the easiest one. If she makes them 4 in a row they will come at the same tim. There
will a gap. Go through. If it is one by itself then fly nside to side. Get Betty Jetty and she
will fall. Then Ned Noodlehead will trip her.

To get the reward go to the comic shop and ask Ned Noodlehead to trade the medal for the hot dog.
Good luck! By the way email me at missnicola2000@yahoo.com.au or popflashstar@gmail.com
or ndrak5@eq.edu.au if you need help with any island.

Fake Spiderman:
Submitted by: Jian

First, go get the laser pen then get the bow tie then jump and use the bow tie and do this many
times and you will be like spiderman.

Flame Thrower:
Submitted by: Jian

First you have to complete the Super Powers Island. You also have to have "Torch" in the shop.
You activate torch in Super Powers Island. Fly and it will be like a Flamethrower.

Nabooti gem order:
Submitted by: LibLob555

When you hav all 5 gems go to Nabooti and enter the museum. when in the museum go to the
bottom floor. at the bottom floor talk to the lady next to the biggest statue at the far right.
the order that you mut put the gems in the holes is as follows...
1) Purple
2) Green
3) Red
4) White
5) Blue
the sequence submitted by smart coyote is incorrect but i have tested this one and it fits all
requirements. when this is complete it will fly away and you will get the medalian and 100 points.
you will then be complete with this island.

Super power island:
Submitted by: stephen

How to catch Ratman:first,go inside the bathroom at the city-park(boys room)and go
into the sewer.click on those wheel things .the water will go down.then click on
the sewer thing wheel.the water will go up.go into the door on the left and enter it.u will see
rat-man standing on a pipe. avoid the hypnotized rats. go on top of the
building thing first.then go to the pipes above u . then,click on the wheel thing.
and slime will come out from a big drain hole.rats are gone.get away from bees.click on rat man
to cuff him. yer done!it might be hard,but u will get the hang of it.

Super power island:
Submitted by: stephen

defeat all of the villans
1.copy cat. location:the bank
2.speeding spike.location:subway
3.sir rebral.location:city park
4.rat-man.location: underground sewer
6.betty jetty.location:skyscaper

How get from the begining to the volcano stage: Astro nights:
Submitted by: bifgt

go to the fountain there will be a coin in it grab the coin and go to the mordreds house then
give the coin to the man at the door touch the books and then go to the library in the castle
go to the bottom floor (don't worry about the man on the top floor) you will see a scronched up
peice of paper click it and go down the stairs (you won't see the stairs until after you click
the paper got to go i'll enter the rest later

Bionical suit:
Submitted by: sallsall

on every island on poptropica there is a bionical thing and you go in and the
bionical neads water. So you go to the cave and Jump over and down and use the
air shut thing to get back up in a hurry . You will et a lego water thing then
exit and give to the bionical. You will get a gold bionical suit and blaster with
unlimited amo of three kinds.

How to get past the shark in shark tooth island:
Submitted by: Jenna Paige Kirkbride

First you have to have the sleep poition in a coconut.If you have that you are on the right
track.You go over to that canon ball.Click the canon ball shooter.Click one time anywhere
to feed the shark the sleep poition.Once you shoot it,it will fall asleep.Then you go across
because it is asleep.Last you get the people that are straned on the other island.Then you
take the people back to the main land were you see the lady with the purple clothes on and
the purple purse on.You get the medal after you talk to the lady in the purple clothes on
and purple pures on.

Another Cell Phone Costume:
Submitted by: Micky

First YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE PHONE FROM NABOOTI ISLAND. then dial 1337 and get a supise costume

Spy Island Update:
Submitted by: Mr. E.

Spy island was updted. Now, rather than just pressing a button to open the teleporter,
you must enter 3 codes. The codes are
I hope this helps :D

How to beat Sir Rebel:
Submitted by: Mathu

When you go to City Hall, you'll get a short glance of Sir Rebel. Then he uses his mind
controlling to send rocks at you. Be quick. Jump on the bench and then jump on him. You'll
get knocked out. But the rock hits him. Then he'll go crazy. Go near the bathroom and push
a rock to the bench and stand there. By using his mind control he lifts part of the ground.
If you positioned the rock right it will knock him down. Then handcuff him. Peace out!

Submitted by: Jon Hughes

Once you have beaten Astro Nights and have the Multiverse card, go into the prison cell
and use it, and then exit the Multiverse room. You will end up in the dungeon entrance.

Half of Haunted House:
Submitted by: orangeleapord

First off you come through a hole in the ground.Then go left until you reach a house.The door
will have boards on it.So you have to find another way in.Jump to the top of the house,and you
will see a bat with a key.Jump for it.Then go to the basement door and unlock it.Go to the two
pots.Put them so they all match.After that it will start blowing air.Jump in the air and fly
up.Get the potion thing with a skull on it.Then go upstairs.Go left and you will see a ghost
cat.Talk to it.Go up to the right,and you will see a spider.Click on it.Then jump on the broom.
Go all the way up.Click on the chest.Solve the puzzle.Then get that potion.Go to the room with
the phone ringing.Click on the thing with two clocks.Solve the puzzle.

2 clocks in haunted house:
Submitted by: ashley

When you go into the green bedroom, click on the phone nd it says,"darkness fills the grave,
find our light when midnight strikes twice." so click in the clocks and if u havent figured it
out yet u hold the mouse over the clock one at a time until there both spining at the exact same
time.both the big hand and the little hand.so basically your trying to get the skeloton heads to
pop up at the exact same time..and when u do, youll get a lantern that doesnt have any fuel so u
go back down to the basement..and by the stairs theres a tank full of kerosine click on it then
youll get fuel. and thats all ive figured out so if u figure out the rest let me now(:

Haunted house glich how to fly:
Submitted by: rayna ford

Go into the room with the statue find the spider on the floor hat doesn't move he picture of the
lady wih the broom she will drop the broom get on the broom and fly away.

