Lost Planet 2

Lost Planet 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Slot machine passwords:
Enter one of the following codes to unlock the bonus.

Effect     Description                                     Password
T-Shirt 01 Famitsu Weekly Magazine T-shirt (red)          - 73154986
T-Shirt 02 Famitsu Xbox 360 T-shirt                       - 94372143
T-Shirt 03 Midnight LIVE 3601                             - 69088873
T-Shirt 04 Dengeki PlayStation2                           - 40358056
T-Shirt 05 Den Geki T-shirt (yellow)                      - 96725729
T-Shirt 06 Gemaga                                         - 21899787
T-Shirt 07 Monthly Game Japan                             - 52352345
T-Shirt 08 Black T-shirt                                  - 63152256
T-Shirt 09 Weekly Playboy T-shirt (pink)                  - 34297758
T-Shirt 10 Famitsu.com T-shirt (teal)                     - 88020223
T-Shirt 11 4Gamer.net T-shirt (green)                     - 25060016
T-Shirt 12 Two color T-shirt (Hall's original)            - 65162980
T-Shirt 13 Blue shirt with yellow Japanese characters     - 56428338
T-Shirt 14 Green shirt with WCP baseball cap              - 18213092
T-Shirt 15 White shirt with blue sleeves with face        - 26797358
T-Shirt 16 Purple shirt with "D" logo                     - 71556463
T-Shirt 17 White shirt with person holding Gatling gun    - 31354816   
T-Shirt 18 Street Jack (blue)                             - 12887439
Wesker character                                          - 72962792
Frank West character                                      - 83561942

Perform the following actions to unlock additional weapons.

Fire Cracker   - Reach level 30 with Femme fatale.
Machine Gun SP - Have a saved game file from the Lost Planet 2 demo.
Shotgun SP     - Reach level 50 with Femme fatale.
Shuriken       - Reach level 30 with rounders.
Akrid Launcher - Reach career level 50 with Snow Pirate Elites.
Energy Gun SP  - Reach career level 70 with Femmes Fatales.
Gun Sword SP   - Reach career level 70 with Rounders.
Hand Cannon SP - Reach career level 50 with Rounders.
Plasma Gun SP  - Reach career level 30 with NEVEC.
V-Device SP    - Reach career level 70 with NEVEC.

Custom Characters in Campaign Mode:
Complete Campaign Mode (on any difficulty) to unlock custom characters.
You can toggle the option on the character select screen.

Extreme Mode: Beat Hard Mode to unlock Extreme Mode.

Special Titles:
Perform the following actions to unlock additional titles.

BSAA              - Have a saved game file from Resident Evil 5.
Devil May Cry     - Have a saved game file from Devil May Cry 4.
Street Fighter    - Have a saved game file from Street Fighter 4.
Legendary Warrior - Have a saved game file from the original Lost Planet.
LP2 Dev Team      - Awarded from events, promotions, tournaments.
Mega Man          - Awarded from events, promotions, tournament.
Tournament Guest  - Awarded from events, promotions, tournaments.
Capcommaniac      - Have a saved game file from any three of Capcom games
                    previously mentioned.

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding skin.

Albert Wesker (Resident Evil series) - Already unlocked.
Frank West (Lost Planet)             - Have a saved game file from Dead Rising
                                       or the original Lost Planet.

Shield laser:
Equip a shield and get 2,000 T-eng. Hold Start + Select PlayStation3 or Start +
Back Xbox 360 to shoot a laser.

AI enemy battle:
Successfully complete all training levels and modes for both Basic and Advanced
training to unlock the AI enemy battle.

Rounders Faction Items:
Perform the following actions for Rounders Faction unlockables.

Gun Sword SP                - Reach level 70
Hand Cannon SP              - Reach level 50
Inter-Faction Customization - Reach level 80
Mercenary A Model Parts     - Reach level 1
Mercenary B Model Parts     - Reach level 20
Mercenary C Model Parts     - Reach level 40
Mercenary Leader Head Model - Reach level 99
Shuriken                    - Reach level 30
Waysider A Model Parts      - Reach level 10
Waysider B Model Parts      - Reach level 60
Waysider Leader Head Model  - Reach level 90

Femmes Fatales Faction Items:
Perform the following actions for Femmes Fatales Faction unlockables.

Carpetbagger FF Parts             - Reach Level 1
Energy Gun SP                     - Reach Level 70
Firecracker (SP Release Grenade)  - Reach Level 30
Jungle Pirate FF Parts            - Reach Level 10
NEVEC FF Parts                    - Reach Level 60
Sandraider FF Leader              - Reach Level 90
Sandraider FF Parts               - Reach Level 40
Shotgun SP (Confetti Shotgun)     - Reach Level 50
Waysider FF Parts                 - Reach Level 20

10,000 Credit Slot Machine:
Unlock every item in the regular slot machine to unlock a 10,000 credit slot

Plasma Gun II slashing beam:
Hold [Charge] until the Plasma Gun II is fully loaded and a beam will appear
from the weapon. Press [Melee] to slash with the beam.


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