Contract Jack

Contract Jack

Cheat Codes:
Update by: PCNGR
Submitted by: conner54

Cheat mode:
To enter the cheat codes below you need to be in Talk
mode. Normal key to get there is "T". Once there just
type any of the following:

Code            Result
god           - invincibility.
kfa           - all weopons ammo heath and armor.
health        - max health.
armor         - max armor.
maphole       - finish mission.
guns          - all guns.
poltergeist   - invisible.
baddaboom     - big explosion.
rosebud       - snowmobile.
ammo          - Full ammunition.
mods          - Scopes, silencer and camera zoom.
maphole       - Level.
skillz        - Get Skillpoints (Level 3-4).
pos           - Show Position.
build         - Show Version.

Playing with Widescreen Resolutions:
Start Contrackt J.A.C.K.'s launcher and go to OPTIONS.
Copy either the 16:10 or 16:9 line and past it into the command-line:

+screenwidth 1440 +screenheight 900 +fovx 100.38 +fovxinterface 100.38
+fovyuwmax 124 +pvmodelfov 65 +pvmodelaspect 1.439977

+screenwidth 1920 +screenheight 1080 +fovx 106.260208
+fovxinterface 106.260208 +fovyuwmax 124 +pvmodelfov 65
+pvmodelaspect 1.59995

Change the +screenwidth and +screenheight to match your resolution and
check the box next to [x]

Always pass command line arguments to the game.


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