Capture betty:
Submitted by: jose alejandro
Email: alejandro_cruz_@yahoo.com

ok daownload cheat engine at cheta engine.org go to downloads and then open it.go to the computer
on the top right corner. then go to windows list its some where at the bottom of the list you opened
up. then look for poptropica. then look for "enable speed hack"then put 1.0 and you can capture the
flying women in super power island. the speed may be slow but it makes it easier to dodge the power
and to get her.(you are suppose to capture 5 villians before you can fly).

Cheat walk through:
Submitted by: catty

Arriving at the Haunted House and Getting Inside
First, click on the promotion on the Poptropica Map to travel to the Haunted House. Youll arrive in
the graveyard. Run over to the left to get to the house and then jump up on it until you see the bat.
You need to jump around and catch the bat to get the key from him. This is your first item. Once you
have the key, go to the far left to unlock the cellar door and get inside.

The Cellar
Youll get the first item you need here in the cellar. The first thing you need to do is connect the
boiler to the furnace by rotating the pipe pieces. Its a very easy puzzle if you work in one direction.
I did it backwards from the boiler to the furnace. Once its connected, jump up on the steam coming
from the boiler to get on top of the platform to get the draught, which is your second item.

The House
There are a bunch of items to get inside the Haunted House. Heres how to get them all.

Pick Axe and Ice
To get the ice, open the refrigerator and then go up to the knight statues on the next floor.
One of them is holding a pick axe. Jump on his head to get him to drop it then pick it up and
use it to chip the ice out of the refrigerator. These are your third and fourth items.

This part is a little tough. Go all the way up to the bedroom on the top left and click on the
clocks on the mantle. You want to synchronize both clocks so that they strike midnight at the same
time (when the skull heads pop out). When you place the cursor over one of the clocks, it speeds up.
So you can keep switching between the two so that theyre at the same time. If you do it right, both
clocks will strike midnight and youll get the next item.

Now we need to get into the attic. To do this, go over to the right where you see a spider on the
floor. Click on it to make it drop down over the painting of the witch with the broomstick. Shell
drop the broomstick, which flies. Now go jump on it and you can fly around the Haunted House. Fly
back upstairs and through the hole in the ceiling to get inside the attic. On the left side is a
chest. Open it up to play a slider puzzle. Watch carefully, because all you need to do is reverse
the moves the game makes in the beginning. If you play close attention, this puzzle is very easy
to do! Congratulations, youve got the last item!

Light the Lantern
Go all the way back down to the cellar and click on the barrel of kerosene under the stairs to
light the lantern.

Speak to the Cat
Go back to the main floor and speak to the ghost cat. Hell tell you to go outside where the cherub
cries. Head back out of the house and find the statue of the little girl crying. Theres a hole next
to her now. Go inside it and youll arrive at a Halloween Party!

Youll get 50 Poptropica credits for finishing this mini-quest. Plus, you can use the Costumizer
to get any of the Halloween costumes on display at this party. Woo-hoo

Early Poptropica:
Submitted by: biggest Poptropica fan

First u arrive at early poptropica ok.then u go to the very right and talk 2 all of the men. so u
go down the well and there r these little balance thingys try 2balance ur self on them and WATCH
OUT FOR THE RIVER!so then go talk 2 the diver and he will tell u 2 look for the other glow stick.
so go to the top right and you will find ur glow stick. so CAREFULLY climb back up the well.so then
head back 2 where ur ballon is and when u pass the tower u go in this manhole careful because there
r spiders everywhere that go up and down. u can speak to the goth girl but its really nothing. before
you go down i want 2 warn u about a giant spider. so sneak 2 the very right and get the pig. now jump
over the spider and go to the left. it is dark in there luckily u have a glow stick. so follow the
signs and find the golden egg. when u get 2 the top go up and u will be in poptropica towers.jump up
on the clothes lines and move to the right. so climb up and talk 2 the giant. and he will recieve the
golden egg from u.so do the little obstacle course while u r doing that you will run into the bucket
of water. then at the end you will recieve a cool jetpack. so fly back and u will see an exit sign behind
a shovel. take that exit and u will end up on the water tower u will see a flag and get it. so then fly
of and go back to the men and give them back their things after u give the flag to that man u will
recieve the medallion for that island. Plus its good if u read mine because i finished all the islands!!!

Easy way to get key from bat (haunted house):
Submitted by: Courtney A.A.

Jump up on the house all the way to the top where the skull and cross-bones are.
Wait untill the bat is above you. Then jump. It may take a little time, but it's the easiest way.

Submitted by: jenny.d

to find the vase for those roman guys go to the great wall of china. follow this black sand trail.
u will find some gun powder. go to the viking time and go up to the cave click on it.go inside try
not to burn your torch out!! in the bottom u will find the vase.thats all for now.oh ing the great
wall of china time look for this guy who will play a memeory game with u. if u win he will give u
the amulet for the vikings.

TimeTangeld And Early Poptropica - fire and underwater:
Submitted by: SpeedyJumper

Go to early poptropica and go to where the people needs help.Then click the fire and she will say ouch
thats hot its funny.Then go to timetangeld and go to the water at time tangeld and you must have the
minimizer from the store you must have 250 points to get the minimizer and go to the water and go out
kind of far and you are underwater HAVE FUN.

