No One Lives Forever

No One Lives Forever

Cheat Codes:
Update by: bradley w

RAJEEVNAMBYAR, Submitted the following Information:

In game just press 'T' and then enter the following codes:

Result                        Code
fly mode                    - mpbirdy
All armor options           - mpyoulooklikeyouneedamonkey
All weapon upgrades         - mpgoattech
All weapons and full ammo   - mpkingoftehmonstars or mpmimimi
All weapons, ammo and items - mpsanta 
Current mission completed   - mpmaphole 
Exit game                   - mpmiked
Gore mode                   - mpexorbitantamounts 
Paintball mode              - mpflowerpower 
Restore armor               - mpwonderbra 
Restore health              - mpdrdentz 
Show game version           - mpbuild 
Spawn motorcycle            - mpracerboy 
Spawn snowmobile            - mprosebud 
Toggle God mode             - mpimyourfather 
Toggle position display     - mppos 
Toggle third person view    - mpasscam 
Unlimited ammunition        - mpwegotdeathstar 
Unknown                     - mphookmeup 
Unknown                     - mpcampos
Toggle invisibility         - mpwhoami
All maps                    - mpbeenthere
Temporarily invisible       - mpcam
Unknown                     - mpbreach
Unknown                     - mptriggers 
Unknown                     - mpboyisuck 
Unknown                     - mppoly
Unknown                     - mpfov
Unknown                     - mplightadd 
Unknown                     - mplightscale 
Unknown                     - mpcamera
Unknown                     - mpwmpos
Unknown                     - mpwpos
Unknown                     - mpteleport 

-=Note=- Submitted by: monkey
mpbirdy - enables fly mode only works in multiplayer

A Little Off:
Submitted by: Dj Simo

On the training part of "Harm's Promise" (before The Dive Sc1) there
something kinda funny... after you get the belt buckle go underwater
in the shallow part of the pool. Use the belt to fly up but before
you get to the top of the tower click again to release it. You'll end
up on top of the water and you walk around and stuff with out falling
in as a long as you don't look down. But you MUST be underwater when
you use the zip cord or it wont work.

Unexpected Turbulence: Hidden sequence:
Wait until you have to grab the chute. Before the scene fades out, shoot
the man with the parachute. In the intermission sequence, you should see
the man fall through the barn, and then see Cate fall through it. You will
lose the level, but it is funny to watch.

Stop Spinning:
When you are playing and type in god mode or lots of guns e.c.t. sometimes
you might start to spin if this occures type in MPINGEMUSTDIE and you will
stop spinning and if that doesn't work type in anything with a m. (But the
code helps you beat Inge also.

Easter egg:
Submitted by: Deepak

In misfortune in Morrocco, after you finish the first batch of assasins,
come out of the room. there you see a man trying to open the door. come out
of the room and you will see two windows. get on the first one and it will
fall down but nothing will happen. now come to the other side and jump on
the small strip which you find on the wall. Jump on the window and you will
find a secret item. proceed further and open the door. the guy outside will
thank you!.(if you have got the belt buckle, you can as well hook yourself
to the structure you find above the window and go up)

Tip 1:
In Alpine Intruge, you can use the snow mobile till you find the gondola
station. it will be easy for you to travel till there.

Tip 2:
If you find it boring to kill people with your guns, you can use the snow
mobile and run over them!!!(saves ur ammo also!!).

Tip 3:
Do not use the super atomic laser gun. it is powerfull alright, but it also
vapourises the men with their guns without giving u their ammo. so use the
ordinary laser which will not vapourise the guys.

* Even though they may seem redundant, the training missions will get you up
  to speed on using all your weapons and gadgets.

* Be very careful when trying to complete a stealth mission; even brandishing
  your weapon can blow your cover.

* Silencers and quiet weapons are very helpful. There's nothing worse than
  making a racket and having to deal with an onslaught of enemies.

* If your weapon has a scope, always use the zoom feature you will be able to
  take out targets with far more accuracy.

Flying motorcycles and snowmobiles:
Start a multi-player "H.A.R.M. vs. UNITY" game with motorcycles or snowmobiles.
Go behind a motorcycle or a snowmobile. Use your belt buckle zipcord on a target
to start moving up. Quickly use the motorcycle or snowmobile and you will board
it, and fly. To go higher, ride over hills.


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