How to find jewels in nabooti:
Submitted by: vanessa

if you fly in the plane and go to place with a lilttle person a fox a chiken and corn feed talk to
the person and click the bottom talking thing then i will tell you how to get them all a cross first
take the chicken then drop the chicken at the other side then go get the food but the food at the other
side but befor you go back take the chiken again then you put the chicken with the fox then take the fox
to the food then you take the chicken to the fox and food if you dont do it in the exact way i said you
wont be able to make it then the person will tell you where a cave is find it all you have to do is click
all the bushes on the left and you will have to find the cave go in get across the stickes and then you
will find a blue you know what ok fine a jewel

Poptropica shark tooth island:
Submitted by: catherine

When You arrive in shark tooth island the first thing you do is buy a shark fin(if you want to support
the local shark, Booga)and buy coconut milk. You can hang out at the Coconut Cafe, but it won't help
you complete your mission. Then you run right until you meet a girl with braids. She'll say:''I had a
piece from Professor Hammerhead's journal, but the wind blew it on the structure! You jump up and find
that is the case. You jump over that big stone block and keep going left. You see a weird guy selling
grass skirts. You buy one, because a important part of the mission is to talk to a man who only talks
to native islanders. You put it on and go to the big stone block. Move it until you see some vine
hanging at the top of the screen. Get on top of the block and jump to the vine and climb up. Keep
climbing until you reach the top of the palm tree and see the medicine man, a guy with a blue mask.(he
looks really weird, but he's good) If you aren't wearing the grass skirt like I told you, he'll say I
only talk to native islanders, and you don't look like one. So you have to buy one again, so boo to you!
If you are being good and are wearing the grass skirt, you have to ask him questions. When you ask him
the last question, he'll say, I know how to make a potion to calm the great booga shark. You jump down
and get to a platform and jump on the structure where the hieroglyphs page of the journal is. You get it.
Then you go to what looks like a giant shark mouth. Go in there. Go down. Watch out for the bats! You
swim to the other side, jump on a board, and keep on going until you reach a guy. He'll say, i am looking
at the hieroglyphs on the door. you jump to the left until you see the door. You use the journal to
translate the hieroglyphs, and type in OPEN. Then go left. Keep on going until you reach a copy of the
booga shark. there is a long hairy caterpillar there. Try not to touch it. Jump to the moving platform.
Don't touch the spiky teeth! jump to the next platform and go in the opening between the other platform.

There you will see bones of a shark. click on a bone in the jaw. then get past the caterpillar, get on
the moving stick, and this time ignore the opening through the platforms. Keep on going left. Then you
see a wall with things you need to bring the medicine man. there is a bone, coconut milk, and green
stuff in a goblet. Then there is a shortcut to main street. keep going left until you reach the medicine
man. he will put the potion in a coconut. Jump off the tree and go to the feed the shark cannon, close
to the man who sells grass skirts. then the potion|coconut will feed the shark. he will fall asleep.
swim past the area and go to the land. there you will find professor hammerhead and a boy. lead them
to the main land. professor hammerhead will give you the medal. Then complete another island!

How to get past the rocks on nabooti:
Submitted by: Funny Crush

you have 2 fall down and see the little square with the pictures. then you write them down backwards
and then go back to the step things and see the pictures read your pictures in the backwards order
and step on the rock that it says

Astro knight:
Submitted by: baileyaustin

When you are at mordreds castles inside you need to dodge disks that will take your heath down. Then
you pick up bombs with Merlin the owl. Do that twice. Then jump on the robots waist. Then jump on the
chandellier(the light with candles.)
Then jump on the other chandellier.Then the princess will defeat mordred.
You will receive appreciation from the King.

Big Nate - Walk through:
Submitted by: Megan Turnbell

Get out of the balloon and talk to Nate, the boy he is on the sidewalk. Ask: What search. Hop up
the pole near you. Hop across the line until you see a piece of paper. Get the paper. Jump down.
Run to your left and go in to the photo place. Dont talk to the guy just hop on top of the lamp to
get the other piece of comic. Exit. Go left and enter the pop in shoppe. Go up, up and get the piece
of comic on the sofa. Go down. Exit. Run to your right. Go into the school. Climb the stairs see the
broken thing, get the comic. Go into the first room. Go by Mr. Bones and above his head is a piece
of comic. Then go to your right and click on the test tubes. Make green, half yellow and half blue,
turn the burner to four. Exit the lab. Exit the school. Go a little to the right and climb up the
thingy with the criss cross and get the comic. Jump down. Go right again. Go up up up on the playground
until you see the piece of flying comic. Get it. Go to the thing that says kids only of the door, enter.
Go to the hang man game. Click on it. Play till you win. Get the crackers he gives you. Exit get off
the play ground. Go right. Climb the light house half way and jump to get the gray thing. Climb the
light house all the way and get on the roof to get the comic. Go back to the photo shop. Talk to the
guy and trade the old photo for the scuba gear. Go back to the light house and talk to the guy on the
dock say: Can I help? Dive for the lobster trap. Talk to the guy say: I found your trap take what he
gives you. Climb the light house. Look though the telescope until you see the paper. Go to the top and
use the lobster to turn the light around. Go take the boat for a ride beat Nate to the island and push
the seals so they make the rock go up. Get the map. Go back to the jet ski. Go to the comic shop and
talk the man. Get the title and put the comic together. Go to the school and go to the messy locker
and then put in the combo from the comic. Get thrown and go back to the locker. Pick up the blue print.
Use the bubble gum !
go to detention. Use the stink bomb go to the file cabinet. Go down get the bell clapper climb to the
roof of the school and use the bell clapper and ring the bell. Go to where the girls were and use the
peanut butter crackers. Pick up the capsule. Get the medal.

Order for Nabooti Jewels:
Submitted by: Dezzie

The way it goes from the top is:
Purple Jewel
Green Jewel
Red Jewel
White Jewel
Blue Jewel.
do not do other ways. I tried and had to figure it out myself.

Counterfeit island hint:
Submitted by: poptropica whizz

go downtown and you will see a bin search through the bin and you will see underground tou tikets
click on them. go to bobo's clown store get a green balloon and go to country side give the balloon
to the little boy then go into the internet cafe andcick use on the tickets he will give you one and
then go to the underground tour person and click use on the tikets and go srait through to the other
side and talk to the suspiciuos looking man go inside the museum and talkto the guard click on the last
one then go up to the top on the left side and talk to the assistaint currator do what he says you will
eventually get the storeroom key go chek out the store room then go out side and go to the docks where
you found the man get all the pieces
of torn paper the places are:
1.in the store room.
2.on top of the ship.
3.somewhere near the man.
4.on one of the window sills at the jazz cafe.
5.near the hanging lamp in the underground tunnells.
then go up the ladder in the underground tunnells do the code
and i think you can figure it out from there.
trust me i have finished all the islands icluding counterfiet island
come find me my name is cilly leopard.

Counterfeit Island:
Submitted by: Anonymous

When you arrive at Counterfeit Island, you first must find all the torn pieces of paper. Go to the
very top of the art museum. There will be a piece of paper. Get it. Another will be on a window of
the inn. Go to the Jazz Cafe. There will be 2 trash cans to the left of it. Click on the right one.
At the bottom will be 2 tour tickets. Go to the Bobo's Clown Store, get the green balloon, and give
it the kid at the Countryside. Go to the Web Browser place. Use the tickets there. You'll get one
one ticket to use. Once you are in the tour tunnel, walk until there is a big dome. Climb onto the
light bulb. You'll find a piece of paper there, too. Once you exit the tunnel, talk to the man who's
waiting there. Then find the ship and get the piece of paper on top of it. Get the piece of paper on
the rock. Go to the museum and apply for the job. Do what the assistant curator tells you to do.
This is the end of my hint. You'll have to look at another cheat or a walk through or you'll have
to do the rest on your own. Good luck!

Counterfeit Island:
Submitted by: megan4909

ok. i am not telling you the begining but i can tell you how to defeat the the crazy chic and get
the medallion.
1. find the key to the door.
2. go to the painting up stairs and click on it. it should be the scream.
3. once you are in the room with the guy. you start scooting your chair back and forth until you get
   beside him. go to the next room to the right
4. then try to get pass the guards. there should be a door. warning if the gaurds catch you then you
   have to restart at the entrance.
5. use the key card that the guy drop earlier.
6. to stop the crazy chic you have to catch all the items that are falling. *don't make it over 1
   million because you have to restart all over again*
7. when she gets mad you run over and click and turn the lever counter clockwise. 8. she will throw
   bombs at you so dodge them when you see it. ( it may take a while b4 the guy gets up to the crazy
9. then you go to the muesum
10. go to the right where the sign says expressionism.
11. talk to the lady and you will get the medallion.
need help on this island or other islands than e-mail me at vampirebunny486@yahoo.com

Early Poptropica:
Submitted by: Smart Runner

When you go to Early Poptropica,go to the hole on the ground,go down and right to get the pig then
go to the Early Poptropica and gave it to the person that is in front of the fence,go to the drell
and get the glow stick and go to the hole again and go down and left to the other hole, get the
golden egg and go to the Poptropica Towers, then jump up a building and jump left,and when you see
a building with tabels, go up the string, you will saw a giant and click on it, he will let you go,
then go right and get the bucket, you will been blow up and get the jet peck, use the jet pack to
fly back where you get the bucket and there will have a sign that says exit, go down, and you will
get the flag, go to the Early Poptropica and gave the bucket to the person that stand after the
drell and fly up then gave the flag to the person that are next to the flagpole than go right and
you will saw a boat and click on that person and he will reward you the Island Medallion!

Shark Tooth:
Submitted by: Smart Runner

When You arrive in shark tooth island the first thing you do is buy a shark fin(if you want to support
the local shark, Booga)and buy coconut milk. You can hang out at the Coconut Cafe, but it won't help
you complete your mission. Then you run right until you meet a girl with braids. She'll say:''I had a
piece from Professor Hammerhead's journal, but the wind blew it on the structure! You jump up and find
that is the case. You jump over that big stone block and keep going left. You see a weird guy selling
grass skirts. You buy one, because a important part of the mission is to talk to a man who only talks
to native islanders. You put it on and go to the big stone block. Move it until you see some vine
hanging at the top of the screen. Get on top of the block and jump to the vine and climb up. Keep
climbing until you reach the top of the palm tree and see the medicine man, a guy with a blue mask.(he
looks really weird, but he's good) If you aren't wearing the grass skirt like I told you, he'll say I
only talk to native islanders, and you don't look like one. So you have to buy one again, so boo to you!
If you are being good and are wearing the grass skirt, you have to ask him questions. When you ask him
the last question, he'll say, I know how to make a potion to calm the great booga shark. You jump down
and get to a platform and jump on the structure where the hieroglyphs page of the journal is. You get it.
Then you go to what looks like a giant shark mouth. Go in there. Go down. Watch out for the bats! You
swim to the other side, jump on a board, and keep on going until you reach a guy. He'll say, i am looking
at the hieroglyphs on the door. you jump to the left until you see the door. You use the journal to
translate the hieroglyphs, and type in OPEN. Then go left. Keep on going until you reach a copy of the
booga shark. there is a long hairy caterpillar there. Try not to touch it. Jump to the moving platform.
Don't touch the spiky teeth! jump to the next platform and go in the opening between the other platform.

There you will see bones of a shark. click on a bone in the jaw. then get past the caterpillar, get on
the moving stick, and this time ignore the opening through the platforms. Keep on going left. Then you
see a wall with things you need to bring the medicine man. there is a bone, coconut milk, and green
stuff in a goblet. Then there is a shortcut to main street. keep going left until you reach the medicine
man. he will put the potion in a coconut. Jump off the tree and go to the feed the shark cannon, close
to the man who sells grass skirts. then the potion|coconut will feed the shark. he will fall asleep.
swim past the area and go to the land. there you will find professor hammerhead and a boy. lead them
to the main land. professor hammerhead will give you the medal. Then complete another island!

24 carrot:
Submitted by: blue leperd

When you get to to 24 carrot go to the farm house and on the roof climb down the chimney in the living
room you will find a bowl pick it up go to the dinner ask the lady to fill your glass up with milk then
go back to the farm house place the bowl down and go upstairs turn the handle in the bath tub and the
cat will jump out then chase it down stairs it will drink the milk then go to the hardwar shop and the
girl will take her cat and give u a crowbar go to the factory and u can figure the rest out.

Poptropica Shark Tooth:
Submitted by: Dead Manure

First, go to Shark Tooth Island, if you?re on Early Poptropica, 24 Carrot, Time Tangled, Spy, Super
Power, Nabooti, Big Nate, Astro-Knights, or Counterfeit. You should fall onto Main Street (The map
names the place that name). You should see a slick man with some shark fins. Talk to him, and he will
give you a shark fin that you can wear for fun. Next, go right until you see a happy man with a guitar
in his hand. Talk to him, and he will give you one of the things that will help you beat this island,
Carbonated Coconut Milk.

The Translation key: Go all the way to the right until you reach a sign that says: Ancient Ruins.
Click on the sign to go there. Go right again and you should arrive at Ancient Ruins. Go to the right
until you see a big stone block. Keep pushing it rightwards until you reach a tree with a little rope
hanging from it. Jump onto the stone block, then jump onto the hanging rope you just saw. Jump onto the
ramp, then the ramp above it. Now jump leftwards until you see a piece of paper. Walk over to get that
?Translation Key.?

The bone: At the bottom of the place you just jumped onto, there should be some eyes looking directly
at you. Click on the blackness to enter the underground building. After that, go down again and you
should arrive at the bottom of the underground building. You should see a swinging ramp on the left
of your ramp. Jump onto it when it gets close. At the end of the ride, jump onto the ramp on the left
side. Next, go down another ramp. Next, avoid the bat under the right ramp, then avoid the other bat
and you should land on some water. Go to the left until you see a ramp above you, and then jump another
time, then jump onto the swinging ramp when it gets close. Avoid the bat just in time, (Do this by
jumping upwards when you get close to it because it will wake up and knock you over if you don?t do
this.) Next, jump up to the leftwards corner until you see a little shark face on the wall. Click on
it, and the code is: First, on the upper teeth, from left to right, click on the 2nd tooth. Second,
on the lower teeth, click on the 2nd tooth. Third, also on the lower teeth, click on the last tooth.
Finally, click on the 4th tooth on the upper teeth and click on the nose to absorb your answer.
Go right 2 times and you should arrive at the dungeon. Fall down the rope and into the water.
On a gold statue, jump onto the top of it onto the swinging ramp. Avoid the huge caterpillar that
bumps into you!! Jump onto the 2 ramps and fall down the spikes and collect that bone.

The key ingredient: Now go back to the place where the caterpillar was. Make your way back to the
spikes. Wait for a ramp to get near, then ride it until you reach the end. Go right 2 times, then,
find your way, and then get the ?Key Ingredient?.

Calming potion: Go up the hole, then you are back in Main Street. Go back to Ancient Ruins, and go
right all the way to Booga Bay. Ask the guy in the grass skirt for a ?Grass Skirt?, then go back to
Ancient Ruins. Put on the grass skirt, then go left a bit, then push the block to the huge tree.
Jump on top of the block then find your way up and then you should end up on the top of the tall
tree. Talk to the medicine man, then he will make you a calming potion. Go to Booga Bay, then,
keep going right until you see the feed the shark thingy. Click on it, then shoot once, and Booga
will eat it.

Island Medallion: He falls asleep, then click back then keep going right to Castaway Island.
Talk to Professor Hammerhead, then go back to Booga Bay and the girl should reward you an
Island Medallion. Congratulations! You have completed the Shark Tooth Island quest.

Cool Glitch:
Submitted by: Friendly Hurricane

For this,you have to have the Electrify thing, and not have the flying Power on Super Power
island. First, electrify yourself(purple). Answer the phone to get your power after you beat
5 villans. When you answer the phone(electrified:Purple)
You'll be electrified without color.

Early poptropica (golden egg):
Submitted by: molly

first you go to Early poptropica and go down the well.Then you go far up to the left and you
should find a glow stick.Then you get out of there and go to the hole by the buildings,go down
that and watch out for the spider then you go into the hallway where it is dark and you go up
the rope and then you keep walking then you should find the egg. and then you go to the giant
and click on him he should let you go past.

How to get rid of Speedy Spike:
Submitted by: Louise

He is really fast so first see where the puddle is then try to miss the WHACK by jumping, but
he will stay in that spot where he missed the WHACK after thatjust carry on jumping and moving
at the same time, so when you got him to the wet spot click on him and he will get to prison.

How to get the hard hat:
Submitted by: Louise

First you got to get the golden nugget (on a tree in Kaya Forests) then you go back to nabooti.
After that you trade it with the guy who trades for gold and you get a camera. You now go to
Safari and talk to Zeke. He will let you go to take 7 pictures of these wild animals: Gazelle,
Zebra, Lion, Crocodile, Bird and Giraffe. After you have completed that, he will give you a hard
hat, now you must go to Diamond Mines (at the cery bottom of the map).

How to get the chameleon suit:
Go to Dr Spyglass and ask him for an eye exam. Then, click the letter which is opposite to
what he points to. Then, meet him upstairs. (Go outside, climb the ladder and open the door).
He should then give you the suit.

How To Beat 24 Carrot Island Part 1:
Submitted by: Gabby

First u have to go to the Farmhouse.Get the cat's bowl.Then go to the Carrot King Diner.Ask
the women "Can you fill this bowl with milk?".She will.Then go back to the Farmhouse.U will
set the bowl of milk down.Chase Whiskers downstairs.He will drink the milk.He will also follow
u.Take him to Charlie's Supplie Shop.

How to get the green jewel on Nabooti island:
Submitted by: gymnast2010

First get the Cactas fig at mountains of the moon then go to Kaya Forest and click USE on
the cactas fig and the turtle will get it,if you have the shovel get it out and dig at the
spot that the turtle sat on,you will get a elephant,and these spirits will come out and tell
you to try and find there FINGO,to find the fingo go back to nabooti and click on the girl
wearing blue and purple she will ask to trade the elephant say yes and she will give you the
fingo,go back to Kaya Forest and give it to the spirits,they will give you the green jewel!

Reality TV Walkthrow.
Submitted by: coolkid9220

First, you go to Mike's Market and all the way to the right there will be a guy at the donuts.
Talk to him and he will run out of the store and drop a magizen.Pick it up then go to your
items and examine it.Press next and there will be a slip of paper on the that page.Next, get
out of the store and all the way to the left there will be a motel.Go inside and all the way
to the right there will be a cup filled with pen.Get one, go to your items, click on the slip
of paper, and tipe a random thing in the emty box on the paper.Then click on the phone and
dile 555-7383 to order pizza and tell them to bring it to room 4B.Then go outside and the
pizza deliverer will be standing there.She'll say "I forgot what the room number" and she'll
give you the pizza. Go to room 4B.Click on the door and go in.Then go all the way to the right.
Bucky Lucas will be there. Talk to him and he will give you a stamp.Put it on the slip of paper,
exit out of the motel, and go all the way to the right.There will be a blue mail thing, click
on it and your character will put the slip of paper in it. The next day there will be a
helicopter on the roof of the motel. Finally, get in it and you will be on the Reality TV
Island show. Beat it and you will come back to the Reality TV motel roof. P.S. Try not to get
voted off or you'll have to restart the TV show again.

The Three Dances - Some Other Glitches:
-=First Dance: Tap Dancing: Go to Super Power Island (after you beat this island)and got to
the jail. Run over to the side where Ratman is. Click where he is to talk to him. Your person
will jump over to the bar and start dancing.

-=Second Dance: Break Dance: At Reality TV Island, if you beat the game there, there should
always be a helicopter. Jump to the proppeler (which is attached to the wings). It will be
spinning, so you will, too. While you are spinning, click down and use the space bar button.
The rest will be shown.

-=Third Dance: Michael Jackson Hump: At Spy Island, go to the top of the HQ building. You
will see an agent laying beneath the clotheline. Jump on the gray ledge and click on him.
Your person will stop on the corner and start doing the Michael Jackson Hump from the music
video "Thriller."

-=Cup of Black Juice: Go to 24 Carrot Island and go to the King Carrot Diner. Go to where the
juice machine is and fill your cup up with ONLY white juice. Drink it. While you are drinking,
press Shift, Ctrl, S. Everything will stop and your skin will change color. But, your mouse
will become all swirly and what not. Click on the X tab to close your screen. Do not save.
 Login to your person and you should be holding a cup with black juice in it. (FYI: If your
skin color changed and you didn't like what it changed to, go to Early Poptropica and go to
Poptropica Towers. Then, go to the man who is selling balloons. Find the color of balloon
you like. Your skin color will change to that.)

-=Secret character: Blues Brother: Go to 24 Carrot Island and Customize the Mayor. Only get
his hat. Then, go to Spy Island and go inside the HQ building. Find an agent that has a tuxedo
and shades. When you do, custumize those. Finally, go to the store and buy the outfit that has
the singer. Once you buy it, custumize the microphone only. Once all that is done, you will be
your own Blues Brother.

-=Secret character: Mario: First, buy the character "Baseball Fielder" and change the color
of the hat to red. Then, get black hair. Then, buy the Albert Einstein costume and costumize
the mustache. Get blue pants hand he will look like an old version of Mario.

-=Secret character: Silly Shadow: First, cick on BOY. Then, go to a public communication
place. Find Someone with a goth hair style with skull earings. Then, make the hair color
goldish brown. Then, find someone with a hairtip (or a Tinker Bell hairtip.) Then, buy a
Rock Star outfit, and custumize a guitar, the shades, and a jacket. (make the color red).
Find a person with a shirt with a skull and stripes on it. Make the mouth a jerk smile.
Get a red vampire cape and a gunbelt. Find someone with a pair of pants with pockets. If
you did all that correctly, you should look something like me.

How to get the coolest outfit:
Submitted by: Adam Vaselli

First you must have the new dark astro night, and a robot belt that goes over the chest.
Then you must get the normal ninja and take its sword and its numchucks. Then get a cool
gun around his/her belly button. then get some gllases with a little thing that goes to
there mouth. then get that metal thing that goes across your face. ten get really sharp
hair! then look at yourself and enjoy the fame of your looks!

Beginning of Mythology:
Submitted by: SA3rdGrader

1st, go to the tree of immortality. Go to the top of the tree and talk to the person-thingy.
Find all the pots of honey and he will show you how to get the golden apple. Once you do Zeus
will get mad at you. To get the Sphinx flower climb up the rope and jump to the top. Pull the
lever and follow the water. Pull levers and push bridges. Once the water is running you'll get
the flower. I'll tel ya more later. Bye

Submitted by: Coolgirl29

First go pick the apple and talk to zeus and go to the sphinx and open the water
things. then talk to the guy and get a flower.go to the grove of temples and go in the fist
building .go to the last room and get a pipe. talk to the muses until one of them tells you to
play a song. go to the underworld and play the song. go to the muesem and get the star on the
guy's face .This is the end of my hint.

mytholgy start & middle:
Submitted by: sk8erboy

first go to the groovy places go to the first/only building and get the scale at the end of the
building.then go to the musem of mount olimps and get the starfish off the god of water dude.
after that go left and get to the tree of immorality.then get the ten jugs of honey and the
golden apple.after that zeus will be all mad.then he gives u a scrool.after u get the scrool
go left again.then fix the waterfall to where the water comes down & grab the rose.after that
go to the door above meet the ministar & play the song on the door (follow the colors not the
numbers).then ask him if u can get the ring on his nose.he will tell u to beat this maze.one
part of the maze is this bones part.fifeteen bones take six leave ten.that means take away six
bones but leave the word ten.after that u have to grab a snake with RED eyes THREE times.after
that go back to groovy yemples hit the bottom of the canyon and clean the underworld temple.
then go to the sea temple and use the starfish on the gift offering table.go to the last women
and tell her i need all yhe help i can get.then put in ares,hermes,aphrodite,artemis and hestia.
after that shell give u a mirror.i found out all this by myself it works.

more info on the start and middle of mytholgy:
Submitted by: sk8erboy

im adding to my other hint " begging and middle of mytholagy". when u go to the spinx
(to get the flower) jump on her (the spinx) and jump to this tree. then grab the fruit in
the tree.then go to the under world (bottom of canyon) and give it as a gift.then get acrose
the river.use the music the girl taught u in the musem.sorry i forgot to tell u about it the
in my last hint.then go to the sea and go to wat looks like deep water.dive down and go anthor
maze (this one is easyer).then grab the pearle.after that go to the cave and knokout the serpent.
to knock it out hit all the heads when the launch at u.grab the scale.exit the cave grab the
pearl.then use the mirror to get back to the gate of mount olimpys.then go back to the immoratle
tree.when u get there put togather the message.it sayes whoever weildes the five scared objects
will rule all of poptropica.then zeus shows up says by midnight he will rule all of poptropica.
then takes the items.ive done this all in one night.u can do it in less then that because u know
what to do and how to do it i had figure it all by my self.

Easy way to beat Zeus:
Submitted by: blondiewoof

A very easy way to beat zeus on mythology island to to absorb a lot of clouds that are flowing
around you, and attack zeus with a constant stream of lightening from ur trident.
Then, when he turns white, RUN because he is going to send white clouds after u, which will
take some of ur pink clouds away, and u dont want that to happen, because then when you lose
ur clouds, you will fall out of the sky, and have to start over. So dodge the clouds and keep
hitting him, and if u keep doing this, u will beat zeus. Hopes this helps those that r stuck
on him!!

Hypnotizer costume:
Submitted by: liop54321

go to early poptropica island and go to poptropica towers then on the green building where the
orange flower is then click on the top left hand corner and there you have the hynotyzer costume.

Find the doubloon in Skullduggery:
Submitted by: bill

First, go to the bridge at the end of main street in fort ridley. then go down to the water.hit
go left. you will be under the bridge on main street. there's the doubloon. have fun.

Mystery Character:
Submitted by: Lorelei

To get a new mystery character go to items then the list then store bought items and if you
have any outfits,when they are loading when you first get onto the page,quickly click the outfit
befor it loads.Then you will see a black figure next to your character on the costumizer screen.

Walkthrough for Skullduggery:
Submitted by: blondiewoof

First talk to the girl on the bridge. She will tell you about the coin. Then go under the bridge,
go left, and walk left until you see the coin. You will take the coin and go buy the grain at the
store. While at the store, get the mirror on the shelf. Go give the grain to the chicken farmer,
and he will give you a chicken. Give the chicken to the farmer with an insect problem. He will
give you a candle. Take the candle to the governer. You will use it to see the secret writing on
the parchment. Then after u have read that, go to the telescope by the dock, and shine the mirror
at the ship. The ship will dock, and the guy will give you the ship. Take the ship and visit all
the islands. At each island there is a hidden piece of a map that you have to find. There is a
couple of people or animals at each island that will give u a clue to find the map piece. Then
start battling ships to earn money and goods. You can sell the goods at any island. You can use
the money to buy better ships at the Dragon Cove island. After u have gotten the best ship u can
buy, go and defeat Captain Crawfish, who is usually by the bottom left corner of the map. After
u beat him, go back to the island in the middle and talk to the governer. He will give u a shovel
and the map of the secret island to find the treasure. Go find the treasure, and the rest will
play out. The end!

Secret Clickables:
Submitted by: Fearless Bones

Throughout Poptropica there are secret clickable objects like, in the Super Power Island subway
and the inside of the "cockroach free" motel on Reality TV Island you can squash bugs on the walls,
and on the Time Twisted Island shore there's a crab and if you click on it it goes into it's shell
click on it a bunch of times and it exlodes! but then the pieces come back together and you can
do it again! Other clickable objects include the fire in the "Early Poptropica" section of Early
Poptropica, the plant in the tourism center and the tooth and fish displays in the shark museum
on Shark Tooth Island,and the statues outside the museum fasntastique on Counterfiet Island.
There are many more, see if you can find them.

How to beat Early Poptropica:
Submitted by: Wat does it matter?

Go to Early Poptropica. Talk to the guys with cartoon bodies. Go down the well and get the glowstick
by going down to the botom and going over the ledge bit in the middle. Avoid the bats. Go up until
you see a green glowstick. Then get out of the well and go to the poptropica towers. Then go down
the hole and follow the passage if you go the wrong way just go the other way. You will get to a
door go through you will end up in this place with a giant spider jump over him and get the pig go
out and follow the passage again until you find the golden egg. Then get out of the hole and jump
up the buildings and you will see a vine on one. Climb up and talk to the giant. Then go through
and jump over the vines and find the jetpack then fly over the spaceship and get the bucket.
Next go back to main street and get the flag its on one of the buildings i think but not in main
street. Then go back to early poptropica and talk to alll the guys then you will see a pirate
talk to him and you are finished!

The Great Pumkin Island:
Submitted by: eth81

To get the witch mask you have to be in in Snoopie's World War 1 fantasy dream, and already escaped
the enemy territory. Go to a wooden post with a mask on it. Then you put it on. You will be able to
go in the spooky house from there. If you want to see me on poptropica my username is Sporty Plug.
I usually hang out on the latest island and I usually look like a cat.

Hidden costume:
Submitted by: Weird person

Go to the left in early poptropica's mainstreet. Now go to the green building and jump until you
find a window the a red flower pot. If you're at the middle window, Click on the top left.
You will get the hypnotist costume.

Time Tangled Island: Exploding crab:
Find the crab at the shore and click it to have it go into its shell. Repeatedly click it and
the crab will explode. Its pieces will come back together, and you can repeat the process.

Cat costume:
Submitted by: eth81

Sporty Plug again, to get a cat costume find a poptropican wearing whiskers and/or cat ears.
Get fur from the creature with horns by the music museum on mythology island island.
Get the tail from the werewolf costume in the poptropica store,then get a mouse from the
lion costume(also from the store), change your skin color(optional).
Then you should look like a cat. Enjoy.

Warrior Outfit:
Submitted by: austin

ok wanna look like a warrior. get the robin hood outfit and the templar knight outfit than
custimize and have the arrow holder from robin than get the sword from the templar outfit
than go time tangled island go to ancient greece and get the helmet from one of the guards
and you look like a warrior!

Bouncing on water:
Submitted by: coolkitty5543

go to early poptropica and go to the far left of the island thare you should se a bunch of
pixelated people. then go down the well to the person guy and clik on cosumeizer then on him.
then click on the red thing and then on accsept. then jump in the water and make sure you point
your arrow up and hold your mouse down then youll be bouncing on water! (p.s this works anywhare
if you keep it on)

Beat Early Poptropica:
Submitted by: Caleb Schulze

First, you go to the green spider in the sewer (on main street). Return it to it's owner. Next,
Go down the well where you returned the pig. Go all the way to the top left and you'll get a
glow stick. Whe you get out, go in the sewer on main street again. Go all the wa to the bottom
left. You will be in a dark place after. Find the golden egg (not hard to find). Next, Go to
poptropica towers all the way to the left. Go all the way up that building till you see a vine.
Go up that vine. Click on the Giant. He would let you go. Keep going to the right till you see
a water bucket then collect it. Then keep going till you see a jet pack. Collect it. Go all
the way to where you returned the pig. Retrieve the water bucket to the guy nexy to the well.
Then go the the top of the grey bottle-shaped object with your jet pack. Get the flag. Retrieve
the flag to the guy on top of the palisade (witch it's a wall on tall poles). Go all the way to
the right. There would be a ship with a person on it. Click on the person. You would get: a
medallion, 100 credits, and your completion (cum-plee-shen)

How To Beat The Great Pumpkin Island:
Submitted by: sashaa_bee

Once you get to the Great Pumpkin Island, walk to the right and click on Charlie Brown.
Ask him the last question. Then keep walking right twords the pumpkin patch. Click on
Linus and he will ask you to help him find the fatest pumpkin and it has to be the heaviest.
Normally, it's the sixth pumpkin. Linus will ask you if you can take the pumpkin home for him.
Say "SURE"

This part is a little tricky. As you roll the pumpkin, try to stay with it and don't roll
too hard or too fast. Try to avoid the rabbit holes. Once you get to the log, push hard so
it won't get stuck inside the log. After the log, you will reach two small but steep holes.
Push your pumpkin slowly and there will be a checkpoint waiting for you at the second steep
hill. After that, there will be a swingset full of children. Try to get through it by just
running as fast as you can right through it or dodge each one individually. Then you have
reached your destination(Linus and Lucy)

Click on Linus and he will give you a trick-or-treating bag. Then Lucy will kill the pumpkin
and the screen will say Later That Day...
Linus and Charlie Brown will dispute(argue) about if the great pumpkin is real or not.

Go give the bag to Pig-Pen over by the yellow house(the dirty kid). He will give you a
lemon flavored sucker. You go back to the blue house and give it to Linus. He will give
you his invitation to the party. Grab the pen on the desk.

Get out of the house and walk left until you see the big pile of leaves. Click on Charlie
Brown and Snoopy(you) will blow five falling leaves in to the pile. Linus will jump into
the pile, then he will leave. Meet him at the mailbox. He will ask "WHERE DID I PUT MY
BLANKET?". You run back to what's left of the pile and click on it. You have to blow the
leaves away by moving your mouse. Click on his blue blanket and take it back to him back
at the mailbox.

Go back to where you found Linus's blanket and click on Charlie Brown. Him and Lucy will
dispute(argue) about football. They will need a pen so that Charlie will sign the document.
After you give him the pen, he will sign and try to kick the football but fails.
They will leave the football and you have to go and grab it. Walk to the left and stand
ontop of Snoopy's house and use the football.

You will begin a mission.
#1- Dodge the Red Barron's(Woodstock) missles within the time period of 1:00(one minute)
Click continue
#2- Hide behind stuff(rocks, dirtholes, rocks, grass, hay, tombstones, in a river, a
house) Then jump over the house and the lights will stop following you.

Go right. You will find a scarecrow with a mask on. Take the mask and put it on.
You will come across an old house. Enter.

Go to Lucy to bob for apples. Go to Charlie Brown and then the pumpkin to carve a
pumpkin. Go to Sally Brown to play pin the face on the pumpkin. Go to Schroeder to
play the piano. You have to pass all the games before you go trick-or-treating.

Once you have passed all the party games, you will end up in the pumpkin patch. Then
go left to go trick-or-treating. Catch all the treats you can but don't catch the rock.
After trick-or-treating, go back to the pumpkin patch and click use on your bag of candy.

Things will go on but you won't have to do anything else. Just wait around and
Lucy will give you your medallion!

Steps to finding Nessie:
Submitted by: NessieLuvr

 1.) Go to the pub and win the game of darts for the rowboat ticket.
 2.) Get a camera from the man in the pub
 3.) Go on the rowboat ride and take a picture of 'nessie'
 4.) Take the picture back to Mews
 5.) When Mews tells you the picture is fake go back to the rowboat guy and accuse him
     (He will run away leaving the boat empty)
 6.) Go back to the pub and win the sub ticket off the man over darts
 7.) Go on the sub ride and move the sub in the lower left ocean corner to find the nessie
     prop and take a picture of it.
 8.) Take the prop pic. to the guys in the pub.
 9.) Win the game of darts and when you don't get your prize take the whistle from the bar
10.) Go back to the docks and take the rowboat as far right as you can, blow the whistle
     and nessie will come up!
11.) Take a picture and bring it back to Mews to confirm Nessie's existence!


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